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New music bot on Teamspeak!


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Hey Guys,


We have a new music bot on TeamSpeak now, under the "MusicBot" channel under the Donator channel. It tells you what is currently playing in the channel chat or you can type !playing


Guests can't do anything to the bot. Only enjoy the music

Members can download youtube Music using !qyt <Youtubeurl> (This adds it to the queue and plays it when the previous songs have finished)

Donators can download off youtube, this is stored on the server for future selection by members. (!ytdl <youtube URL> , this is instant and will overwrite the queue) Donators can also use the !next , !previous and !stop commands


These are the commands the bot will respond to depending on your server group


!next will skip to the next song

.next is for voting for the next song (you need 51% or more channel members to vote in favour).

!previous Will select the previous song in the playlist

!search will search files which are downloaded to the bot.

!queue  resume queue playback.

!queue <searchstring / uuid> enqueue a track by its id or search for a track and enqueue the first match.

!queuenext <searchstring / uuid> prepend a track by its id or search for a track and prepend the first match to the queue.

!qyt <youtube url> will line up a youtube song in the queue.

If you don't have access to some of these commands it's probably because you're not part of the right server group; inquire with MessedUpSmiley for further info.


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