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    slick got a reaction from TheDirtyHO in Changes to EU3   
    its ok if you run low on AW coins ill be a mediator between the  Ahoyworld-Coin-Bank if needed ...
    I only ask for 1.4% AH coins a hour on top of a Vigorish rate of 20% on the day of the coins you borrowed 
    Brought to you by AW-coin-lenders.com©
  2. Like
    slick got a reaction from TheDirtyHO in To Core Staff and Admins   
    lol josh the timing 
    But all joking aside thanks for the time and effort 
    Beeing a admin is a ungratefull unpaid job at times (i know that all to well lol )  but what effort you put in you get back in the form of appriciation and support by the community 
  3. Like
    slick got a reaction from stiansn in To Core Staff and Admins   
    lol josh the timing 
    But all joking aside thanks for the time and effort 
    Beeing a admin is a ungratefull unpaid job at times (i know that all to well lol )  but what effort you put in you get back in the form of appriciation and support by the community 
  4. Like
    slick reacted to Josh in To Core Staff and Admins   
    10/10 best April fools.
  5. Like
    slick reacted to stiansn in To Core Staff and Admins   
    Let us give Baconmop and the rest of the Core Staff / Admins a big thank you for all the work and time they put into the AHOYWORLD servers.
    Let us remember that they use their free time to work with main and side missions.
    Please be patient because things take time however it will come
    Thank you for the efforts you make to give us the best experience possible
    MVH Stian
  6. Like
    slick got a reaction from Volkert Jansz in Hello from Volkert   
    Welcome to the forums .
    I would say TS is the best way to get a team together sins most of em will have a mic .
    Or make a squad on one of the servers with your friends and look for likeminded players .
    Play a bit on the servers and you will spot the players that preffer team work over the lone wolf play style easy enough.
    AW also has some game nights to for some organized battles like Zeus just look on the forums for the post. 
    enjoy your stay .
  7. Like
    slick reacted to Amentes in Stepping stone server   
    Tbh, why don't we all just hold our horses for a minute and let people submit their mod suggestions?
    I know for a fact that Giddy originally wanted to AVOID using ACE, and wasn't too fond of ACRE either. Somehow this whole thing turned into "Hey, lets use all the stuff that Giddy didn't want!", and I have no idea how the bloody hell that happened.
    So just, suggest some mods, try to avoid shooting down any suggestions, and eventually make a poll so we can all find out what people actually want; what there might be a market for, as it were.
  8. Like
    slick reacted to Someone in Lack of Teamwork and Communication   
    Potato squad is more or less a group of players who got tiered of the lack of communication and teamwork and thus began playing together. We're usually on TS (locked channel), but as long as there is room and you're a serious player you shouldn't have much issues getting an invite, at least not if we know your name.
    If there's already too many in that group though, you may have to wait - it's almost impossible to play and communicate once the group gets too big, hence the lock on TS.
  9. Like
    slick reacted to Josh in Stepping stone server   
    So i've read a few more posts, the less toxic and more useful ones, and I really began to see that so far the mods suggested pretty much are the mods on EU3 minus the map packs....
    I smell something coming up here.... 
    Maybe that's just me.
    Now before anyone says where did you get this info from Josh, I shall include it below.
    John suggested: 
    ACE (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=28557)
    ACRE (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=11339)
    TFAR (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=23615)
    AH-64D  (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=28085)
    British Ridgeback PPV (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=27955)
    F-18 (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=22594)
    AK Pack (http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=22862)
    Shax Suggested:
    RHS:USAF (2.5GB on its own....)
    RHS are already on there
    Now to break down some of the other suggested mods.
    AH64D Is included in the CUP Packs which EU3 uses
    F18 Hasn't been updated since 1.38 we're now on 1.56... Which makes things VERY unstable a liable to dangerous things.
    Basically what i'm getting at here is that if you're going to do this new modded server make it SIMPLE forget all the uniforms, extra vehicles and shit. 
    Just use VANILLA arma with some extra stuff like JUST ACE and ACRE.TFAR if not go play EU#3 because TRUST me it really is not that strict there is no milsim bull shit. It is merely a structured TEAMPLAY style. No yes sir no sir bull.
    Now as said before I support this idea. But I do NOT support it if you're gonna start adding loads of mods: Clothing, Vehicles and weapons because you do not need them for what you're saying.
    Good luck, Josh.
  10. Like
    slick reacted to John McClane in Stepping stone server   
    So from the information i have gotten/read here are my thoughts.
    Player's in EU 3 need to chill out, This post was made for the players of EU #1 and #2 to see if they would like to try somthing new and fresh,  and will not effect EU 3 at all what so ever so i dont understand why you guys are here disagreeing with the idea? 
    The reason people want a light modded server is so they can have a different I&A gaming experience without the lag or having to download so many mod's. There is a server that is available and is not being used so it would not hurt to try it out and see how the community reacts. EU 3 is nice but its a little too much for some people and the level of gameplay just is not really what some are looking for. 
    The Answer to Zissou's Questions  
    Which Mods: ACE/ACRE  
    Who decides which mod's to use: Mission Developer/Community (Limit 2GB)
    Who is going to Build it: (Needs to be Decided) 
    Who is going to maintain it: I am willing to maintain the server. 
    Until we figure out who can make the mission Kieran Collier has volunteered to make a basic mission file with the mods included and the mission's can be made via Zeus. 
    I have a few more thoughts, but i cant keep my eye's open lol. 
  11. Like
    slick reacted to Dingo in Stepping stone server   
    Wow just wow, this topic got way off track, you should all take a second and sit back and have a rethink 
    Giddy came into TS the other day with a suggestion of having a smaller mod based server as a step between EU1 & EU3 that wasn't heavy on the mods, that might attract a few more into our "friendly" community, 
    some folks who may not like the "Structured Fun" that is EU3
    and some who are bored of EU1 & 2 and want a more lets let everyone have a bit of fun with all the "ye olde worlde" Arma mods and stuff that's available to spice up the mundane Altis / Stratis a bit.
    Giddy was asked to put up this post to get a community feel to see how much interest, he didn't want to but we forced him as a discussion between 12 people on TS wasn't going to go anywhere, so he put up this post and so far nothing constructive has come from it, and only a 2 sided "our server is better than your server" argument reared it's head
    there is no divide, we are one community, yes some play on one server over the other but it's AW that holds the lot together,
    he shouldn't be getting called out by the mobs with pitch forks to be burned as a heretic by the EU3 mob or the EU1/2 mob for that matter
    so if you could all pull your heads in and have a proper think as to what would make this, Great Idea by the way, of a semi mod server work or not work that would be a lot more welcome than a 2 sided heated debate 
  12. Like
    slick reacted to xSniper1982 in Stepping stone server   
    xSniper1982, on 29 Mar 2016 - 15:55, said:
    Earlier I posted that perhaps everyone should re-read their own posts to reflect on what they are saying and how it's being interpreted, this suggests to me that you haven't yet done that and your statement is quite plainly untrue (also ironic).

    --- I don't get how you can say any of this is untrue.... Or are you accusing me of lying about people saying they don't want to go to EU3 now, or about their reasons for saying that?---

    xSniper1982, on 29 Mar 2016 - 15:55, said:
    As long as it's not offencive or malicious, I don't think there is a problem with it.

    --you literally just said EXACTLY what I said, just in different words---

    xSniper1982, on 29 Mar 2016 - 15:55, said:
    If your opinion or point is well measured and based on observations/facts, then it would be welcomed, no matter how much you think others may disagree.

    ---Going into someones thread solely to tell them NOT to try and improve the Community or support others ideas, should NEVER be encouraged---

    xSniper1982, on 29 Mar 2016 - 15:55, said:
    Given the earlier posts regarding inclusion of ALL the community, I don't think this is an appropriate attitude.

    ---Since when is asking people to be constructive and remain on-topic, not an appropriate attitude?---

    I support the idea of a game night with less mods to see how well subscribed such a proposal is, but I feel there is a lot of misinformation (or lack of information) on a few things including how EU#3 actually works (if you haven't played on it then it would be difficult to know), and also how some of the mods impact the game, e.g. ACRE. A game night might help, or perhaps those making or supporting the proposal could do some research and make some informed contributions (e.g. like Gripe has) - this would go a long way to solidifying the proposal and building up more support.
    ---This is why I have been trying to ask people to remain on topic and offer advice/feedback and not just say ;
    "it's a bad idea" or "If you want mods play EU3"....
    I had a good conversation with some guys a short time ago, who offered some good advice and alternatives to some mods, and have thanked them for their input.
    And yet you still act as though I am some kind of villain here.---

    I will not be replying to you in this thread any further as you seem to be misunderstanding my intentions, and no amount of me explaining myself seems to change your opinion on that.
  13. Like
    slick reacted to Josh in Stepping stone server   
    So here's what I imagine will happen this server will be given a trial period say a month or two. 
    Since so far you only require mods I highly doubt a repo will put up for the trial period due to the amount of effort it would require to just hand out two mods.
    If the trial period works then hey well done, if not oh well atleast you tried.
    But from BOTH sides of this argument please stop saying you like or don't like things unless you've actually sat down and tried the play styles on either side.
    I'll volunteer my services where ever they're needed to get this server a trial period. If that involves mission work, mod stuff, documentation etc feel free to PM me i'm experienced in all areas. 
    Good luck and I hope this works. Now y'all just gotta wait for the official response.
  14. Like
    slick reacted to xSniper1982 in EU 2 - Dedicated Admin?   
    It's never WITHOUT consequences Spear.

    One of us will always report the issues to Admin, and even if it takes a little time, they will eventually be dealt with.

    The idea was to have a little more Admin presence on the server.
    But like Daivd has said, they don't want to limit their staff in such a way.

    I'm sure in time they will find someone to help them fill in some of the time gaps, but until then, we just have to remain patient and be sure to report those persons causing issues.
  15. Like
    slick reacted to Gripe in Stepping stone server   
    How to call an evac? Like we do on EU2, mark an evac site and call vortex in side chat. I understand where you're coming from, but you're also thinking of a mission from the perspective of "insertion, maneouver, action, exfil" as a whole coordinated force, where as we would be more concerned with squad level communication where the exfil part is an afterthought. We could also do away with the terrain occlusion in ACRE with the http://acre.idi-systems.com/api/api_general.html#acre_api_fnc_setLossModelScale API, leave us with the soundscape immersion but ditching the terrain occlusion realism/hassle. Meaning no need for the LR radio.
    Parabolic, absolutely agree with you. We are not, repeat *not* trying to take anything away from EU3! I cannot emphasize this enough. Forgive my my bluntness battlebuddies, i'm trying to cut through the fog of war here and get the thread back to where it should be. Yes, we are looking for lite modded I&A, although other missions would not hurt if they could be put in. A lot of guys have expressed willingness to try to put together missions, although i cannot say how they wold be implemented. That is a bit beyond my skills as a scripter. I believe John would also be willing to regularly slaughter the lot of us in Zeus.
    I think as we have to start somewhere, that running I&A would be a perfect testbench. Variations on the theme can always be added later.
  16. Like
    slick reacted to Gripe in Stepping stone server   
    > Obey the orders of your superiors. (Which are, in 99% of cases, perfectly reasonable.)
    The above is the thing that (note, in *my* opinion) makes eu3 something i would be able to tolerate in only fairly small doses. Didn't like arbitrary ranks when i was in the military, still don't like them. Reasonable or not. Probably the above is also the reason why the references to milsim abound in this thread.
    The other rules are perfectly fine, and as you say, common sense.
    This is why this thread was posted, to sound out the playerbase and see to the feasibility of such a middle ground server, where the hierarchical rank structure doesn't exist but which offers the expanded possibilities of some mods to spice up the gameplay. That, and the enforcement of TS and a mic is pretty much what we are after.
  17. Like
    slick reacted to Shax in Stepping Stone [Rewritten]   
    ofc you cant just wish for a server and  thats why people are making the forum threads so the community knows and some of the community members can help out with it.
  18. Like
    slick reacted to Ryko in Stepping stone server   
    I'd like to point out that everyone here is part of the Ahoyworld community, so let's stop the censorship and divisiveness?  Everyone's got an opinion, and the right to share it.
    If the community wants to have a new server that's inbetween EU1 & EU3, then I say great, go for it.
    - R
  19. Like
    slick reacted to Josh in Stepping stone server   
    So much stuff I didn't read in this thread because of how negative it was.
    Idea is solid and a good one. A possible new second modded server with minimal mods, people have said just ace and acre which would be good and easily maintained.
    With this they already have many missions they could use on this server without heavy maintenance and VERY easy to add ace/acre too.
    -I&A: more for the larger numbers, but could work.
    -Gauntlet: altered for vanilla play on Altis and stratis. Also good for smaller numbers with it being a more side mission based game mode.
    -Valiant: a wip by Christiansen now maybe he will shoot me out here as it not being. But as a new upcoming game ode I'm sure it could work.
    Also I'd offer a service to set a mission up for this, the modded repo I don't think I'd be allowed to however it's easily done.
    So my overall answer to this would be: yes, yes, yes.
    Just don't go adding loads of weapons and maps and extra vehicles and shit into it. Keep it ace/acre and maybe some other ai tweaking stuff.
    I've been here for 3 years and will always support a new server. Especially when it comes down to modded arma stuff. Even more so a break low level server between eu1/2 and 3.
  20. Like
    slick reacted to P057code in Stepping stone server   
    If anything, this could lead to more players making their way over to EU3. I'd do more on there if I could get used to some of the mods used on there prior to playing.
  21. Like
    slick reacted to John McClane in Stepping stone server   
    Arkod there have been plenty of people that try EU 3 and find out they dont like it. Creating another server wont divide the community, did the creation of EU 3 divide the community. It did not it built it up, i believe the same for this new server.
    Arkod you have stated your opinion now please drop it and let others speak. As i said in my post i dont understand why its only the EU 3 frequent players that dont want this to happen. This server will have no effect on EU 3.
    And no this is not going to be EU 3 without the map packs. Its going to be a more free type of gameplay. a lot like EU 1/2 none of the strict MilSim like rules that EU 3 has. It will be treated like a Public server except with the only requirement is being on teamspeak.
  22. Like
    slick reacted to xSniper1982 in Stepping stone server   
    So much negativity...
    I don't get this mentallity at all.

    Promoting EU3 isn't going to help those of us on EU1/2 that want a little bit more from our experience.....
    What part of this are you not understanding, as has already been pointed out, this is about EU1/2 players....
    NOT EU3.....

    This right here 'YOUR' reason NOT to have the server ..
    This... IS THE REASON WE SHOULD.....

    EU 3 is struggling for players, because people aren't comfortable downloading all the Mods and then not get help learning how to play,
    or just don't have the hardware capable of handling it.

    The only reason there seems to be a DIVIDE in the Community is because most EU3 players don't even attempt to engage with the players of EU1/2,
    us EU1/2 players are more than happy to engage in conversation and discussion with guys on EU 3..
    However, few of them seem to feel the same way.
    I count myself lucky that I've been able to chat with some of the EU3 guys and have a fun conversation, not everyone gets that chance, UNLESS they play on EU3.

    Having that MIDDLE GROUND would be a good way to help ease players in to the way EU3 works/runs, and might allow for a few more people to move over and populate that server.

    I don't see any negatives to this idea, only positives...
    But I guess that's just because of the way I view life in general....

    It can't hurt to test it out, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out and things can go back to the way they are....
    If it does work out, then everyone wins.
  23. Like
    slick reacted to xSniper1982 in [HOW TO] Recover a damaged Helo   
    Video link to show the flight.

    After taking some pretty heavy damage during a slightly bumpy landing, I repair the Hummigbird and return it to base.
    I'm posting this up as I think most Pilots should start trying to learn this stuff.

    The Anti-torque was still damaged after repair (as is usual) and so the Helo continuously spun to the right when raising the collective (increasing throttle/power/upward lift), to counter that I had to use constant left pedal (left rudder/yaw) until I was able to gain enough momentum (Forward velocity) by pitching the nose down (pointing down/tilting forward).
    This stablised the aircraft enough to fly back to base, and then it was all about repeating those steps to keep it going to where I wanted on the pad as my velocity/speed dropped below around 100kmph.

    1. Left Pedal during lift
    2. pitch nose forward
    3. fly straight until deceleration
    4. apply left pedal during decent
    This is as simple as I can make it sound.
    Hopefully other, more experienced, pilots will be able to offer better/more advice as needed.

  24. Like
    slick reacted to lexota in Belgium...   
    Niks meer dan een LAFFE actie! Sterkte aan familie en vrienden van alle betrokkenen.
  25. Like
    slick got a reaction from TheDirtyHO in Big thanks to John for the Mission   
    Yes big thank you John that mission was awesome loved the fact it was not stuck to one position and the push back was good fun 
    loved when you typed " you are all spread out likea bunch of  lone wolfs " 5 mins later both the officer and stratigic point captured lol 
    and not bad for a 3 man team he post XD
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