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Liru the Lcpl.

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Everything posted by Liru the Lcpl.

  1. So I already see a massive demand for one of them (offshore assault!) So I took the last hour to on and off work on something in a private server! Here's my progress: http://imgur.com/Ic66gAw I'll add this as an example In the main voter thread, but with some proper touch ups (and editing the effin ladders so you can use them and they're clipped into the main structure properly, this would be the idea i'm going for for an offshore an offshore assault. I'd add some smaller platforms around it as staging areas so you don't get killed on the ladders for the main platform.
  2. Great, but you do realize that there's a CSAT team of PLAYERS, right? XD
  3. Hey everyone! It's Liru here and I have a bit of a dilemma...It's nothing too major, but I have a rather serious problem... I have way too many freaking ideas, and not enough time to do them all! Yea, Zeusing takes time to set up, and I have found myself having less and less time on my hands (job went from 20 hours to 40 hours a week, started a summer class, started a youtube thingy, etc.) So I want to turn to YOU to know what I should be focusing my time on. I know I did a previous poll in the past to find a general topic of operations to do, and for the most part a lot of them have been done, but for this pole specifically, we're focusing on: TANOA! Above are the options already AND ITS MULTIPLE CHOICE, so below will be a quick rundown of what each one is. The most voted option will be seen in two weeks time, with the second and third ops within the coming weeks and such. SO HERE ARE THE OPTIONS: 1. Bridge defense: Simply put: NATO has to hold one of the bridges against a large CSAT force. Also, don't expect this to be over one of those two very long and narrow bridges that are already in Tanoa. Nonono, this bridge will be much shorter, but have much more lanes. Expect to be hugging your cover and a lot of AT and heavy incoming fire, so bring your medics and AT gunners! Vehicle support is available, but limited! Can you hold the bridge? 2. Offshore assault: Imagine an offshore platform and using SDVs and boats to get to the location. Make no mistake, this will be something truly custom and a bit of an experiment all around. NATO must get to the offshore platform and secure hostages that bandits have captured. WIll they get to the hostages in time before the bandits escape with them? (example image: http://imgur.com/Ic66gAw) 3. Jungle sweep: We all love the new lush jungles throughout Tanoa, right? Of course we do, they're CQB nightmares! So what if NATO was sent into the thick of the bush to fight Charlie (in this case, bandits) and drive them out of an area? Just some casual fighting through the woods. Expect there to be some sort of CSAT presence, however http://imgur.com/0mClSBP 4. Divide and conquer: simply put, you have two objectives close to each other, but on separate islands. Bandits have captured two hardpoints and it's NATO's job to take them back before the bandits demo them to hell! It's a research facility and a Tanoan info hub. Will NATO be able to get to both objectives in time? This is one that would require a larger amount of people and some proper coordination, but it would be possible to hit the objectives one at a time. 5. Classic Convoy: What's the best way to showcase the new vehicles? I think you know where this is going! Get from point A to point B with a CSAT device! Expect heavy resistance from bandits, paramilitary, and other forces funded by CSAT! Will you be able to get the device to NATO's research base? I'll be honest: all of these are tests on different aspects of Tanoa, but in creative and fun methods for the players. Thank you for your time and vote, AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK! Operate Operationally ladies and gents...
  4. Hey guys! I've decided to give a sneak peak on what Comm sight Bravo is going to look like. Let's just say a drone was flying by and snapped this image http://imgur.com/IOmO40g I've added it to the main post. CSAT briefing will be held within the next few days, most likely sometime between Thursday and Saturday.
  5. Hello and welcome to Ahoyworld! Luetin09 hosts on EU 4 every Friday at 22:00 GMT and sometimes on Mondays at the same time! See you in the field
  6. Then sign up for a role I'd prefer you to move to lead Alpha 1-3 since everything else is full, but your call!
  7. just sign up in the spreadsheet on the top of the post. We would be happy to have you!
  8. Captain, Welcome to Ahoyworld! If you want to really meet everyone, I'd recommend you come into the teamspeak channel! See you in the field! -Liru
  9. Hey RastaBambi! I would recommend looking into EU 3 for a more structured gaming experience, or if you really want to try millsim, i'd look into AHOSEC, a new Millsim unit being created in Ahoyworld that requires actual scheduled training courses before you can see any action. However, if you're looking for a more casual yet structured gaming experience, just hop onto the teamspeak, you'll find plenty of players ready to group up and take it to CSAT! Welcome to Ahoyworld buddy, and I hope to see you in the field!
  10. Yes, I know, only pilots should be able to fly aircraft *but* Ever since the change was made to take away co-piloting abilities for the Hummingbird (and a few other choppers), a dilemma was created similar to the repair specialist/engineer dilemma. When you have EU 1 or 2 with low population for the night shifts, it is very rare for someone to take on a pilot role just to fly those few people around, and once they leave, the server generally dies out for a time until a new pilot comes along. So why not bring the co piloting back just for the small transport hummingbird so those small groups can still operate together with solid transport so the entire team doesn't become completely dependent on a single person/role that isn't always available due to people not wanting to take the role. It is a "casual" server after all... Just my two cents, feel free to discuss. The only negative would be people abusing this feature during times of high server population, but honestly even before this change occurred I never saw any none pilot flying during these periods of high population. Looking forward to hearing your responses -Liru
  11. We've been talking about things like these for the past few months (just linking the discussion for flow) It's a good idea, but let's see if any opinions have changed. Personally, though I think the idea is a good one, it's a bit of a pain to implement.
  12. 'nuff said...err...shown... But hey, I get some real immersion when driving a vehicle in first person! AND the thermal energy residue from my battery ALSO toasts my bread without additional energy!
  13. *claps at the pun* I get it, mine was: "Ahoy Ahoyworld" So easy to make bad puns... It's some MLG guy on Ahoyworld, that's quite rare, but cool and respected nonetheless. Welcome to Ahoyworld's forums, I'll look forward to seeing poke your head in from time to time
  14. Liru the Lcpl.

    APC taking evasive action!

    PULL THE LEVER CRUNK! ... ... ... *crash* WRONG LEVER!!!
  15. Hey tibex, if you want more team play for EU 2 I would highly recommend you come onto teamspeak, or check out the coming events that are scheduled in the forums for some good team action. See you in the field, and welcome to the community
  16. Last time this was tested out, I beleive only two people could do it at a time and you would have to have a lot of coordination because if people tried to fast rope while people were using it, they would just eject and kill themselves (which honestly could technically work, have two medics fast rope, everyone else eject, then medics patch everyone up ). It is a good idea in theory, but with how arma physics work and how unpredictable they can be, it's not going to be the best of ideas... @Bloo Flar3 I have seen videos of what you mean and also agree with what you say about landing and fast roping. If you're coming under heavy fire, just land. It's quicker for everyone to bail rather than a fast roping system where only a very few number of people can use it. Sure it looks cool, but the only people who care about looks would be video makers and live streamers, hence why @Luetin would be very interested. All in all, it's a good idea on [email protected], but for what's available out there in the mods section for arma 3 and what's been tested and what's practical to currently use, someone would have to refine one of these plugins for proper use, and I think our good friend amd core staff member @BACONMOP deserves a break after all of those changes he made for making EU 4 glorious ^=^ Sent from my phone at me beach overlooking the ocean.
  17. Welcome to Ahoyworld Riley, i'll see you in the field!
  18. Welcome to Ahoyworld Befrog, EU 2 is the place to be for Tanoa, and we can use all the infantry we've got! See you in the field!
  19. The demand for good pilots is very high right now, i'd love it if you could make it!
  20. I'll add that to the main post now, it's on a private server on the sneak peak build. (I'm not cool enough to use EU 4 XD)
  21. This is funny, someone derailing a thread, making drama with people that outrank him, then asking for the thread to be closed. Cute. Why the hell did we get rid of the downvoting system...? FROM NOW ON, I ASK FROM EVERYONE THAT EVERYONE IGNORES THE PEOPLE CAUSING ISSUES ON THIS THREAD. Keep the conversation going on the topic, and ignore the ones who are clearly trolling for attention. Now, I actually think the current weight system on EU 2 would be better suited on EU 1 based on the map: For a map like Altis, it would be much easier to bear with these new changes as to ground vehicles can be implemented for use at every AO via driving. With ground vehicles, you can easily use them as a mobile resupply point, and with the added use of vehicles, repair specialists and engineers become a MUCH MORE VALUABLE ROLE, which also means more will be on sight at an AO if a chopper goes down and is damaged. Just some more two cents... #Veteran_of_forum_wars
  22. Welcome to ahoyworld, see you in the field!
  23. let's see...he's a member of Ahoyworld...he has a forum account...but he's a pie... Totally! just put your name on the sign up sheet and you're good to go!
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