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  1. Hello @Xwatt, Everything You have stated in your post is correct and I will not deny, argue or need any further clarification. I am deeply sorry that my actions of yesterday's involvement of playing on AhoyWorld EU#1 servers were presented me as madman, ruining gameplay which I've cherished the most. Plant.
  2. Well I'm sure it will be good morning for you all players on AhoyWorld. Yesterday, June 18th, I have decided on my own hand to test the limits how far I can go trying to disrupt normal gameplay. I wanted to contact certain admin about my intentions but I knew I would receive a "no-go" and "are you serious?" response which any normal person would tell me. I was determined I need to do this how absurdly it sound. Yes I could have brought what is happening on server through forum discussion, I took pro-active path, which everybody will find wrong as it should be. This time, putting emotions aside for this community, I'll start digging into my own hole. The profile name I was using in this act is HadesTookSh'tTooFarSon. Here, I am not talking about teamkilling, hi-jacking vehicles, intentionally blowing objects up, crashing birds. or any other abnormality Admins try to prevent. There will never be intention of doing that. There will be only verbal abuse towards players of AhoyWorld server EU#1 using Arma3 Side Chat. There was no particular abuse towards any player, it was bashing of words on chat towards players in general. I have been addressing pilots as "Hyenas" and "Peasants" for players. I have found out that those words can do passive-aggressive statements among players. If any of players found that to be addressed to them directly, I am really sorry, it was not my intention. I have tried the most to stay on path and do not go direct. It was really hard for me since I have never done this. With this statement, I am apologizing directly to AW community, players that were present at time on AhoyWorld EU#1 Server and certain Admins and Spartans. I am directly apologizing to Admin/Spartan who flew Neophron CAS Jet which I was inciting to shoot me when I found that he was strafing ground where players have been moving. I have told him: "Shoot me instead and not my fellow peasants." Which as human urge will execute in the end. My solely intent was to provoke normal course of action of AW admins as they are instructed to do. No matter who it is, no matter at what time, and no matter why. I was certain that they will send me message to stop immediately, sentences like "What are you trying to accomplish?" or anything... I have received nothing. The only thing I have received is from Zeus my first and second profile name after some time. Those names are Plant1ng and HighJudge. It saddens me the time it took that I've been addressed. I was not sorted out properly at once. By that time I have ruined gameplay to other players. That happens on server. And I do not like when it gets overlooked. I'm not here to teach Admins doing their job. That was not my intention, they had good teachers. I came from them. But to be more active I will object. Side chat should be available in logs to give Admins better perspective what was happening on server. Now as I'm closing this statement, normal course of action at hand are stripping me off AW tags. I have failed to represent what AW member is and is not in accordance to certain rules. Which also leads to other measure as I am here confirming I was breaking certain rules. I leave that to Admins and STAFF of AW. No matter who it is, no matter what time, and no matter why. I have acted alone and no other player/person was involved in this act. Of this act I was well aware of consequences it will bring in the end. Wish you all pleasant day, Plant
  3. I need some specifics here. Screenshots would help  https://imgur.com/a/qRF6nzB I've included names of objects. +added ending of walls where they're missing. If it's possible that atv can pass through that obstacle, then maybe we could put also invisible wall with right parameters? This obstacle isn't visually obstructive. Yup, love it https://imgur.com/a/54vIeSW I'll send you composition on request.Placed them in separate layer. If need be can change the color of tent etc. All objects can't be damaged and simulation is removed from all but stretches. IIRC you can then lay down on them. So for healing purposes, when you lay down, miracle ensues: You are healed. Balance is the current priority. Right now there are at least two 4-man anti-air squads in each AO. I'm not anxious to add mandatory Tigris to each AO because those vehicles will also shred players. I would like to find other solutions to address your real issue, which is that AT players and CAS players wreck an AO by themselves. If those players are not there and you balance around them, then the mission becomes extremely difficult for regular squads. Yeah you are right about Tigrises being meat grinders, maybe if you can implement more than two AA teams? They behave funny since they need whole time in world to lock on. Either that or sub-objective SAM sites. But this is not a priority. Feature: 1.7 Modification: Change mission file so rain is none. Sometimes it is nice when it's raining but we always bug zeus to remove it. It drastically kills performance. Fog is none. overcast idk. Let's just hope it won't rain Bug: 2.10 When hunter on spawns go into ground. You can't move it or anything. In addition to my PM explanation. https://imgur.com/a/lgLxGjB
  4. IA4 29012019 feedback: 1. Features 1.1. Implementation: Of First Aid Station instead of green watchtower in main terminal base. Watchtower is useless to us. I don't even watch it 1.2. Implementation: Everybody can take c4 block but they need to be purchased. Let's say 1000-2000 RPs. Sometimes we don't have engineer on server. Satchels are restricted to engineers. 1.3. Implementation: Pilots can take MK6 bags. If pilot is out of tasks he can deliver ammo to mortar. Same goes for other deployables. Does FSG team have option to take other deployables? Mortar guy can always go back at base to replenish, but it's time consuming and players don't like to do that. 1.4. Implementation: at least two Tigrises on every AO which spawns. Or even SAM sites. You can't enforce "CAS is called on request" if there's no admin. Players are too "Itchylittletriggerfinger". This makes Armor, and AT roles useless since Wipeout does what its name say. Or other solution is make Wipeout and Blackfoot service time more. 1.5 Implementation: Side Mission : Intervene in guerilla camp. Obviously wreck them apart but they also have BTR which is guerilla camo. Only cosmetics. 1.6. Restriction: Pilots can't drive ATVs, prowlers and hunters. They do mess around base and leaving them on runways. In process they do not respawn. Let pilots stretch legs a bit. 2. Bugs 2.1. Wreckages sometimes aren't cleaning up. We had blown BF on runway and it stayed there. 2.2. Side missions bugs out after couple of them. Check RPT I've sent you, I could've not found it. This is the most crucial part of IA4 that needs fixing. We had similar problem on EU#3 also. Side mission just stops spawning. 2.3. UAV of side mission is movable object. Players catapulted it with Panther to nearby town resulting in temporary side mission distortion. Players reported they couldn't find "Retrieve intel" option in scrollbar. Make UAV non movable object. 2.4. Arsenal boxes to non-movable objects. Players flip them with vehicles. 2.5. RPT: unable to get pylon icon'heli_attack_01' MFD for 'PylonRack_12Rnd_missiles. In PM I've explained to you the process of pylons. It works when: Pilot and Co-pilot exit BF. Pilot does all the adjustments to pylons. Co-pilot doesn't touch BF while on service area. I've had dozens of successful repairs, re-configurations, and "brrrttt" fully restocked following this procedure. Players tend to bug out BF when both pilot and co-pilot touch it at same time. How would it be to use only programming system or pylon system and not both? Maybe they bug out BF also. I need to test it more. I have no knowledge of Wipeout since I don't touch that thing. 2.6. When you are rich and buy new Blackfoot with RPs, you can't Re-program it or use pylon system. Also explained. 2.7. Adjust "passing-barrier" on helipads zone. Sometimes we stuck trying to pass. Especially pilots. 2.8. AI is weird and won't engage. Can you adjust awareness of AI in AO? When they spot you, then they storm you. Otherwise, they are chill AI. 2.9. After couple of deaths, mod "re-stock" magazines stops working. Re-log helps. Sorry I haven't saved logs for this. - AI enemy Jets are awesome and they do their job to the letter. - Paratroopers are also nice touch. - Mortars are awesome, So you've managed to implement nightmare from EU#3. grrr I've asked you before if you could leave IA4 current version on EU#2 so we can test it whenever we can. EU#2 is always empty atm. Personally I've enjoyed IA4 since it reminded me of teamwork we had on EU#3.
  5. Plant1ing


    Haha I see that blockades are still a thing. AWesome
  6. Ahoy all, (this text doesn't have any new ideas, just my general opinion - save you some time hehe) Game is old, and players steer to new games as @Ryko said it. ( I'm too lazy for quoting, sorry Ryko). Last time when I was playing on AW servers was like a month on EU#1 constantly like every day. I did not care about what type of gun I had or what vehicle I'm in. What outfit or loadout I'm carrying. I've played and happily joined on EU#1 because of players. After a lot of AOs, I&A seemed monotone. And it was. But that boredom was always beaten by good teamwork and fun to play with players who cherish to achieve same goal. Even lame as it is: Clear AO. We just don't shoot Armamen's. We talk to each other while trailing together or mocking our driver while he flips his vehicles like numerous times. Those moments for me were golden. We have been all kicked with same nostalgia about earlier days of EU#3. And as more we emphasize on those old times, we won't be able to reach same satisfaction on playing today. You cannot achieve "greatness" of old days by living in past. You need to comprehend them and move on. Live for new moments even as small as they may become. A lot of you and including me are saying just give us radio, ACE and RHS and we are set. This needs to stop. We were constantly running AW staff in circle and even now. I wonder even if we have those three core mods, how long when discussion for more mods would come in again. So please don't blame arsenal or staff for whitelists and whatnot. They are actively listening to community and I haven't seen other communities that give supportive attention to new ideas. But we have to fruit new ideas. I know I've said not return in past, But just an example on topic of arsenal/faction problem: Remember Fallujah. That linearly stupid map. Why everybody loved to play on it? It was easy to come to location, no brainstorming, move in convoy, slap couple of wheels, receive IV from your medic and RTB after at least two deaths. Simple and yet ton of fun since you'd chat with other players. So no, In my opinion, arsenal is not a problem. Yes I've heard players on EU#3 saying that they feel handicapped not having their faction. For me it never mattered. It just adds stuff I don't pay attention to. Even vehicles, if it can bring me from A to B. I'm fine with that. So no, in my opionion, factions are not a problem. What we needed was diversity of gameplay. Stiletto delivered. Ton of diversity. After time it seems repetitive. Fine return tomorrow, fun again. And after a while, around EU#3 corner you can hear: "Gauntlet was the best" again. ? Summer, when I had little bit of free time, I went to play other game since nobody was on AW. Friend contacted me and asked me to join on EU#3. I was really pleased and honored since I thought I left good impression on that person while introducing him to EU#3. I was very sad since nobody was onto it. I've spent countless hours on EU#3 even when only two people are present. 10 am morning - No problem. We rolled. I guess by my weakness last paragraph nostalgia kicked in under all my efforts to avoid it. Heh. And now, when I'm out of the loop for almost half a year, I'm afraid I don't know the answer on how to attract new players. Shout out to my beautiful AW Community. Plant
  7. Stiletto 055: Issue 1: Kill HVT AO. If the HVT is killed by players, and if for some time (maybe cleanup script) the body has not been identified, the body can't be identified but it will stay on the ground. So entity of body is there but the entity for checking if that is our objective is not there. Task can't be completed. If we remember this correctly, Gamenight 9th this March (Malden) also had the same problem. We killed him but we weren't sure where did we killed it. There were smoke around to check bodies but we couldn't identify it (holding space). Issue 2: Spawn point spawned by SLs is bugged and spawns at bottom left corner. Tent animation is at it's location where the spawn point has been put down. https://imgur.com/a/MgceL Issue 3: Intel reviewing over the LR says that somebody else is also reviewing the Intel at same time which is not true. More info as I test it more. EDIT: I'm pleased to say that AO deploy Comm Array worked flawlessly. IT spawned additional mechanized infantry and continued in noticeable timeline.
  8. Yeah Ryko, but I've written the procedure and when "any" happened. So I've reviewed intel from civilians (only trading in this test) and in the procedure. I had two intel, when i reviewed it, it said it was garbage and spawned "any" in check intel list. So from two I had three intel if we count "any".
  9. Issue Misison: Stiletto Lythium 01_054 Number of AOs present: 2 Description of issue: After taking Intel as Intel Operative from civilians, I've retrieved three intel. First was and only in intel carried a "hanful of notes". After reviewing mentioned intel, it shrank space of it. I've continued to gather intel from two that were wounded. I've picked up intel, than bandaged them. In my inventory i had two intel carried: a couple of photographs and second was something else (it wasn't radio, notes, or gps; maybe it was single photo but I can't be certain). I've started with that "something else" which bugged out the location of AO "Destroy Cache November", which was far south from my current N location ( the area was east from only green circle on map and it was taking part of green circle). The AO bugged out and changed its location to left down corner. on to last intel. At first Xroads said that intel is garbage. Then I've reviewed same intel again (a couple of photographs) and it updated same AO Destroy Cache November, the one in South, retaining same position, lower left corner and shrinking space. QST: Is it possible that intel is area dependent? If I gather intel near or in radius of certain AO, it will only effect that intel. Maybe that's the reason it bugs out other AOs. QST: What about intel subject as type dependent? Radio and gps for AOs : Capture Papa and Eliminate November; photographs and notes for Camps and caches? LINK: I've attached map of particular AO for better understanding. Red "Picasso" circles are where the AO should be. UPDATE: -4th intel well leafed notebook: Retrieve enemy supply crate: shrank correctly -5th intel hastly drawn notes : Retrieve enemy supply crate: shrank correctly. *one of intel is showing as "any" - i don't recall having or receiving that - maybe it was that "garbage from before" = it reviewed "any" and reported as garbage. -6th intel flashdrive: Retrieve enemy supply crate : shrank correctly. -7th intel flashdrive :Retrieve enemy supply crate : shrank correctly. -8th intel smartphone: -9th intel smartphone NOTE:from 5 to 7 intel i was reviewing them immediately after i pick them up. Intel 8 and 9 were first picked up, then reviewed at same time NOTE: as you can see in attachment "any" showed after i've picked up 8th and 9th intel REJOIN same location. I think civilians are resupplying with intel, which is nice (probably new spawneers) -10th intel - mobile phone: -11th intel - a couple of photograhs: NOTE: gathering 10th and 11th I was trying to recreate after my dc but the intel didn't do anything. it said I have those two intel, but I couldn't review them. I have option only to check intel 12th intel - well-leafed notebook: NOTE: now I have three intel in my possession, but I don't have an option to review them at all. The check intel self-option now has showing: mobile phone, a couple of photographs, "any", and a well-leafed notebook. --Thanks to my ISP and DC I haven't reviewed Intel from smartphones. So this test remains pending. QST: maybe it bugs out as how much intel you carry and in what order are you using it. Maybe one-by-one approach should not bug out AOs QST: Is it possible to limit how many times AO can be shrinked? the 6th intel changed the location of AO. Maybe it couldn't represent it on map on pinpoint location, so it changed its location? UPDATE: Minipily (vortex slot) helped me out with intel tranfer. So I gave him 5 pieces of intel + 3 "any". He reviewed one of intel but nothing happened. After checking one intel he transfered remaining intel back to me. I was still unable to review it. So when intel bugs out, it bugs out to all roles https://imgur.com/a/qitWM
  10. How would you approach the problem of creating AO about patrol of one particular area (a quadrant) and having occasionally enemy infiltration? The AO would be time-based. AO starts the countdown to AO complete status when first BLUFOR asset enters marked area. Then, if players are killed or they willingly exit marked area, second timer kicks in that tells you have minutes to populate marked area; otherwise AO is failed as there is none to patrol and send intel about marked area. This requests need to coordinate the inserts of players in marked area. AO can create like I saw weapon stash where civilian can arm themselves, so special approach to civilians is mandatory (this is also maybe already in effect by current Stiletto release since you are in hostile environment). We still have problem to solve by talking to civilians and searching vehicles. What can cause the problems, that can error out mission: Enemy waypoints or positions where they are spawning and how they move Every timer is heavy CPU tasking for whole mission which can create server lags or even crash. - Any idea how to approach this without using timers for ins-outs and general AO timer? Sometimes resulting not shooting a single enemy which some players can find time consuming and boring, some can find it clear team 6 type and go full stealth mode. The creative nature of player is at his disposal how he wants to approach the problem. What this AO can do: It can learn us how to approach the problem It can learn us how to observe and read environment around us Improve social skills and conversations around players - small talks while walking. = better teamwork. No this is not social experiment Making checkpoints and guarding them while still sending patrols. For this a greater number of players must be present on server. Imagine Logi Team bringing sandboxes or just vehicles (how cpu intensive this can be?) and creating small outpost while there is another team patrolling marked area Greater exchange of Intel about AO between BLUFOR players. You need to constantly monitor enemy movement, inform over radio their presence and preparing either ambush or engaging them to full extent. This AO is somehow mix of well known "defend the Town" AO while first occupying it (in our case, AO insertion), with a twist that you are who needs to move around AO, gather intel, ask civilians, demo weapon stashes, engage in combats
  11. I think I'll learn by now always to triple check if I have radio in inventory. . I had 50 fps when mission restarted which i have never seen on EU#3 before. Which is nice. The only thing I dislike is weather overcast. Like I don't have enough problems with NV But ye that is Arma.
  12. Regarding RADIO problem. Mission Mod : Stiletto 1. LYTHIUM mission 01_05x. Haven't tried to recreate on LYTHIUM 01_051. The radio RF7800 disappears from inventory. When I've realized on AO I didn't have radio I haven't been worried too much since I was close to RHS's HMMWV and I've picked up same RF7800. Programator was present inside of inventory. I've placed HMMWV's RF7800 inside my inventory. By clicking SR radio key for checking, it was present. When I've reached my team I realized they are talking to radio but didn't hear anything. I've checked again by clicking SR button and nothing happened. I've opened inventory and again, the radio RF7800 was not present. This is to take consideration and note that not only arsenal box blocks radio but something else is also fiddling with it maybe. 2. TEMBLEM and LYTHIUM. Radio PRC-152 is present to AR, LAT, Rifleman, TL. Should be Blacklisted. But what IF SL is KIA and we need to assume command or report last position of squad? Can it be picked from the ground (regarding arsenal blacklist) without blacklist rule removing it from our inventory? Does blacklist inventory only work around arsenal box or is checking all the time inventory of player what is present in it? Maybe this is connected with problem no.1? Thank you for 051 update and subject under list 7. "And there shall be no Air, I became the Flyswatter." - a PS2 proverb. Edit_1: If there will be more enemy Air. Where are we going to equip FIM-92? LAT,AT,Engineer don't have that option in arsenal. Edit_2: What breaks radio presence in inventory. I join TL. Load up my saved loadout where radio RF7800 is present. Everything works, radio is present. I switch to LAT same team. Wait till it loads, access arsenal but don't touch anything. Still with loadout which is preconfigured and radio is present. Switch role again to TL. Go to load my loadout. Loadout loads but there's no radio in it. Programator present. Role TL > Load saved loadout for TL > [RADIO WORKS] > Change Role to LAT, wait till it loads [RADIO WORKS] > into Arsenal, don't touch anything, exit Arsenal> Change role to TL, wait till it loads [RADIO WORKS] > Into Arsenal, load my saved TL loadout, exit Arsenal> [RADIO DOESN'T WORK] = radio not present. Edit_3 : By default TL's preconfigured loadout equips PRC-152.
  13. Hey guys, A lot to talk about. We had some step ups while also having some step downs. That doesn't mean we haven't moved on. There are certain changes. As of now, there are as of yet still issues with RHS and our Repo which I'm sure its our Admins no.1 priority in next set of days when RHS fixes their part. Gauntlet 0.46 and 0.47 were out before these changes but it has not being discussed at all. Most of the time Gauntlet 0.47 remained dormant while transition occured. More information about this check our Repo changes. It had some mods on EU#3 like chestpack but it's matter of past now; it was only provisional and for a short time while also not working at all on EU#3. -New mod packs trought Gauntlet (full list of latest mods and chages can be found on our repo directly; or on our repo changelog Here are Gauntlet's changelogs: Gauntlet 0.46 with changes from 0.46A to 0.46H. - Added "No Commander nag screen" in parameters w/ enabled by default. - Reverted back to 5-men team composition. - Added enemy mortar for some AOs. - Three step modification trought 0.46 with mortar precision and ROF modifications. - Added map Zargabad 0.46F-0.46H with corrections to the Main Base and AO location spawns. - Added civilian spawn option around players vicinity with civilian cars. Gauntlet 0.47 - Added "Zeus has ascended" message when Zeus is online. - Container near medical facility now contains medical supplies. - Civilians with cars added to all maps available /w enabled by default. - Aestethic rework of arsenal boxes. - Tweaks around Ambient OpFor. - Modified AO: Destroy Tank Platoon. - Fixed AO:HostageRescue dependency on civilians spawn around players (Hostages won't spawn unless Hostage parameter is turned on. - New maps added with re-works for Takistan, Sahrani, Zargabad and CLA Clafghan. Gauntlet 0.47a - MainBases have decent illumination around crucial locations. - Message "Zeus has ascended" has been disabled. - Modified trigger for medical facility heal on Fallujah 0.47a - Modified AO spawn locations on Fallujah 0.47A for AO:radar; AO;RadioTower - closer to main town, less markers around desert. - APEX weapons whitelisted w/o uniforms for West and East factions. - New script for cleaning items, weapons and equipment from floor. - Complete re-work of Stratis with MainBase at Kamino (latest 0.44A2 /w Aircraft Carrier). - New map Takistan Mountains 0.47a. - New maps that are ready and under review: Malden 0.47a, Nogova 0.47a and Everon 0.47a. - AO:CaptureFighter removed from map Everon 0.47a. Some Issues around 0.47a: - Takistan Mountains 0.47a spawns BluFor planes in lower left corner of map. - My personal fault :/ - Needs to fix location of medical facility trigger for AO:HostageRescue and AO:PilotRescue on Fallujah; currently outside medical facility, near medical container ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All mission creator credits go to owners of COx_Gauntlet: Pfc.Christiansen and BACONMOP All update and modification credits go to Ryko. As always; report any problems with Gauntlet in this thread. -Plant
  14. Mission: Gauntlet 0.47a Tanoa Main Base Location : Aeroport de Tanoa Hello AW. These are some insights and information on Gauntlet for Tanoa map. We all awaited this map to come out so we can explore jungles and villages of Tanoa Islands. We have been to Chernarus which has "baby hills", or Takistan elevated hills but no vegetation, all even all around Altis which is playground compared to Tanoa. The question: Is Tanoa ready for current Gauntlet version? Be aware these are not a full list of problem that can arise with terrain of Tanoa. Major of AOs have been tested but everytime another set of small issues rise up. These are one of general. --First problem will probably be topographical location of towns. Detailed:Now, we had previous towns along the coast but this map has plenty. When Gauntlet spawns ground units sometimes they end up in the sea, they either abandon vehicles or swim to the coast. Once, it spawned remaining forces inside MainBase with destination to current AO. --There are also issues with MG nests in AO:clearCamp where it can spawn camp also near coastline. Detailed: Since MG nests are far away from the camp they can also spawn in water rendering them useless. Reducing MG nest distance from camp can be done, but it defeats the purpose of having MG nest. --Difficulty of terrains Detailed: There is a lot of unreachable locations for AI, difficulty of terrain is major concern for this map. While it looks wonderful and eye appealing, AI is not that smart so it can introduce problems like EU#2 running Tanoa atm which spawns AI inside rocks, or they can just stuck somewhere else. --Some AO refinement Detailed: There are some AOs which needed refinement. I've managed to sort out with help from @Ryko AOs like AO:captureFighter which now includes four randomized and possible locations of aircraft spawn --AO:destroyRT, AO:destroyRadar positioned into valleys. Detailed: Major of highly elevated areas are covered into rocks and vast jungle -- AI movement: Detailed: A lot of terrain is unreachable which also reduces the movement and deploy of AIs. Especially with vehicles, there is a lot of dead-ends across the map. Just observing enemy ground vehicles will immediately point out the problem: Vehicles going onto road and then they just stop on the end of the road. End waypoint for them is probably somewhere on top of hill or in jungle. They will need vehicles with bulldozer type of equipment. They could also start new business deforestation. It is possible to alter AI spawn with reducing ground vehicles in half but introducing aerial units with each AO. AI shouldn't be that stupid in having only ground assets in area so unapproachable like Tanoa. -- Possible player's frustration on higher level. No details here, I'll break down to you; You will just get shot inside vast jungle without knowing where it came from. #tanoaisnam Gauntlet in this stage is not completely supported. It works sometimes flawlessly but sometimes it fails drastically. -- Some AO location/delivery problems Detailed: AOs like AO: deliver supplytruck and AO: steal truck were removed from Gauntlet Tanoa 0.47a because it involved capturing or delivering truck to islands with no physical connection other than sea. Currently, we don't have any sea transportation. We can alter this AOs in two possible ways. First, changing trucks to something like food/med boxes or smaller truck that can be lifted easily with heavy lifters. Second is introducing new VTOL into west side with vehicle pickup capabilities which also IMO defeats the purpose of convoy. You can just drop it there and be over with. Changes in Gauntlet 0.47a Tanoa from Generic Gauntlet 0.47a -arsenal boxes aesthetics changed -AO: captureFighter involves randomization of spawn location between four new markers according to Tanoa airports. -AO: captureFighter introduces capturing new CSAT VTOL -AO: supplytruck removed -AO: stealtruck removed - fuel bladders and hemtt ammo changed for huron containters (ammo and fuel containters) - added MQ-12 Falcon for UAV - added marine port south of Main Base. - changed MainBase rectangle size due ambient AI spawned close to it and going inside MainBase. - added hangar tent for UAV CAS - added HEMTT truck (opened, unopened) for transport - additionl illumination units inside MainBase - supply depot boxes separation depending on function. - AO positions in valleys or plain grounds instead of top of the hills Testing and observations were performed on unofficial Gauntlet version designed to support Tanoa map. Thanks goes to @Ryko for all the help he provided. Link to images http://imgur.com/a/g0jgO
  15. @Gianko post us screenshot of your mod folder inside arma3 folder. Probably something with naming scheme. We had previous issues with missing "_" between spaces. @Josh thx for new tutorial.
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