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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. See I wanted something 24" - bigger the better, eh? Plus, budget can't be too high. I just wanted to treat myself but I ain't spending any more than £150 on a single monitor.
  2. Mainly just reminding myself to buy three of these when I get my first paycheck from me new job! http://www.ebuyer.com/393375-acer-g246hlb-24-led-lcd-hdmi-monitor-um-fg6ee-b01
  3. Seeing as it's quite difficult to see friendlies (and anything else for that matter) when it's dark, I was going to automatically add chemlights to back of players' heads that light up at night. I guess real armies don't actually do that kind of thing, though? Might be cool to try.
  4. Invade & Annex is good, but it'd be nothing without the fantastic community surrounding it! Here, we honour one of the most dedicated members we have. A good soldier and a good admin, danne has now reached over 100 hours played on our server! Please join me in congratulating danne for this damned impressive milestone! As a reward from the Ahoy World crew, we're giving you 200 Ahoy Coins that can be used in ArmA once some of the devs pull their fingers out! Congrats, danne!
  5. This won't be a long news article, but it is an important one. Since it's creation on the first day of the ArmA 3 Alpha, Invade & Annex has received an incredible reception. Played on over 70 servers and our own server now stretching over 15,000 hours played collectively by its members (that's 1.7 years), the Ahoy World staff is absolutely ecstatic. With our server being played so heavily and, as a lot of members are aware, regularly having to wait a long time to even get in, we've soared up the server leaderboards. Today we've hit #2. In the ArmA 3 global community we're #2, only surpassed by a 50-slot "Life" server; a long-running ArmA II game-mode ported straight over from the old engine. We here at Ahoy World would just like to express our thanks; the absolute enthusiasm and helpfulness of all of our members is staggering and I'm proud of this community with all of you in it. A solid amount of you come on TeamSpeak and have a chat and are already becoming pillars of the community, which leads me on to my final point. Most of us have jobs and so, understandably, we can't be on anywhere near as much as we'd like. After the popularity of Ahoy World grew, a jerk reaction was to hire some "Honourary Administrators" from across the globe to keep tabs on the server while we were away. Another huge thank you goes out to all of you who have been administrating the server and keeping it clean. I personally haven't spoken to all of you, but a few will be aware that I linger around in the evening, breaking the mission and claiming to be "developing" it. I thank you all for playing on the server, coming here and registering and generally taking part in the community. It's fantastic to see Ahoy World grow with such good members in its grasp. Keep on keepin' on and I'll see you on the battlefield.
  6. I think I said welcome in your question on mortars, but I'll say it here again! Welcome! As Brooksie10 said, join us on TeamSpeak sometime to meet most of the crew. I think you'll like it here.
  7. Here is a crap photo of my room as somebody requested it. I shall update with specs later if y'all are interested.
  8. Welcome to the community, Mattfrizz and thank you for playing and enjoying the map! Do let us know if there's anything we can do to improve and hopefully I'll see more of you around in the future.
  9. Might just be the way in which the posts are created (via an RSS feed from our Bitbucket site).
  10. Welcome to the community, Nooky!
  11. Heya Kilo! Glad to have you with us laddy and welcome to Ahoy World! I'm fantastically excited that you're so enthusiastic about the mission and Ahoy World; it's because of people like yourself that we've come this far and, believe me, we're aiming for the top! Any input you have on the mission (really, anything; danne suggested something on TeamSpeak today and I added it pretty much instantly), make sure you voice it! I must head off now, but hopefully I'll see lots of you around in the future! See you in a bit and, once again, welcome to Ahoy World.
  12. Roger. I'll spend some time tonight having a look at it; I've probably just over-written something important as I tend to not look at the mobile site too much. Good spot. Fixed.
  13. Rarek


    'ello laddy and welcome! Good to see you here. We'll get a good game going over the weekend, eh?
  14. Rarek


    Welcome, Ja5on! Glad your enjoying the mission and the site so much! I'm intrigued about this hacking thing now though...
  15. I never said hello in this thread. Hello.
  16. Holy christ, danne! Way to break physics and belly-flop the floor! I'm doing solid Side Mission testing tonight until I can fix that no-good, dirty, stinking, bastard of an issue. The problem is this: say I create a building called theBuilding and I spawn it in front of me. //Assuming _pos is a pre-defined position in front of me theBuilding = "Land_I_Stone_HouseSmall_V1_F" createVehicle _pos; I then check if the building is alive and show it's current state of damage (0 being alive, 1 being dead) using: _isAlive = false; if (alive theBuilding) then { _isAlive = true; } else { _isAlive = false; }; _dam = getDammage theBuilding; hint format["Building Alive: %1\nDamage: %2",_isAlive,_dam]; When that code is activated (in a trigger, let's say) it will show a hint like so: Building Alive: true Damage: 0 Now most buildings will remain alive until their damage hits 1. However, buildings in ArmA 3, due to some strange bug or a slight redesign, instead change into other buildings. That's right. They actually transform into different "damaged" versions of themselves. That's fine, visually, but from a mission-making perspective it's a real arse. The current issue is that unless the building's damage goes from 0 to 1 in one hit (using a satchel charge, for example), it will stop tracking damage once the building has "transformed" and therefore is permanently alive. If I spawn a building and mortar it, for example, after three mortar strikes the building will get stuck with these statistics: Building Alive: true Damage: 0.41245135 Short of just saying that the mission's completed if the building's damage is over 0.4 (which I tried in this latest version, but it obviously "transforms" before that point), I'm looking for a more elegant and long-lasting solution that doesn't involve me having to test every bloomin' building to see when it transforms itself into a hat or something. Long story short, I'm still looking for a solution. Feel free to pitch in if you know the answer. If I can get this damned bug sorted, yes.
  17. Rarek

    Hi guys!

    Welcome to Ahoy World, laddy!
  18. Absolutely incredible screenshots! WOW! Can't wait to see more; keep on posting, lads!
  19. Heya, Echo! Sorry it seems to have taken us all so long to reply! I was at work when I saw the thread, so that's my excuse. Looks like you will (and have) fit right in! Good to see you around and look forward to seeing even more of you!
  20. Glad to hear everything's up and running, winston. As always, let me know if there are any problems.
  21. Gladly. Apologies I didn't remove them sooner; players on the Ahoy World server didn't catch on that you could use them for quite a while, but once the word spread it was utter havoc.
  22. Updated to 2.83. It should be of note that this isn't a feature-heavy update and is mostly bug-fixes. If this runs nice and stable we'll start adding pure content from here on in.
  23. I wanna see your game! I wanna see explosions! I wanna see ragdolls! Post your ArmA 3 screenshots here!
  24. Working on it right now, winstonsmith. Should be up tonight; trying to get everything nice and fixed.
  25. Hiya, Richie! I've been more-or-less away for the entirety of this Easter weekend so I haven't been able to put much time into the mission, but I've left 2.82.4 on our server to see how it runs. From what I've heard back, everything's running nice and smooth and the features I've added haven't broken anything (after a few quick hotfixes, at least). Long story short, if there aren't any huge problems with it I'll be releasing 2.82.4 tonight. I'm all for a revive script and having it so that only medics (or at least those with a med-kit backpack) can revive fallen soldiers is a brilliant idea. When I get a little bit more time I'll do some more testing with the =BTC= Revive script and see if I can get it to fit comfortably with our current set-up. If I can, I'll make it a parameter in the mission (enable / disable revive). You're one of the few to realise this, tedbell. I've always stood by that ArmA is much more fun (and people put a lot more effort in) if they can't just immediately respawn right on the front lines. Having dedicated chopper pilots ferrying troops to and from objectives provides fantastic immersion. I will implement MHQs (mobile respawn) when the larger map, Altis, is released, but even then I may restrict it in certain ways. It's worth mentioning that I'm very aware that revive is a feature that a lot of people want. I want it too and mean to implement it, just in a way that doesn't impact the rest of the mission and keeps the high, some-what polished standard that the mission is kept at.
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