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Everything posted by Colsta

  1. I'm really digging the whole idea of marine-style teams. I don't like change either, but it'd likely make playing Gauntlet (close to) a whole new experience for myself and others. Regarding the poll itself, I voted no. I really dislike the whole single unit squad system vanilla ArmA seems to use. It seems like a giant cluster.
  2. I'd agree with removing extras. Maybe keep one of each weapon from just one of the mod packs, of that's possible at all. Sent from my glorious Android.
  3. I wouldn't mind testing the marine style teams actually. Sent from my glorious Android.
  4. That's one way to get me to skip it to daytime.
  5. I'm not though. I live in that timezone. From what I interpreted from your post, is that you said in most of Europe it would be 22, when it should merely be one hour ahead of my timezone, so 21.
  6. But if you think about it, GMT is also in its summer timezone, so it's technically GMT+1, so it'd be 21:00 on a GMT+2 summer timezone. That's why I never adjust timezones for summer whenever I refer them. I always call it GMT+0 regardless. Less confusion in my opinion.
  7. First of all, welcome back. As for your questions: 1. No, but I can't really explain how it's different, I wasn't around during Patrol Ops. Basically you have a base and four objectives per map, that spawn one at a time. You go out, do the objective and either return to base or move to the next one. When all four are completed, failed or skipped, it goes into a voting stage for the next map. 2. Yes. Join in, pick a slot and play. Make sure to pick a slot that doesn't break the rules! 3. No. There's occasional training nights to help people get into the general style of gameplay and where they can learn good practices, their dos and don'ts, as well as how to use the basic mods (mainly ACE and ACRE), plus other specializations (medic, marksman, etc). You're not required to attend them to play on the server, but they're definitely recommended even for older players.
  8. If this follows previous training nights' general structure there will be training for radio and communication. Sent from my glorious Android.
  9. From my experience, ScarFace is pretty much this.
  10. I've done it. We were getting shot from a general direction. Someone picked up an AK, shot the target, then I shot them, because I didn't see them shooting the Russian, and since they were close enough to warrant an immediate shot but not close enough to notice he was BLUFOR, I killed them. Why? Because I saw the AK and reacted. Just because it doesn't happen that often doesn't mean the rule shouldn't exist. It's there for a reason.
  11. Yes, but what I'm talking about is if there's a medic treating the patient already.
  12. People need to get this: The first thing they should do if the medic's covered already is ASK the medic if they need help. If they say yes, they should ask with what. Otherwise, don't touch the patient and don't stand around them! The medic needs to be able to move around, he doesn't need 5 people staring at the victim.
  13. Bit off-topic, but: Keep in mind EU#3 is not milsim. I can't stress this enough.
  14. It's been like this ever since David took over. We have seen a visible increase in Administrators, EU#3 Moderators and Field Ambassadors.
  15. All of those have been previously done in training nights, except CAS/Transport. And that, from what I've heard of the most experienced pilots is something you'll only really learn by doing it yourself. I.E. landing without your gear on - it's a mistake. I'm sure they know they have to put their gear down, they probably just forgot because they're not used to playing as a pilot. Now, do we need more training nights with those same topics? Perhaps. Admittedly, I haven't played EU3 in about a month, maybe longer, but most players I see on the server have been here long enough to have attended at least one training night. The problem is it's always the same people attending them, plus maybe a handful of people who actually want/need to learn. Those that really, really need it don't show up.
  16. To deploy the mortar, you put the tripod on the ground, equip the tube, walk over to the tripod, and the scroll wheel option should be there to assemble it. Sent from my glorious Android.
  17. Because everyone else can use scopes that have it, but people want sniper scopes on their Marksman rifles for some reason. Sent from my glorious Android.
  18. Despite disliking AK scopes in general, I'm with Fraggloid there, in which I had the most fun commanding people as a Russian.
  19. I never said otherwise. They can do, believe me. I can hit targets at ~800m with an RCO, so can GhostDragon. It's not as practical as a scope with more magnification, but it's doable. You just have to be good at it. Yes, I figured as much, and I never said the AMS is NV compatible. I just stated a doubt whether it had NV integrated into it, like the ACE RCOs. Light travels a loooong distance. You don't need to deploy them at 800m to see at 800m. When necessary is the key point there. If you can move the team closer and engage more effectively why have the Marksman taking pot shots from 800m? As you've said, So... a good team/squad leader would take that natural advantage to engage more efficiently. Which would bring the team into supposed flare range... I think you get my point.
  20. No, but this topic is about EU3. Sent from my glorious Android.
  21. The main point of a marksman is to both extend the effective range of his fireteam when necessary - which should not be engaging anything above 600m, and bring more firepower by using a higher caliber rifle (such as a 7.62). I believe ACE's don't work with NV Goggles, but they do have integrated NV - at least the RCO (2D) does. Never heard of the NVS, then again I don't look through scopes too much. The AMS (a so-called "sniper scope"), for instance, has a red dot on top of it which you can switch to (just like the RCO 2D), so it's very usable in short range fights. Unsure if it has NV integrated in it though. But many suggestions to counter this have been given. Have someone use flares, for instance. This whole topic is why Marksman isn't a beginner role.
  22. That's why you establish rules of engagement. And if they don't obey it, they're breaking a rather important server rule.
  23. What you just said makes a whole lot of sense, actually. Today I did notice I couldn't load someone's new avatar, but it was only today. It never happened before.
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