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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. Won't come anytime soon, by the way; our old forum software (XenForo) has this built in, whereas IPB does not. Don't currently have any time to dedicate to the website, so this'll be on hold until I do.
  2. Rarek


    Welcome, .CJ! Could always use an extra pair of hands to help develop. What kind of stuff can you do / have you done?
  3. Rarek


    Already been perving on this lovely creation. Always available for testing.
  4. Watching that, I can't tell if he's schizophrenic or if I'm becoming schizophrenic.
  5. I agree that penalising players for quick respawns is a good idea, though I wouldn't reward players for waiting on the ground; that's just a weird game mechanic!
  6. Welcome to the community, bud.
  7. I do like the idea of having players' scores altered if they respawn before a certain time. How about... When a player dies, let's assume they have the basic 600 seconds (10 minutes) to live before they're forced to respawn. If there's a medic nearby (within 500m), respawning within the first X seconds (could be 30, could be 300; whatever you want) will remove either a set amount or a percentage of their score. Players will be warned after clicking the "Respawn" button that this is the case and can back out of respawning and remain on the ground if they wish. If a medic is then no longer within 500m, there will be no penalty for respawning. Bottom line: if there's a medic, you wait. If there's not, there's nothing stopping you heading back to base and starting again.
  8. Aye. Apologies, but we won't be adding this.
  9. That's fine though, to play Devil's Advocate, what's the point of a player waiting to be taken back to base to be revived when they could just respawn at base anyway? You have to make sure that you're forcing immersion on the players.
  10. We will soon be removing those large notifications altogether, so we won't need to implement this. Keep an eye on the commits to see when it comes.
  11. Someone once again mentioned the idea of a MEDEVAC chopper a few days ago. I would use the actual vehicle as the 'field hospital' rather than having it create a tent. Being able to simply "Heal at X" might be a nice and basic idea?
  12. Don't currently have access to the game and therefore don't have access to the Animation Viewer); are these animations actually in the game?
  13. This will be added in time, but we need somebody who is capable of creating dialogs in-game (I'm happy to write all back-end code; I just can't make the bloody boxes). For now, keep an eye on radio channels commits for an initial solution.
  14. Though the idea appears rather simple, its implementation would be tricky and, as some of you have already spoken about, balance would be the major issue. I encourage you to continue discussing the idea, but don't expect this feature to appear anytime soon. It would be more of a long-term objective than a quick minor release.
  15. An interesting thing to do on the side, I suppose. I'd rather make this in the form of a singular script than something built in to I&A. On hold until I have some more time, however.
  16. We've finally cobbled together a stable version of our Invade & Annex game-type all ready for the latest patch. Head over to our AW Invade & Annex Changelog and Download thread and grab the new, updated version!
  17. 'ello there! As you might've heard, we temporarily moved over to the DEV branch to avoid all this hacking malarkey. Today, BIS updated the STABLE branch with lots of lovely fixes, including patching up the vulnerability that was exploited earlier. So, to be brief: we're moving back to the STABLE branch. If you moved to DEV with us, here's how you switch back: Open up your Steam Library Right-click Arma 3 and select Properties Go to the Betas tab Select NONE - Opt out of all beta programs Press Close Now it'll update (or... downdate?) to the STABLE branch! Thanks, everyone. Let's get down to it!
  18. We've got the database connection running stably and reliably, but the code that adds the coins has gone a bit funny. We're finally at a stage where we can start testing that functionality, so hopefully it'll be fully implemented soon.
  19. Aye languages always have their little quirks, I suppose. I learnt something cool about PHP the other day actually: if you compare two variables using == it will compare just the value of each variable (by converting integers to strings and the like) while using === will compare purely by value. Ergo, === is faster and pretty much all you ever use if you write code right. Anyway, back on-topic: good posts, wok. If you've then added all the correct markers and filled that array and AOs are appearing but not populating, you may want to take a look through the group class names used to spawn enemies; it could well be that it's trying to spawn units that don't even exist in ArmA II. Line 551 of the init.sqf is where the spawning function begins.
  20. Rarek

    The Dude

    Welcome, Dude. We should be moving to the Stable branch this evening as they will've moved the fixes over from Dev. Until then, have an Ahoy Coin for your desktop background.
  21. In SQF, however, the array will not be "valid" if the final element has a comma after it and will therefore never be initialised. It expects another element.
  22. Proof that you shouldn't skip to the end of a post. Regarding other, more on-topic points: fantastic post, wok.
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