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Everything posted by BloodInTheSand

  1. Since the launch of version 012, I haven't seen issues with respawn for players, spawning of AI in towns or trouble with the huge server FPS drops. So far this seems to have solved the issues.
  2. My personal experience of these mods is the reason I've voted no. It's impossible to test something like this under every circumstance - and if the mods are made optional, there is the potential for a tactical advantage under some potentially unknown circumstances. Sure, vanilla sounds aren't perfect - but at least we all know we're hearing the same things (speakers or headphones permitting) If they are made mandatory to address that issue, there is the potential for impact on performance for people over a personal taste in sound which I just don't think is worth the risk.
  3. Now, bearing in mind here I speak as a player of the public servers and not as an admin - I think the UGVs are a bundle of fun to use, but their utility ends just about there. The UAV operator tends to be operating multiple drones, and the UGV can't be left to it's own devices to loiter quite as easily as a greyhawk or sentinel. Once the UGV is under fire there's a good chance it's staying that way until all of the threats are cleared, which means it has to be controlled all the time where the aerial UAVs can swoop in, attack and get out of dodge. This could lead to fire missions being missed, which will slow down the progress of the server. As for AGMs, the essence of it is that they're just too convenient. I believe the standard layout for a UAV using AGMs is 3x3, so 6 missiles in total compared to two bombs. Couple that with the fact that they're incredibly easy and you've got a recipe for the UAV operator stomping the entire AO before anyone has a chance to get there. FSG, and by extension the UAV operator slot, are included to enhance gameplay for the infantry. Not replace them. Again, just my two cents as to why things are as they are.
  4. Also to note a recurring issue of people seeing "Respawn Disabled" upon death and having to reconnect to respawn. Haven't checked yet to see if placing a new respawn point fixes this.
  5. Can't explain it, but they did this time. My assumption would be there's some issue related to the pilots themselves not being tied to the mission as mission critical. Hence it not causing failure and them despawning.
  6. Lythium 11 Rescue pilots mission Pilots were killed during the mission, this did not trigger mission failure. I was unable to locate them in Zeus as they had despawned by the time I realised.
  7. Comms is something I want to get covered to a degree under basic conduct, as I feel it's important to teach people about unnecessary radio chatter etc.
  8. Bananas are food! As for water, a civilian tanker typed vehicle could be used.
  9. I also personally very much enjoy TvT, but have found it to be quite imbalanced the last few times it's been run. One side is always drastically under or overpowered, with the blufor side often having high caliber weapons and strong body armour, with the opfor side having very little in the way of armour and exploding at the mere sight of a bullet. I'd love to play tvt again, but feel it needs some balancing changes before it'll be fun rather than frustrating.
  10. It's something we're looking to do in regards to the enhanced training sessions. If you'd like extra hands or to integrate the events somehow I'm sure we could work it out!
  11. There are spawn pads around base at the separate vehicle service stations where you can spawn vehicles depending on the faction you're playing. The large lamp posts next to the pads have a scroll wheel option for spawning things. Edit: I realise that didn't answer your question upon re-reading it. In theory every vehicle should respawn but this is a good alternative.
  12. Yes, there are no maps so big that driving to an AO in a small, fast vehicle like a prowler would make it unplayable. Perhaps with the exception of Lythium, where the incredibly far AOs tend to be few and far between, which I don't believe is on the current version of gauntlet anyway. Rule 8 covers this.
  13. Helicopters are restricted exclusively to the pilot slot, they shouldn't be taken by anyone else. Wasting assets is against the rules, and this includes abandoning vehicles or destroying them for no good reason. In short, if you've taken a vehicle to an AO - try to get it back. As a pilot you shouldn't be leaving the vehicle in the first place except in base or under some very specific circumstances.
  14. If you mean running solo alongside everyone else, outside of the command structure, that would be lone wolfing and definitely not allowed. However if you mean playing when nobody else is around... pick a slot and play it to the best of your ability to complete the objectives! After all, as the only player, you're in command and have all of the authority over rule bends around assets that a normal CO would have. However, don't take that to mean you can do whatever you like. The rules are there to prevent things from going horribly. I hope that one of those responses answers your question. As always, I'm not on the administration team, so that's just my take on things.
  15. Had a short stint today and holy cow is stiletto fun. There's a good chance I prefer it to gauntlet. Feels more dynamic and like you've got a goal to work towards which I feel is something gauntlet lacks. Nothing I'd like to see added that wasn't mentioned already.
  16. @Stanhope and @McKillen are the men to talk to about this.
  17. Even without Apex, it should let you take the gun and give you a DLC watermark instead. Double check you were in an autorifleman slot, if you weren't then there could be something to it.
  18. The appropriate process to report issues is something I want to cover under discipline already. It's important that people know how to properly report any wrongdoing or other things.
  19. I remember it well, it's the reason AT is back on the list
  20. That's generally how they've been planned before, and I fully intend for them to continue working like that. Means people know what to expect and when to expect it. The only thing I won't be planning out like that are on the fly trainings - if someone wants to sit in my copilot seat while I fly and observe, short things about ballistics etc.
  21. Since we have an almost even split on voting between medium and short sessions, how would you guys feel about covering off leadership tactics and general discipline in the same session? We can cover them both off, then run a mission on gauntlet to demonstrate what we've all learned.
  22. That's the sort of time of day most people tend to be online. Will probably be looking at doing my little ballistics session around 7-8pm BST one day.
  23. That's the idea. Even if it just teaches someone an easier way to do something they already know how to do, then we're setting up for good things.
  24. @Ryko will be the man to ask there. My understanding is that we don't use full AB for anyone. Some features are either not included or are irrelevant at the distances of our normal engagements.
  25. It was you that taught me the basics that I'll be going back over! I don't want to go crazy in depth with it, just a basic overview of the equipment and help a bit with judgement.
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