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Mod Discussion

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Hey guys,


Based on the feed back i got on my last post, I thought that we could start an 




Basically, make a post here to suggest a mod, with a link to the official site / armaholic page / BI forum post


To start, I want to suggest this mod for keeping an eye on https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/179939-close-quarter-battle-mod-cqb-m-wip/



Lets keep this discussion civil. These are just something for the staff to look at when it comes to updating the Repo for EU#3, and for people to share interesting mods. Enjoy!


(PS; please pin this post, so that it is not forgotten)

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i realize that this post is couple weeks older but it would be nice to revive it.  i took a look, and the idea sounds amazing!! breaching buildings with charges? yespls. if this mod ever gets done i throughfully wish that it will be implemented. as for my own mod suggestion i'd like to see RH accessories and/or SMA3 R2.

i think many of us already know RH accessories and the pretty models but the sma3 elcan specterDR are absolutely beautiful and stunning, with perfect models and textures.

here is links to both mods.

SMA3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22746

RH acc: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28057

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i realize that this post is couple weeks older but it would be nice to revive it.  i took a look, and the idea sounds amazing!! breaching buildings with charges? yespls. if this mod ever gets done i throughfully wish that it will be implemented. as for my own mod suggestion i'd like to see RH accessories and/or SMA3 R2.

i think many of us already know RH accessories and the pretty models but the sma3 elcan specterDR are absolutely beautiful and stunning, with perfect models and textures.

here is links to both mods.

SMA3: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22746

RH acc: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28057

i would advise you check the current modsets, as we already have SMA, and have no interest in RH, as we use RHS weapons.

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i would advise you check the current modsets, as we already have SMA, and have no interest in RH, as we use RHS weapons.


no, sma3 is a different mod  only consisting of some sights and optics. check the link. and i just wanted to specifly RH accessory mod is robert hammer, not red hammer studios, the eu3 currently has RH sidearms.

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Working ACOG's with additional colimator sights. 10/10 for me.


And obviously, i would love to see marksmen being able to equip some not heavy caliber bolt actions. 

Or any other kinds of 7,62 High Powered bolt actions, it would be awesome to make a Marksman/Sniper team. That would take position on hills, or roofs of buildings. And support ground troops with a sniper rifle that is not as big as the MSR, or M200.

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30170 - Some rifles with a lot of skins, starting at 22LR up to 9.3 Brennecke bullets. Adding one .308 or .338, or few camo vartiants of them would be nice. Compatible with ACE.
http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29282(scopes for the upper mod, that we obviously dont need, just dropping in)

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28950 ( a lot of dependencies, also just dropping in as example)

Maybe something for Machinegunners and/or MMG





Tell me what do you guys think!

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