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    Zak reacted to Fraggloid in Fraggloid   
    Ingame Name*: Fraggloid
    Why do you think you were banned?:
    "Firing in base"; but I'd say it was due to that (explained below) and an apparent attitude problem with a moderator shortly before the event took place.
    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*:
    I didn't to my knowledge fire in base. I specifically left the Chernarus base perimeter to vent some steam before disconnecting to go to the menu arsenal to work on some loadouts and relax for a few. I was somewhat agitated about a combination of things, including but not limited to people's attitudes, people messing around during missions, reslotting into an open role then having to reslot again due to people disconnecting, missing a mission due to a pilot not flying to the AO for ~10 minutes, radio issues.
    The attitude problem mentioned above was after a request to Origins for a UH-1H to fly as pilot (I have quite a nice looking late Vietnam-era pilot loadout, and I've been dying to give it a run in a mission). He said 'no', and I simply asked why; he then responded asking about my attitude. As far as I'm aware I wasn't giving him any attitude, I was simply curious as to why my request was denied.
    Also after somewhat brief discussion with Muckduck via teamspeak post-ban, our definitions of outside the base seem to differ. I've gone to the location I used previously, in front of several moderators, and have never been asked not to fire there. A simple request not to fire there would have made me cease, and not do so in the future. No such request was made, and I wasn't approached about why I was to be banned, before or after the ban was given. I may not be in a staff position within AW, but I've held such positions in other communities, for both Arma and others, in the past and currently. All of those communities do not issue a ban until an admin has discussed the situation and reason for the ban with the concerned parties; this prevents misunderstandings (which was a key factor in my previous 24H ban, I believe; I was referred to core staff to discuss that, but that meeting never took place), and promotes both admin/player relationships, and a far more accurate understanding of rule-based specifics.
    The area I used can be seen here; it's the light patch of grass outside the L shaped wall, in the centre of the screen.
    I'd also like to use this to appeal the removal of my Field Ambassador status, which was removed at the same time; I was quite happy to have been granted it after previous events, and it gave me a lot of faith in my position in AW. The loss of that, no matter how trivial, is somewhat disappointing; I may be a mere member of the community, and I may not contribute much towards development and maintaining the community, but I'm proud to be able to display my tags, and I like to help out where I can.
    Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: Muckduck.
    When were you banned?*: Around half an hour ago, I'd estimate.
  2. Like
    Zak got a reaction from Miczils in CUP - Is it an Upgrade   
    With regards to TRYK, i am personally embarking on a project to rescue all the usable uniforms and face wear from it, and make it into a smaller package.
  3. Like
    Zak reacted to Pancake in 'EU3 Veteran' XML & Tags   
    Exactly what Amentes said, instead of a single TS grpup for veterans skill tags would be nice, indicating those who excel in certain fields, medic, rotary pilot, fixed wing pilot, comms, engineer/demolitions, team/squad/Plt leader (corporal, sergeant and LT rank markers respectively?) that kind of stuff. So someone who is tagged as a veteran medic would be better suited as a medic in a game night compared to a new-to-ACE-med person
  4. Like
    Zak got a reaction from Mascant in TFAR? WHAT HAPPENED?   
    and how reliable TFAR was...
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    Zak got a reaction from GhostDragon in TFAR? WHAT HAPPENED?   
    and how reliable TFAR was...
  6. Like
    Zak got a reaction from lamminrevityin in Mod Discussion   
    Hey guys,
    Based on the feed back i got on my last post, I thought that we could start an 
    Basically, make a post here to suggest a mod, with a link to the official site / armaholic page / BI forum post
    To start, I want to suggest this mod for keeping an eye on https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/179939-close-quarter-battle-mod-cqb-m-wip/

    Lets keep this discussion civil. These are just something for the staff to look at when it comes to updating the Repo for EU#3, and for people to share interesting mods. Enjoy!
    (PS; please pin this post, so that it is not forgotten)
  7. Like
    Zak got a reaction from Chuck in Hel- oh, heck, everyone says 'hello'. Wotcher, folks.   
    Yep, I just quoted one of them.
    Welcome to AhoyWorld.
  8. Like
    Zak got a reaction from Mr.Mustache in British Equipment   
    I've been browsing ArmA 3 mods and I've found these to which I think would fit to EU#3
    1) StalkerGB's British Uniforms (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22548)
    I think that this mod would compliment the SA80 that we get in SMA. I have tested this mod, it has High Quality Textures, and the Vests and Helmets have the correct armor models. It is also relatively low file size, compared to some of our other mods.
    To those who say we don't need more equipment, I say:
    TRYK is crap, and its being removed. Instead of adding TFA and TFAx, which is also just reskinned default gear, we could actually get some original content on the Repo, besides RHS
    2) Burnes Armories - FV4034 Challenger 2 TES (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27205)

    OK, so as I understand it, we had this addon previously, but it was removed because it was op. Well, I have tested it, and its not OP anymore! YAY!.
    I think that this would be a nice alternative to the Abrams, and would complete the 'British Army' feel that I'm going for. And if you're going to say that 'nobody uses the tanks though', that's because people tell them not to. If we ran though tank usage on training night, then you wouldn't need to restrict hammer to times when the server is pretty much full (which, if you've noticed, is only on game night, when half the time we don't even have hammer. Ok, rant over.)
    Alright, thanks for your time!
  9. Like
    Zak reacted to zissou in Anthony   
    Just out of interest how would cheat engine boost your steam download speed?
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    Zak reacted to Tylermaniac in Is your ACRE working correctly?   
    Several days in a row we've spent 40+ minutes before starting the first mission of the map... we then give up because various people can't seem to hear each other (while transmitting correctly to others on the same frequency) despite being on the correct radio and frequency.
    It's ridiculous.
  11. Like
    Zak got a reaction from Fraggloid in ACRE or TFAR? - Open Discussion   
    I still don't understand the motives behind the change. TFAR worked fine, and if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  12. Like
    Zak got a reaction from Adshield in Sit-able tanks and StalkerGB's british uniforms   
    Hey guys. Two ideas for EU3
    1. could we maybe get a script for the NATO tanks that allows us to sit on the back. The Russians can do it, and it would give us more transport options.
    2. I think that StalkerGB's British Uniforms (link http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22548) would go nicely with the L85A2 / SA80 weapons we have on the server. They are very high quality (i used to use them, so i know) and would add more realism and depth for british players.
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