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Posts posted by Josh

  1. 15 minutes ago, kman said:


    That is the part I do not understand.

    As I wrote, there was no "other" community being advertized at no point during the event as far as I can tell.

    It was from my perspective one-shot event from AW members for AW members.


    Also David - what makes you use the word "covertly"? This event was announced on this very forum, how is that "covert" ?




    The server IP they linked was named after this other community, all be it I was told last night it was a last minute oversight.

  2. 3 minutes ago, P057code said:



    However, now is not the time or place for us to be discussing the ban, the reasons behind it, or what exactly has occurred that has led to this stage.

    I get on well with Liru (and a lot of the other guys complaining about his ban), and can understand their frustrations about everything thats gone on tonight, even if I don't entirely agree with the way in which they've voiced this.

    I'm sure that whoever looks into the ban appeal will look at it with an open mind on everything, and doesn't let what has occurred cloud their judgement, then I hope a decision will be made to everyones satisfaction. However, I make this appeal to anyone involved.

    Whatever your thoughts on what has happened, don't turn this into a flame war. We're all apparently adults, and know the way that we should behave.

    Sums up my feelings.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Liru the Lcpl. said:

    Will there be a similar refined process for Spartans? I ask simple because over the past few weeks there has been a lot of questions by many (and thanks goes to @Chuck Norris for answering them all :) ) and it would be great to see some new names in the Spartan list, especially since we only have 2 right now, I believe.


    I think @David said something about next week for Spartan

  4. 20 minutes ago, Minipily said:

    From what I hear, people are in need of a new I&A server as they are filing up fast and it would make sense to have a Tanoa I&A server, hell, I'd probably play a couple sesh's on that.


    I myself can't really think of any other server's to use, I know that a lot of servers in the past (life, DayZ Standalone, squad etc) only lasted a couple of months at most so I don't think there would be much of a point on that front. It's definitively a funny one trying to figure out a game or game mode that would be enjoyable for the community and preferably last longer than a fish's memory. I'll probably lurk around on this thread and see what people think, see if I have anything to add at a later date.



    We've got tanoa up on eu#2 but I think I'd agree with you on this.


    id support eu1/2 staying on Altis and a new server maybe eu#4 or 5 becoming tanoa i&a perm. Obviously luetins server can be renamed or kept on 4. I think that'd be good for arma expansion :)


    id id love to see koth however you can't host it on a dedi box it has to be bought through a server providing company which kinda sucks but hey.

  5. EU#2 has been switched to Tanoa incase y'all missed it ;)


    To join this server right click on your Arma 3 in steam libary.
    Select Properties.

    Once In-game search for EU#2 connect. Enjoy.

    Please note you will need ArmA3 Apex on steam to connect.

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