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Liru the Lcpl.

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Everything posted by Liru the Lcpl.

  1. Welcome to Ahoyworld Blacklight! See you around and on the field!
  2. Yes, everything you need to know should be within all of these posts
  3. Specifically the sneak peak build, and I think we're all going to meet up in the EU 4 or Squad 2 channels because after this event is done Luetin09 will be doing his weekly Zeus operation. It's going to be a zeus filled day!
  4. *yawn* ok, i'll be nice... "How would I get to these servers?" EU 1's ip: Currently running base Arma 3 game EU 2's IP: (difference is the port number, those 4 #s after the :, so :####) Currently running sneak peak build "Do you know how to join Lt missions? What part of the forums would i go to say hello? I would really appreciate if can show me the ropes my steam gamertag Eliteguardians look for borussia dortmund logo. also how you get to EU 1 and EU 2 servers when i get on its nothing but empty servers or exile?" Lt is my abbreviation for Luetin09. His missions begin at 6 pm EST (which is 22 GMT). The missions are drop in, first come first serve, TS is mandatory. Make sure you use the direct connect feature. Also Lt hosts on EU 4, just search the word "Ahoy" in the filter menu and the peeps on TS will help you connect. Lt will give the password once the mission is ready. "Quick questions i have headphones how do you turn on the radio and how do use teamspeak? also im looking for eu server 1 and 2 cant find it." download teamspeak, then launch the application, then find the connect tab, then put this in the server ip: First time people have to configure a push to talk button or they can ask an admin to give them voice activation rights (it's to prevent trolls) Have a good one, see you in the field, yadda yadda i'm tired...funny pic time...
  5. Alright, PLEASE BE ON THE TEAMSPEAK 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE MISSION. I've gotten a lot of messages recently about a lot more people "possibly" showing up, and running the numbers together, if all of them do show up, I MIGHT NEED TO ADD MORE PEOPLE TO THE CSAT TEAM. Hence I would need to flash train them on their role in the mission and make sure they're comfortable in the field. I will also consider the people who are FIRST IN THE TS to be part of CSAT if we need added room. Also, if I could have some NATO and CSAT players record and upload their experience, that'd be great. I would love to make a video that also had links to both sides of the players' perspectives, and thus a viewer could see all spectrums of the action. Just a thought! See you all tomorrow! And thank you so much for your participation!
  6. *sips tea* ahh, good story, good specs, I think you'll do just fine in Ahoyworld! Welcome to the community. And PS. Lt's mission tomorrow will be on the sneak peak build for Arma 3 with Apex. If you need training, I encourage you to hop onto the forums and say hello, I've been training a few people recently for Zeus based operations, and I could always show you the ropes. However, I'd recommend just getting a feel for the game on EU 2 or 1, that'll give you the best bit of training via live action See you in the field Eliteguardians
  7. I know the feeling, some arma communities just go...so freaking sour and salty...not a good flavor at all... Welcome to Ahoyworld! Tanoa is currently being invaded by CSAT, but we can all grab a gun to counter them >:3 See you on the field!
  8. Welcome to Ahoyworld! The best way to get that AMAZING membership is to show activity on the forums, so this is a great step for you to take for getting membership! See you in the field! watch for Vipers...
  9. I wonder how you got the nickname EnragedTeddyBear...then again, I bet CSAT knows why... Welcome to Ahoyworld! See you in the field!
  10. Liru the Lcpl.


    2 words: viper squads...
  11. 1. Welcome to Ahoyworld, you'll quickly find the advantages of being on the forums wonderful (like being able to sign up for events ) 2. We need more melee combatants against CSAT, so we're going to deploy you in the jungles of Tanoa and you're going to use your Kuk Sool Won to kick their arses. 3. Welcome to the community
  12. Previously, on the walking dead....
  13. Welcome Battle Buddy! if you ever need someone to cover your 6, feel free to ask
  14. Our CSAT team will consist of a fire team of: -xSniper1982 -SimonKiller -Morgan -enxyo Stay alive boys, you only get one life
  15. Alright, alright, let me just outline a few problems, a little bug report if you will as feedback from myself and a few others from testing out the new arsenal. -AT specialists need to click on a titan rocket launcher, then immediately go to their backpack and add the missiles. Doing it in any other order won't allow you to add the missiles to your backpack. Titan AP rockets are also missing, but I'd be willing to bet that that was intentional... -The new nightvision/thermal goggles allowed in arsenal can only be equipped via arsenal, but if you bring them via inventory for someone else they get taken out of your inventory when you try to equip them because "you're not allowed to use this item" -Saved loadouts can't be loaded, even brand new ones you make with the new changes can't be loaded in if you leave the server. you're able to reload any loadouts you saved in your current session within the server however. -Deathstar UAV operator spawns with Darter backpack, but CANNOT get another one Via arsenal -Mine detectors spawn on engineer and EOD specialist classes but cannot get another one VIA arsenal. Explosive specialist spawns with 2 mine detectors. -the CTRG stealth uniform that isn't a Tee or rolled up isn't in Arsenal (one that fully covers the arms). Honestly I don't know if there was one to begin with but I've heard multiple complaints about not being able to have a full body stealth uniform additionally: -every class can still grab a UAV terminal via arsenal. If you're doing this for Luetin (which is just a rumor, but a possibility)... -Consider limiting the new Bergen backpacks to the AT class, there's no bloody reason to have everyone wearing the big new backpack, it'll just let everyone bring a sh*t ton of mags to the AO, something Lt is trying to put a stop to... -If this is for Luetin, don't give us thermal hiding gear. If you watch his streams, the only way he can quickly find the players when he shoots at them is with thermals, so you'd just be giving him something to complain about later On a final note: There needs to be a discussion about telling your playerbase about the changes you're dropping onto the servers. The issue has become an elephant in the room scenario, and it needs to be addressed. weeks ago there were some minor changes made to I and A regarding co pilots along with changes to EU 3's unit structure, and slowly more and more changes have been made right under everyones' noses. While everyone can appreciate edits being made to ensure improvement to the game (which we are all very thankful for <3), I humbly ask that there is a method in place for you to tell us (things said in a TS channel through its description, an announcement in the forums, an edit to the I and A changelog) because, from a member of the community representing many other members when I say this, it's starting to get a little annoying to join into one of the servers and find the carpet pulled out from under you... Just my two cents, I hope the bug report helped you in some way
  16. On top of this, Arsenal's arsenal has been given some limitations. Thank you for your time. P.S. how do we get mine detectors now...? P.S.S. They keep editing the thread title without asking or a given reason, it's quite rude! </3
  17. "Apart from that I enjoy shooting people in ARMA and racing Cars ;-) " Christ, he's perfect for what Ahoyworld's doing right now, give this man an Ahoyworld readiness medal. Welcome to the community buddy! I'll look forward to talking to you soon, I have some very interesting CSAT objectives for you to try
  18. There have been Zeus operations in the past that deal with these style operations, but something like this would be interesting to consider. Heck, the whole side objective area could use an upgrade, but i'd wait for I and A 3's release first, then we can make additions. Also, there might be a zeus op coming up within 2 weeks regarding an operation like this...*nudge nudge wink wink*
  19. All I ask is that you're on TS so I can give you the server info, and i'm sure there will be other members coming that you can link up with for a more milsim experience during this op. The more organized you are, the better the mission will play out
  20. As Sniper said, it's good to see you making your introduction Morgan. Also, that's a great pic for an avatar. See you on the field, and I believe you're playing CSAT next Friday, won't that be interesting?
  21. Hey Patrik, if you actually inspect your character in Arma, you can see a big red bullseye on your uniform. I mean, CSAT see it all the time, so if you look at the right angle, you should too Welcome to Ahoyworld! See you in the field!
  22. Ay, welcome to Ahoyworld! I hope to see you on the field as well!
  23. Wait...why am I last? I know those other guys are great but... I'm just messing with y'all It's finally great to see you here on the forums! Operate operationally and i'll see you in Tanoa! P.S. I got a pick of all of us from the last operation! ( (from left to right, Liru, Ezlan, Jockey, Shadow, xSniper, Hoffie92)
  24. Hey Cuddles! Welcome to Ahoyworld, and I look forward to seeing you around on Tanoa.
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