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Posts posted by fir_nev

  1. 9 minutes ago, TheScar said:

    Spoiler for picture HMTT AA truck (it connects to carrier and/or base AA defense and is mobile deployable < not tested):

      Hide contents



    I am sold! We should put all our CSAT defence budget into this one!

  2. 1 hour ago, TheScar said:

    We saw pilots camping the jets spawns (to be first)


    Chronic behaviour after the JETS DLC.


    1 hour ago, TheScar said:

    Whats the point in having AT slots,tank crews,APC crews and whatever in this game when a single WASP can dominate the mission so easily.

    We might even never leave base again !


    @IOnceWasATeddy and I were en route to a side mission and it got taken out when we were only 3/4 there.


    1 hour ago, TheScar said:

    1 of those new things sorry,dont recall its actual name


    UCAV Sentinel?


    1 hour ago, TheScar said:

    change setup of AA battery to that new AAtruck to guarantee a solid AA threat by it


    There is the new AA truck?

  3. 5 hours ago, Barton433 said:

    I really like ARMA 3, especially like creating missions/using Zeus.


    Welcome. If U stay long enough, U can apply to be in the Spartan programme.

  4. 19 hours ago, Fletcher said:

    Any advice you would recommend for a complete newbie?


    Most importantly, identify your targets. Shift+T for tactical ping and CHECK MAP to find the red ping ring to confirm friendly or foe.


    Welcome. Hope to see more of U here and on both vanilla and Enhanced.

  5. 9 hours ago, Jason. said:


    From the dev branch today:

    • Tweaked: Third person camera in helicopters was improved 

    I haven't tested it but hopefully it will fix the issue and be on the stable branch soon


    Hopefully they did. Have yet to test it out too. I was getting motion sickness whenever I turn with third person because of the tight zoom.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Theronas said:


    Dunno, due to time constraint, i have only been able to play once after the DLC, and i went on AWE that 1 time. I haven't tried yet on vanilla or anywhere else.

    I'm very busy these days, i run multiple servers on the net, and i am performing major upgrades on them, so I don't know when I will be able to login to game again. Its taking all of my time. I might be able to try/login tonight and see.


    I have not yet logged in to AWE. Will try though.

  7. 1 hour ago, GamerbugUK said:

    Last night I decided to hell with desync and loaded up a prowler with AT and went sniping, not sure whre I've seen that before....


    Of course I taught U that indirectly with my videos. 1 missile, multikills! Funny thing is that chances of AT and AP missiles peeling away from their intended targets (at the very last moment) is very common nowadays! Crewmen, now have enough time before their armour explode.

  8. 3 hours ago, Theronas said:

    I don't know if its relevant, but one thing that happened to me after the DLC update was that all of my saved arsenals were gone. I had to re-do them and save them again from scratch. So far (based on me browsing the BI and steam forums), i'm the only one who had this problem (atleast i didnt find any other thread/post about this issue).


    Hmmm... Nobody complained about this. Saved loadouts on vanilla and AWE servers both affected?

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