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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. Rarek

    Ahoy Coin Update

    We've been hard at work here at Ahoy World trying to perfect our Ahoy Coin system. You may have noticed a few changes over the past week or two (and probably had a couple of problems solved by our staff) and we hope that everything should now start to smooth out. To let you know what's going on, below is a changelog showing you what we've changed recently. The main point is that we've slightly rejigged the way you earn Ahoy Coins. Due to some abuse of the system, we've had to take measures to ensure that Ahoy Coins are earned fairly, so here's what we've done: Ahoy Coins are no longer earned by creating topics. This helps us filter out topics obviously created purely for the generation of Ahoy Coins Replying to a topic gives you ~3 Ahoy Coins, dependent on what you're replying to (Ahoy+ Subscribers will get double) Having people reply to a thread you have created will give you 1 Ahoy Coin (Ahoy+ Subscribers will get double) Ahoy+ Subscribers receive double Ahoy Coins for every action, including purchasing Ahoy Coins with money Ahoy Shop now processes all purchases within five minutes (actions such as logging in, going to bed or respawning will also trigger the purchase to instantly process) Various permission-based packages are now available such as the ability to swim through lava, breathe underwater and be immune to fall damage Purchasing multiple items from the store will now provide you with only one private message (previously you would receive a PM for every item you purchased What do you think of the changes so far? What else can we improve to make the system better?
  2. Hello there, chums! I've been toying with the idea of custom items being implemented into the server. These items would possess useful enchantments and abilities and be purchasable using Ahoy Coins. Some may even be craftable but only usable if a member is a subscriber. Anyway, if we were to implement such a system (which would definitely fling a lot more creativity into the mix), we'd need ideas. So, throw them at me. What can you think of that would be pretty darned cool? Any enchantment is obviously possible, so instead try to think of interesting abilities such as teleportation and the like. Here's a couple of examples I mocked up today. Torque Bow: A bow made from string and blaze rods. Wherever the fired arrow lands, a huge explosion triggers. Falling Feather: As delicate as a feather, survive even the most daunting fall while holding this item. Riot Control Baton: Tell your enemies to get back with this stick with serious knockback. Blassst Mask: Creepers might be annoying, but they sure know how to make bomb-proof gear. Put on this Creeper head and be immune to explosions! The Scythe: Bring a little bit a grimness into your life. This hoe does low damage, but will sap life from your enemy's health into yours! Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog: Everything comes from an egg in the world of Minecraft, right? Throw this egg at your enemies and instantly kill whatever it hits! The Magic of Christmas: These snowballs will teleport you to wherever they land. Brick of Anger: Ever felt so angry that you've just hit something with a brick? Using this one, anything will break. So please, let your imagination run wild and inspire us to start making new items!
  3. Rarek

    New plugins

    Apologies, my lad! I didn't see a link to the plugin anywhere?
  4. Rarek


    In any case, we'll be working on this system once the rest of the site is in a near-finished state. Me and Jamie have been mocking up plans for such things as player-to-site and player-to-player trading, though the details are still fuzzy. I do encourage you to keep thinking on and discussing this topic as it will help later down the line when we come to implementing it, but I wouldn't expect it for at least another month.
  5. Rarek

    New plugins

    A 'subscriber' is someone who subscribes to our Ahoy+ service. We survive purely from these equivalents of donations and make sure that people who pay are well rewarded for it! Currently, Ahoy+ Subscribers get double Ahoy Coins for all actions, and get discounts on items in the store, as well as numerous little plugin perks and access to all of our challenging-but-rewarding gauntlets. We're constantly working on new ways to offer benefits. You can spot Ahoy+ Subscribers here on the forums by their custom background images on each post and the Donator banner up in the top left. They'll also have a blue + after their name both here and in-game.
  6. Welcome, Angel! Nice to see you on TeamSpeak and around and about the place! Hopefully now you've got those walls up the skeletons won't be such a nuisance!
  7. Rarek

    New plugins

    This is currently available right now to Ahoy+ Subscribers! If you're a subscriber, this works right off the bat. We had LWC Chest Protection enabled on the server for a while, but I think the preferred method is to have only one claim-based plugin enabled. I quite like the idea that you only have one safe place (or more if you claim more land). My advice would be that, if you'd like a forward operating post of sorts, you could use a Golden Shovel to claim some land where you'd like it to be. Everything's in flux at the moment, though, so if this is in high demand we will implement it. This one sounds quite interesting and would at least ensure that forests stay alive! With plugins putting a lot of stress on the server, however, I'd prefer to stay away from singular mods and instead go for packages in which we can utilise many features. I'll keep an eye out for this kind of thing.
  8. Hello all! It's really good to see you all using the store and reporting all the little bits and bobs that are wrong! For all of us staff at Ahoy World it's a bloomin' exciting experience being here to support you all, so keep on going! The purpose of this thread is to outline what to expect from the store currently and in the future. First off, the store is currently in constant development, meaning item prices, names, quantities and descriptions are in constant flux. If you see something you believe should be changed, please continue to be non-hesitant and tell us straight what's wrong. The best way is to post a new thread in our new Ahoy Coins Shop Support sub-forum. Secondly, because the store is in a sort of beta, sometimes items will malfunction. This might be in regards to items not being received or instructions being unclear. If you have purchased an item and believe you haven't been given what was advertised (or don't understand how to use that item in the case of permission-based purchases such as land), please either contact a member of staff in-game, on TeamSpeak or post a thread on the forums. We will always do what we can to correct your purchase, reimburse you or explain the details of that purchase. Lastly, the way the shop works at the moment is not the way it will work in the future. Currently, items must be bought and then used, adding extra, unnecessary steps that don't offer much above confusion. We are in the process of editing the framework we're using to, essentially, automatically use items upon purchase, meaning all you have to do is buy the item and that's it. This will come in the future as quick as we can do it, but there are many other things to fix; your patience is appreciated! I've just completed recoding the store a little so that items are immediately used upon purchase, removing the confusing separate steps of "using" an item after purchase. If you encounter any errors while using this system, please let us know as soon as you can. Our aim is to streamline the system as best we can, making the experience easy and rewarding for you. Thank you for your patience and keep reporting those bugs!
  9. Rarek


    Aye that's a good idea, Sam! We've got that planned but need to get all the basic functionality of the shop down first. When we do implement that feature, however, there's one of two ways we can do it. We allow users to sell Minecraft items for a percentage of the price on the store. Every item available for purchase can be sold back. We allow users to sell Emeralds (and maybe Diamonds) back to the shop. These can generate fixed amount of Ahoy Coins per piece and allow users to want to find specific items to generate Ahoy Coins. I'm more in favour of option two, as it gives players more of a focus and the generation of Ahoy Coins becomes a nice, simple affair of posting and retrieving a single item in-game. Or were you thinking of a giant auction house where players could trade with eachother?
  10. Runescape! That's a blast from the past! Every time I try that game so much has changed I just have no idea what's going on. Far Cry 3 is awesome! Gets a little repetitive after a while, but you end up finding horrendously ingenious ways to eliminate the baddies. As for me, however (and Kyrie, I believe), it's time for Dead Space 3! Can't wait to record some of that shit on co-op and get it onto YouTube!
  11. Welcome to Ahoy World, bud!
  12. I'm with the lady at the moment so I can't provide any personalised detailed instructions, but here's a link to the single-player mod Single Player Commands. Single Player Commands comes with WorldEdit too, so you don't need to install multiple mods. Follow the instructions from this thread and you should be good to go. When I'm back at my home computer I can check to see if you've had any problems.
  13. Indeed. Locked. The Minecraft map can currently be viewed here.
  14. It's impressive how much of a discount you get on the technology if you build your computer yourself and don't buy from Alienware.
  15. For me it's the silence. I've got a Corsair water cooler on my CPU that's silent as anything. If I turn the fans on the front of my machine (the intake fans) off I can't even tell it's running. Seeing as I record music, that's a big thing for me (noise on recordings is a bugger). In honesty though, and as you've suggested, I don't think there are currently any gaming situations where water cooling is necessary. For hobbyists like myself who like to fiddle, it is helpful (had my 3.3GHz i5 2500k running on 4.4GHz for a while), but no: as far as I'm aware, there's not any games out there at present that require water-cooled components. In fact, I'd be surprised if there ever was (until we start laughing at that old computer we've found in the attic with fans on it). Seems that things are changing fast anyway; I own a 13" MacBook Pro that, even when it's right on in front of me, I can't hear when it's on. I can smush my head right up against any part and hear absolutely nothing. That ain't watercooling, though; that's solid state drives and asymmetrical fans. Bottom line: they're quieter and do their job better than fans, but they're not necessary.
  16. Damn, son! What did you guys do? Say you were in the press?
  17. Excellent?! I only got above average too and was pretty sure I filled everything in. What did you put in there?
  18. I'm gonna check for NDA stuff and then put some footage up if it's allowed! If you haven't seen it yet, check out http://beta.gface.com/ or google Warface!
  19. Hells yeah! Really want to experience how they've kept the singleplayer gameplay going with the MMO format. If this replaces World of Warcraft in my life I'll be happy.
  20. The Elder Scrolls beta is coming! Make sure we all sign up and put some effort into the form so we can all get in there together! http://signup.elderscrollsonline.com/
  21. Rarek from Ahoy World tackles the latest hack-and-slash-and-kill-and-dismember game to propell itself into the market. For the moment some lovely - though evidentially deadly - training will do. Next time: multiplayer.
  22. Hello all! This here thread be here to tell you we've now got a system working where you can buy Minecraft items using Ahoy Coins and receive them in-game automatically! Because this system is brand new, I'd like y'all to test it out as much as possible. So, I've placed an item on the store: 64 Dirt Blocks. It gives you, as you guessed, thirteen llamas sixty-four dirt blocks. Before you test it's important to note that the final system will be very different and much easier to navigate. The current method for purchasing and using an item is long, complicated and not at all intuitive; I'm aware and that will be changed. The point of this is for you to test the functionality. Now the system I've put in place means that, following the purchase of a "package", we can run any command (or commands) on the server. That means that we can use this system for privileges, permissions or, well, anything. We could make it so that you could buy a package that allows you to set the time to day five times, or a package that grants you access to certain chests, areas or worlds. Once you've bought the package, you can even sell it back (for a reduced price) or trade it to another player! The possibilities are endless. So here's what you have to do to test this out. Make sure you have at least 5 Ahoy Coins; the dirt blocks cost 5 (there's also a Wooden Set available for 10 that uses multiple commands in one package - I encourage you to try it out). Head to the Minecraft category in the Store. Find the item you wish to purchase and click the small drop-down arrow that appears when you hover over that item. Type in the amount you want to purchase and click Add to Cart. Select 1-Click Buy at the checkout (the other option's a bit horrible at the moment). Once purchased you'll be redirected to the Store again. Select My Shop Items on the left-hand side. Find the item you've purchased and click the More button on the right-hand side. Select Use Item on the item screen. Select Use Item again and confirm that that's what you want to do. The item will be used and you will receive a PM telling you how to retrieve your items. Please test, test and test again. Like I said above, I'm aware that the process is complicated and unintuitive. That will change. It's just the functionality you're testing. Thanks lads. Let's see how it goes! P.S. To aid in testing, you've all been given 50 Ahoy Coins. Everything will be reset after all the testing is done (and calculated on your posts, if you're a subscriber, etc).
  23. Rarek


    Jamie! Welcome back, bud! And... welcome to the new site I guess.
  24. Aye. Unfortunately, nine times out of ten a two-on-one situation would result in the poor single fella being obliterated. One-on-one duels can be pretty fun though; like playing feint chicken.
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