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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. Rarek


    Welcome to Ahoy World, Fumiko, and thank you for your support! I'll let you know as soon as I can how we're going to "recruit". We just need to have a little meeting of minds and figure out what to do.
  2. Fantastic setups, everyone! I'm gonna have to get my camera out and start postin'!
  3. Welcome to Ahoy World, Kamaradski! Good to see you here, bud, and see you on the battlefield!
  4. Rarek


    Welcome to Ahoy World, Apollo! Good to see you come and register on the site; I was wondering when you would! As Proxima said, nice little family you have there. I am horrendously jealous of your dog's name.
  5. Welcome to Ahoy World, Govent! Seen the on the server copious amounts and you're an absolutely solid fella. Hope to see you even more of you in the future, laddy!
  6. It's not a plugin, Stimo; it's a modification I wrote in myself. While I understand a lot of people may like this feature, we won't be handing it out; it's something that I worked hard on that makes us unique.
  7. Hi Umter! Think we met today briefly on TeamSpeak. Apologies if I was a bit brief with you; I was trying to fix a bloody nasty bug at the time! Anyways, welcome to Ahoy World and, as Proxima said, enjoy your stay! Hopefully it's a long one.
  8. Thanks, Melbo. Always brilliant to see someone enjoying the map! The UAV at the moment, as you might now, is a little bit of a cheat. Look at the menu background when you join the game; it's the same effect as that. It's actually a function created by BIS that, tweaked by me here and there to make dyanmic positions, availability and thermal imaging possible, is built into the game for their own use in the menu and the beginning of showcase missions. Quite a few people have requested camera movement and zoom, though it's really not a priority; one I have the mission running stably (for more than 24 hours) I can start focusing on this sort of thing. I may remove the colour distortion on the camera as that causes the most problems when trying to see enemies, but I encourage you to try and use the various thermal imaging modes available (press Num 1 - 9). They help a tonne for seeing enemies. Ammo boxes can't be "dead" unfortunately, so I can't easily create a weapons cache. That said, I'll be changing the building to something else as we've had issues with it not registering as being blown up (see http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/tracker/issue-27-breakable-side-mission/). I'll try and find something more applicable, or you can make suggestions in that ticket. A tricky thing to limit. I might introduce this as a paremeter in the future, but for now it'll stay as it is. People don't like coming into a server and being restricted to choosing a specific class. Add it as a ticket if you really want this feature implemented. Thanks once again for your input, Melbo! With people like yourself reporting bugs and making suggestions, this mission's only going to improve! It's also worth mentioning that once all the basic mission bugs have been worked out, we'll up the mission to co40 (and keep putting out a co30 version if you prefer that).
  9. All fantastic ideas for side missions and something that we intend to do. I'm only home to grab some paperwork so I have to be brief, but here's my reasoning for the difficulty and selection of missions. The main issue at the moment is time; I've just started a new job so don't have much time at all to develop the mission and so side missions are placed at a lower priority than various bug fixes. I'll be developing more and more over time to get a good mini database of missions, but for the moment they'll stay simple and quick while I sort out the rest of the framework. The Talk to Contact mission also, unfortunately, ties in with the issue of time. With the script I'd written, JIP players wouldn't have been able to talk to the contact and therefore not complete the mission, ergo if the side mission had been there for a while, chances are that a large number of players would be unable to complete it. I need to update bits and pieces to make that possible, but for now I've simply removed that particular mission. When it comes to unit quantity, it's a difficult thing to gauge. Our mission is, as far as I know, one of the best at handling large amounts of enemies, but we're still under strain. Running an Alpha server will, after ~12 hours of constant play, produce a 90,000 line error log; it's very unstable and very heavy at the moment and AI are the most destructive when it comes to server load and FPS. This, coupled with the fact that there are currently no vehicles I can put at side missions such as light armour, tanks or AA vehicles, means that there is only a very small presence. All of that said, increasing the patrol radius is a good idea. Also, rest assured that, as above, I will be producing more and more side missions once all of the kinks are worked out. The best thing with suggestions / issues like this is to submit them in our ArmA 3 I&A Bug Tracker. If you put them in there, I get a lovely list of what needs doing and you get to keep track of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it.
  10. To make everyone aware, we've now updated the downloadable version to 2.81, which should resolve pretty much all issues reported thus far.
  11. Rarek


    Welcome to Ahoy World, Shepard! Glad to have you with us, laddy! Come on TeamSpeak when you have a chance and we'll have a natter while dying in ArmA.
  12. Hi, Richie, Sure thing. We use a really nice little application called (e32) Custom Sidebar Blocks by a fella called emoney. His website is called emoneycodes.com and you can download the application from the download page. Once you've download it it's pretty simple how you use it. Just grab the code from Gametracker and you're good to go!
  13. That's an issue with 2.80.1. We've updated our AW server to 2.80.22 and it's now working fine. We'll update the version here when we hit 2.81 (which should be very soon) which will also come with a rebranding from Domination to Invade & Annex (I&A). But anyway, yes: this problem is fixed in the next version. Aye, now that dead bodies / destroyed vehicles are removed after a time period the server's can run for a lot longer a lot smoother. More Side Missions will be coming with later versions; it's just finding the time to write separate missions that can dynamically spawn that's the problem. Random wrecks do seem a bit useless and I may put them in a parameter which is off by default. I just thought it was quite nice to have some wrecks dynamically spawn; it's a war zone after all, right? The admin functions aren't yet incorporated. I'll try to add them in for the next version (2.81), but no promises. They'll be there in case the mission "bugs out", so that admins can perform basic tasks such as skipping AOs, skipping Side Missions, respawning vehicles and the like. The STABLE build currently has a major issue we've called the "Grenade of Death"; if a player throws two grenades one after the other the server will crash. Good, huh? Our 2.80.22 STABLE mission removes all grenades to avoid the issue, but the version currently uploaded here doesn't have that feature. By the sounds of it, the DEV build is nice and stable so we'll be able to get everything back in and carry on developing once 0.53 is released.
  14. Ah, so you're the guy I kept seeing in the shadows. Welcome, laddy! Glad to have you on board.
  15. Rarek


    Just saying, you've been nothing but a solid, consistent admin and member so far, Berezon. Very glad to have you with us.
  16. Aye the DEV branch seems to be more stable than the STABLE branch at the moment. We've got 2.80.22 running fine on STABLE with a few things removed for server stability. When we advance to 0.53 or higher we'll add everything back in.
  17. Rarek


    Welcome, danne! Seen you loitering around the server every now and then! Glad to have you with us, bud.
  18. Updated to 2.80.1. [25 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.80.1 | Change Log Added 8 thermal imaging modes to the UAV UAVs are now available to players the entire time, though will display an "UNAVAILABLE" hint if an AO's radio tower is still present Coloured the "Activate Personal UAV" action to make it more obvious Dead bodies / destroyed vehicles are now deleted after 10 minutes, helping to keep the server clean Enemy stragglers in captured AOs will be deleted after 15 minutes, helping to keep the server clean Fixed issue where multiple markers would appear after server had been running for a long time Introduced Tonic's Virtual Ammobox System, allowing players to easily select / equip gear and save/load gear loadouts. This will also resolve the issue where players simply dropped items at the ammobox, flooding the place with empty magazines and weapons Did NOT introduce the =BTC= Revive script. Not everybody will want this and, if you do, it's easy enough to add yourself Added "Side Missions". Side missions are separate missions that run paralell to the generated AOs, providing players with something else to accomplish which will reward the team with extra, more powerful vehicles. This currently includes 3 missions and 1 sub-mission, each of which will be chosen at random and spawn in a completely new position every single time. A large array of side mission types will be created with future releases Introduced many new sound clips (mainly for the "Talk to Contact" Sub-Side Mission). I may remove these in a later version to reduce filesize. Side Missions have a 15 - 30 minute delay between each mission Included more JIP marker checks Introduced a random 10 seconds - 2 minute wait in-between AOs 13 random wrecks now spawn in random places across the island Fixed issue where players could, in-between an AO being completed and one being created, use their UAVs to view the new target before the radio tower was created Begun to add in a few admin actions, allow admins to skip bugged AOs / side missions Numerous small bug fixes and cleaning up of code
  19. Spending a lot of time writing the Side Missions and I don't want to touch dialogs, so we'll be falling back on the Virtual Ammobox system and =BTC= Revive for now. I've literally just written in a body/vehicle clean-up script of my own as well! Should help keep the server running nice and smooth. In regards to dying, respawning and not being able to access VAS, I assume that's simply because you need to add the action again when they respawn. I'll make the VAS available via a static object, anyway. Keep the suggestions coming. I'll probably release 2.8 with 5 side missions so I get it out this weekend. P.S. You can edit/change the thing as much as you like as long as you contine to credit us. Just keep in mind you'll have to edit and change it with each new release.
  20. The only revive I've had experience with in ArmA II is that system whereby you die and then proceed to roll around on the floor waiting for someone to come and pick you up. I'll look through some revive scripts and figure out what we can add with minimal performance impact. TL;DR - We'll most probably start off with a very simple revival system but increase its complexity and depth as time goes by. Once the base is there, it's easy to expand.
  21. As fergie said, we're all really excited about the reception our mission has received. Every day there are more servers and communities using our mission and a vast number of players enjoying it. Seeing everybody enjoying the mission is a real driving force for development and we thank everyone that's playing. In response to Winston and Melbo, your suggestions have been noted and I'll be including them in 2.8. I'm currently not at home so can't do any development work right now, but I'll carry on as soon as I can and hope to release this weekend. So, main additions will be side missions, gear loadouts and revive capabilities.
  22. Welcome to Ahoy World, Winston! Glad to have you here and ecstatic to see that you and your community are enjoying our mission.
  23. Rarek


    Welcome to Ahoy World, bud! As Kyrie said, hope to see you around more. Pretty sure I've seen you on the ArmA server a couple of times.
  24. Hi Melbo! Thanks so much for using our mission; it means a lot that so many people like yourself are enjoying it! In regards to saving gear loadouts, both you and your players are correct: there's currently nothing put in to enable you to do that. We're working on implementing a customised gear-saving / picking screen that will allow you to easily change (and save) everything while at base. I'll have this implemented in version 2.8 (which will hopefully be out this weekend). So you're aware, in 2.77 there are a couple of issues regarding markers appearing / not appearing when a new AO is created. This may well hit you, but we're testing an alternative method on our server with version 2.78.1 that should fix this issues. Once we've thoroughly tested it and confirmed that it works, I'll update the version here. Keep coming back to me with bugs and suggestions!
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