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Bug regarding RHS Helicopters

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Hey guys,


I noticed something odd whilst flying the RHS helicopters.

Sometimes this occurs what i think is a bug, the turbine on the helicopters gets stuck into full throttle mode. Which prevents me of slowing down after a sizeable descent.

Once this has occured (ofwich I do not know what triggers it) I'm still able to descent using the collective lower but I'm not in any way able to slow down. If I do so use autohover to try and slow down the vehicle it launches itself upward into the air never actually coming to a stop, which to me is a key indicator thats this problem is occuring due to some issue with the turbines.


I hope this gives an accurate discription of what my findings are regarding to this issue so this can hopefully can get fixed. If it is even fixable on our end and not up to the RHS modders.


Greetings, Highway.

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I do like to add/stress that this problem also occured before the latest update (whilst flying a chinook), and I did check my controls and messed around with them a little bit but nothing had an impact.. I do need to mention that I fly with keyboard and mouse and use no form of analouge throttle input.


I also heard that Moonfire has a video regarding  this: 


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Something similar happened to me, but I was able to slow down by releasing the throttle/lowering the collective.

When I was flying the Chinook today I was able to reach speeds of over 500km/h. Even outmanoeuvring a PAK50 and it's missiles :P

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Happened to me again a few days back, first in a Blackhawk that I had to respawn out of, and after that in an AH-6M-M.


Abort to Lobby fixed it in this instance.


Seemed like collective functioned as normal, but a constant force was pushing me forwards.

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Happened to me in the Apache with no radar in RHS a few days ago. Helicopter was nearly vertical but we were still going at 300km/h. Somehow though It fixed it self out again, only thing I could think that did it was me inverting the helicopter.

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I do like to add/stress that this problem also occured before the latest update (whilst flying a chinook), and I did check my controls and messed around with them a little bit but nothing had an impact.. I do need to mention that I fly with keyboard and mouse and use no form of analouge throttle input.


I also heard that Moonfire has a video regarding  this: 



Excuse me sir I didn't give thai permission to use hahaha just tag me in it next time please and yes i could easily out do a F-18 in it

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2 hours ago, Lost Bullet said:

I've experienced something similar the other day while driving: The vehicle was going at 400km/h and still gaining speed...But in that case when I pressed the break the speed went down.

It's not just the Vehicle bug. 

It's an all around afterburner bug, when one of the jet pilots enables the afterburner. Instead of only the Jet getting the speed bonus, all vehicles get like +150% speed boost.

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