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Liru the Lcpl.

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Everything posted by Liru the Lcpl.

  1. Did you know Ahoyworld has 6 different servers? Currently, only 3 of them are for the public, and the 3 others are reserved for events. Recently, there has been a massive influx of players to Ahoyworld for the past few weeks regarding EU 1 and 2, and I've even seen more activity on EU 3 via the teamspeak rosters. Ahoyworld is growing, and at its current state, from my eyes, it looks like it's pretty much at capacity with EU 1 and 2 easily reaching their player caps and staying at that for HOURS every day. So here's a simple suggestion: what if we turned one of the inactive servers and made it a full time Ahoyworld server for I & A, or branched off into another area of Arma gameplay such as Arma life, Exile, or wasteland? Adding another server would at least give players within the Ahoyworld community another option when both servers are full, and since the servers are already available, all that would be needed is a simple change in plugins and mission files. What do you guys think?
  2. NEXT EVENT: Unfortunately, that seems to be changing now... Recently, the local military has reported a massive increase of guerilla based attacks, from none at all to at least once a week. NATO has authorized a task force to land at Tanoa and deal with the threat... We have no idea what to expect ladies and gents, but these guys seem much more organized than other guerilla groups. There's word from top brass that "there would be no surprises" is someone was pulling the strings... Satellite activity has revealed a location of possible guerilla activity, but we can't know for sure until we get boots on the ground. It's time to see what the hell is going on in Tanoa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATO Primary objectives: -Eliminate the weapon cache: No one knows where and how these guerillas are being supplied, but destroying their source of weaponry would cripple their efforts for launching new attacks. Find their source of weaponry and destroy them. -Find and eliminate ALL of their leadership: It's clear that someone is funding and supporting these Guerillas. Find them and eliminate them. Depending on who they are, we might need reinforcements at Tanoa... CSAT objectives: -On first contact, survive for 20 minutes: NATO has arrived much earlier than we expected. Any attempt to make long range communications with base could be intercepted, and our black ops here would be for nothing. We must ensure that transportation is properly set up for our departure as well as our final plans are put in motion with our new friends. -Escape Tanoa: It's time to leave and regroup with command and let our work bloom into its full potential. At least one of us needs to make it out of here alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Did you read this right? Is that a PvP operation?!? Are those CSAT objectives?!?!?! Yes, yes they are. PvP is incredibly hard to balance, and so outright PvP isn't viable (especially with the negative externalities that can result of it), so instead, we're going to go a different route. FOR THIS OPERATION, FOR EVERY 6 NATO PLAYERS, WE WILL HAVE A CSAT PLAYER. Based on the numbers I generally get for these missions, we will most likely have 1-3 CSAT players, but who knows. More is better, and i'm hoping this operation will bring in a lot of interest so I can host more in the future. To be part of the CSAT, you need to SIGN UP HERE VIA FORUM POST. It'll be FIRST COME FIRST SERVE via forum post order. If you sign up to be CSAT and are chosen, you will also need to be here 30 MINUTES EARLY on teamspeak and the server for a small orientation, some simple set up, and for you to get to know the AO you'll be hiding out in and such. If you don't show up when you're supposed to, i'll contact the next person in line and so on. Also, people that aren't CSAT in this operation will have priority for the next operation (if we all want to do this again). If you are coming but don't want to be CSAT, please MAKE A POST HERE ANYWAY so I can take poll of who's coming to know how many CSAT players I need to bring into the server early for set up. Special rules: 1. All standard Ahoyworld rules apply 2. CSAT have to stay in the AO until the timer expires 3. the first 3 CSAT players can be medics so they can revive each other. If CSAT players die, they must rejoin as NATO. Each CSAT player will have a different escape route, but there will be plenty of vehicles for the escape. 4. Escape routes will be covered with CSAT in the orientation 5. When attacking the AO, NATO can only use ground transport vehicles and unarmed helicopters for transport. If the escape phase begins, NATO can use any vehicles of their choice, and they will be at the base spawn. 6. NATO can only use NATO gear, and CSAT can only use CSAT gear, BUT NOT WEAR CSAT CLOTING OR CAMO. CSAT MUST wear stealth suits, helmets, and any armor of their choosing. See you guys next Friday
  3. I usually host these things vanilla to promote more players, but within a few weeks I plan to start making a few operations to include a few like ACRE 2, ACE, etc.
  4. VAS is a mod, Arsenal is built into the base game... Ahoyworld offers both because best of both worlds... As for the CSAT gear, if you're dumb enough to wear CSAT gear and then be surprised if you get teamkilled... It's offered because...well I don't want to ruin the surprise...carry on...
  5. I don't know the official reason, but the FOB missions were creating a lot of problems IMO... First off, people RARILY did them. I think it's great that you found joy in doing them, and I agree that they were fun, but you'd find people doing them once every FEW DAYS at best. I & A's goal is to expand on what the playerbase wants, and so on Second, the clean up scripts with the FOB vehicles didn't work very well with each other. Often, you'd have a plethora of useless HEMMT trucks laying around and clogging up the vehicle spawn because you would (literally) have 20+ trucks that you'd either have to nag a Spartan or Admin to delete or demo them, which also caused a metric ton of server lag for a while until their wrecks despawned. And we all know what lag causes...
  6. Welcome to the Jungle! See you in the bush...or will you?
  7. Quick update: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE BASE ARMA INSTALLED OR ELSE YOU WONT BE ABLE TO CONNECT TO THE SERVER! No dev build or sneak peak builds! I have plenty of Tanoa stuff planned but I want to give Altis a proper send off!
  8. Well it's about bloody time!!! However, shouldn't our Ahoyverlords turn one of the spare servers into what EU 2 previously was for the time being for the influx of people that did play on EU 2 that do not have Apex? Basically, make a temporary extra EU 1 for the time being because EU 1 is going to be even more full than usual as people try to beat each other for that 59/60th slot that appears? Just a suggestion, i'm just going to go my Tanoa and fight in my jungle...hehe...
  9. New idea in the box incoming :3
  10. See, I've heard about this, and seeing how Ahoyworld's EU 1 and 2 servers are maxing in players and EU 3's TeamSpeak channel is always packed with at least 10 people for a majority of the day for operations, I was just curious if Ahoyworld was going to expand to the other parts of Arma to diversify. Some sort of PvE zed server with custom mods for hordes and enemy AI sweeps and the sort, sticking to the openness of AhoyWorld's community without adding too much toxicity that a PvP server would bring. Just a thought...plus I've been looking into exile and the nostalga from my Arma 2 DayZ days keeps giving me rushes...with adrenaline and fear...
  11. Once again, the CSAT variant is superior, I've never seen THAT before! However, I think we could use the Blackfish as a standard part of Ahoyworld for variety and an additional vehicle for towing capability (Huron + Blackfish = multiple tows to be happening at once!) while the CSAT variant should be a mission reward because let's face it, that thing is down right sexy...Seriously I'd go pilot full time if I could just fly that thing around, it's almost as mobile as my lil bird <3
  12. I remember one of my favorite missions of GRAW 2 (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2) was the missions "Get me Rosen". The first part of the mission was being inserted solo in order to take down a few insurgents, then demo a black hawk that had crashed in order to prevent the insurgents from having media coverage of with the black hawk in order to use it as propaganda. So when you guys have to make an emergency landing near an AO, why don't you have this option? I commend this recent rule change, and think it's a step in the right direction, but there are a few things that should be addressed and tweaked because of how playstyles occur on EU 1 and 2. First off, you RARILY see a repair specialist or an engineer outside of a vehicle group or a coordinated group of people on TS. They're freaking unicorns, and unless you know someone whos currently a R.S. or engineer, you're pretty SOL as a pilot, forced to wait around next to a downed chopper begging for someone to help because destroying it would be against the rules, but then again, you're going to be out there for a long period of time, not flying people to and from AOs, which is technically "not fulfilling your role", also against the rules. I've actually had to see 2 different pilots have to explain to admins why they were at an AO, simply because they couldn't go anywhere and were "waiting" for someone to be nice and drive or fly all the way to them to repair the vehicle, which doesn't always happen, and the pilot is forced to respawn or leave the server due to boredom. it's situations like what @Cebi has described that causes some pilots to be caught in a catch 22 within the rules, and forces them to be grounded as they try to wait it out for someone to go and help them. And let's be honest, no one really wants to play that R.S. or engineer role unless they need it for a vehicle. plenty of other people would prefer a more specialized combat role to get more action and bring different gear, especially since most people just get flown to the AO anyway. Also, no one really wants to have to be the person that assists in going out and spending their time repairing the chopper if they don't have to (that process is described in @Jason. 's post above mine). Now the tricky part: how do we fix this catch 22? There needs to be a change somewhere, but where should it be? I don't think we need any scripting changes here, I just think we should allow the ability for pilots to carry a few demo charges WITHIN the chopper in order to use them if there's no dedicated repair team available, just like the GRAW 2 example. Then, the pilot can just get a quick evac with the next chopper inbound to the AO, or extract with friendlies if the AO is completed. Just my two cents. On a secondary note, WHY DID YOU TAKE AWAY THE COPILOT ABILITIES?!? I know, pilots are the only ones supposed to be able to fly, but now, when server population is low during its off hours, you HAVE TO have someone as a pilot or else you have to freaking drive cross country to every AO (which I won't lie, I do it all the time, but to most people that like the convenience of the chopper this is a slap in the face...) Now, when the pilot roles are gone, and no one replaces them, the server's population tends to die off quick for the night... :/ At least bring the little(humming)bird's co pilot capability back, that way at least small groups can enjoy its utility if no pilot's are around... On a final note, there seriously needs to be some form of announcement for these types of changes. The only way people knew about this in advance (which was only a single day) was if they overheard one of the admins talking about the impending change, then the information spread like wildfire among the TS user base, which isn't the same size as the forum user base. All we need is a quick changelog in the News and announcements section, or even the I and A changelog which I will link below: http://forums.ahoyworld.net.www389.your-server.de/topic/726-aw-invade-annex-changelog-and-download/ This is an issue I have seen both with EU 3 changes and I and A changes, and I hate to sound like an ass here, but could you guys at least tell us what and when you're making changes to the game modes we play on your servers? Pretty please? Just Liru's 2 cents...
  13. Wait... wait wait wait... ... If Ahoyworld has multiple servers...and you decide to turn one into Tanoa... but you already have done this to make the EU 3 modded server... and you still have days where all of the freaking servers are full... how would the "new" server "split the community" It's the "fear of the unknown" aspect of human nature, isn't it >_>'
  14. I dunno man, 27.99$ for a new map, new campaign, new gear, for all the new hundreds of game hours it'll all add for Ahoyworld, Exile, and Roleplay seems like a decent deal....compared to that $11.99 for two helicopters crap...
  15. My two cents with observations: You're always going to need SOME form of command structure on EU 3 based on its rules, environment, and outstanding attention to tactical gameplay. If no leadership is available, you end up with having the EU 1 style infantry charges into the AO: very uncoordinated and always a bloody mess. However, does EU 3 need an ASL/CMD team for every operation? I'll be honest, I don't pick up in EU 3 that often, but based on my experiences, here and in previous environments, here's what I think. It depends on how many players are doing the operation. If you have 12+ people, there needs to be some form of leadership to give orders to the corresponding fire teams and vehicle assets, otherwise the offensive push can easily become a disorganized mess turning into an EU 1 style incident. Communication in these types of servers is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and as the commander, one of your jobs is to keep that communication clear for everyone. Such a task can be stressful to those unseasoned with the role, but we live in a world of choice. You DONT have to be the commander, and if you're getting stressed out in that role, maybe you should step down. It's alright to, it's just a game after all. ON THE OTHER HAND I see that the OP is mentioning what I have seen in other threads about the growing toxicity within the EU 3 community, which honestly does need to be addressed at some point. If someone's brand new to their role, openly insulting them is not only not going to make them a better player, but actually deter them from ever playing again. I also see a lot of reoccurring themes in this thread coinciding with another very recent EU 3 thread, and if you're interested in debating this information i'll link that other thread below for you: Now, if you have a small operation going on, 1-2 squads or fire teams, you honestly do not really need a command unit, and instead you can just have your squad leads coordinate with one another for communication. However, based on how EU 3 works, you could just fill the CMD unit and merge it with a different team, or form your own teams and carry on from there. On a final note about OP's mental health argument, the only reason you should be experiencing unhealthy amounts of stress from a video game is if you're in an MLG or PvP community fighting for money or your virtual life, and seeing as how this is a PvE environment where you can leave at any time...I mean I get what you're saying about the insults and the stress but honestly, in the end it's just a game, but if people are bullying you, just report it to an admin and move on. My thoughts, etc.
  16. Welcome to Ahoyworld, and here's a pic of what the guys in the chopper had to do after we crash landed >_<'
  17. Welcome to the forums, always nice to see a fresh face around here ^^
  18. And so, my glorious medic from Luetin's missions decides to join the forums. It's great to finally see you here Kyle :3 Operate Operationally... and carry a lot of AT...
  19. Welcome to AhoyWorld Swag. I look forward to seeing you in the fields of EU 1. Don't Die!
  20. Interesting statement, but nonetheless welcome. I see you also made two different welcome posts, so just be careful when posting things on the forums in the future See you in the field!
  21. Hey CodeToad! Welcome to Ahoyworld! Zeus sessions from Luetin are every Friday, but always check through the news and events for other Zeus based operations as well as other mission operations! We also have a lot of Zeus operations on EU 1 and 2 throughout the week! See you on the battlefield
  22. So I noticed today there have been some temp channels created regarding Exile in the teamspeak, and I was just wondering if Ahoyworld had any servers or any recommendations on which server to go to for that type of gameplay. Back in Arma 2 I used to love playing DayZ and its corresponding mods, and I would love to relive some of those days! Thank you for your responses in advance
  23. I should also mention that we have it running on a server for testing purposes, so feel free to join us on teamspeak for its info!
  24. Mission Brief: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright ladies and gents, today we will be assaulting a Guerilla occupied town, so keep your eyes open for civilians. Anyone holding a weapon of any kind is free to engage, and the Brass wants this town cleaned up ASAP. It’s been a thorn in everyone’s side for too freaking long, and it’s about time we took care of it. Get in, eliminate whatever you can find: enemies, weapon caches, armed vehicles, contraband, Castro's armed grandma, anything at all that can pose an issue for NATO operations. We also have some air support ready to provide CAS, it's not like the morons will have anything to take it down! Should be nice and easy for you guys… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primary objectives: -assault the town -get to the ghost hawk -keep the pilot alive until rescue arrives -destroy the Ghost Hawk -get out Secondary Objectives: -Destroy the weapon cache -Find and eliminate the source of the Guerilla’s Anti Air capability -eliminate their local leader -destroy their source of transportation Hey, it’s time for another Zeus operation! And no, we’re not doing Kavala again. It will still be on that private server like last time and you will have to be in TS to get the password. I’ll be upscaling the AI to the amount of people that join, and you can expect to have to organize in doing the main objectives while trying to tackle the side operations. Trust me, if you’re able to hit the side objectives, they will have major effects on the main objectives line. Also, if you manage to complete every side objective, I’ll drop some hints on what future Zeus events will be. I’m planning quite a bit over the next few months guys, and I think you’re all going to get quite the kick out of it all… No mods required, this'll be on Altis, yadda yadda. Set-up will begin 30 minutes before the event starts (3:30 pm EST, 19:30 GMT) to get everyone and everything set up, so please be on TS early, i'm shooting to get this all done within a 1-2 hour time frame If you’re interested, feel free to leave a post below! See you next Thursday
  25. Welcome to Ahoyworld! About time we had someone join the community that could shout Swedish insults at CSAT! See you in the field
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