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Everything posted by BloodInTheSand

  1. Definitely happy to help where I can. Poke me next time you see me online and I'll set something up for us to practice on.
  2. RHS MAAWS added. Almost identical to the TF47 variant, however it is incapable of airburst using the HE rounds.
  3. If you're looking for a bit more cohesion consider our modded server. Got a guide for setting it up in the Enhanced section of the forum. It's generally much more structured.
  4. I didn't, as building destruction is rarely the appropriate course of action. Clearing it should always be the first port of call, especially with the amount of civillians on stiletto. I suppose now that we have a map with the standard BLUFOR as Spetsnaz I really should add the RPG series weapons.
  5. I've spoken to KPJ and I'm happy to run a quick mock up for building clearing tomorrow night at approx. 8pm GMT on AWE. This will be done simply by running you through garrisoned buildings with all of the occupants restrained at first, then after you get the hang of it leaving them armed and able to shoot back. If anybody would like to help and deliver some actual short training on clearing then that would be fantastic.
  6. There was, once, a version of either stiletto or gauntlet on Tanoa. The main problem is the pay wall - even if only one person can't get on that wants to, then we're restricting it too much. That's my understanding of things at least.
  7. BloodInTheSand

    Emergency Landing Gone Right

    Any landing you can walk away from is a successful one!
  8. Sounds to me like one of the factions we use, which are a compilation of files from other mods, didn't load in the a3sync boot up sequence.
  9. It will be, yes. Squad leading and team leading should be up next.
  10. Not having many signups for this at the moment. Guys, if you're planning on coming along please fill in the attendance form as it will help to better direct the session.
  11. In that case, then, I'd say having the HQ tied to skill level would work well. Makes sense that having somewhere to relay commands would increase the combat effectiveness of the AI
  12. Welcome! Always glad to see a new face. Have a look through the forums here, we've got a ton of guides on Arma and it's intricacies. If you're interested in a slightly more serious, semi-realistic experience then check out AWE, our modded server. Plenty of fun to be had there.
  13. So, I have my ideas for this and I'm casting off my staff mantle for this and taking up my occasional public server player one. I personally think that the radio tower should alternate jets and helicopters - 20% Shikra, 10% Kajman, 40% Orca, 20% Whatevervanillasu25iscalled. Those numbers are just for an example. The HQ could be used similarly to spawn additional units, but consider it to be calling in ground reinforcements. 50% chance to spawn in unarmed ifrits to deploy infantry, 25% for an armed Ifrit, then a 5% chance or so for more heavily armed vehicles. The Cache I'm not too sure on yet, bear with me on potential ideas for that
  14. Might I suggest the possibility of having it spawn in ground troops to approach from outside of the AO? 5% chance for a Varsuk, 5% Tigris, 5% BTR etc etc etc but with the overwhelming majority being unarmed Ifrits full of troops to deploy
  15. Here we go folks! If you're planning to attend, I'd love if you could fill in the attendance form I've attached to the post. This way I can get a better idea of who's coming along and how much you already know.
  16. Where? AWE! When? Monday the 11th of September 7pm BST (What time is this for you?) What? General Conduct training! Please fill in this attendance form Thank you all again for bearing with us on this guys! On Monday we're going to be kicking off the next round of training by starting with general conduct. New player or experienced, there'll be a lesson to learn for everyone here. We will be covering... Appropriate responses to orders Things that could be disruptive to other players What it really means to play your role As well as many other things! A lot of this session is going to be talking. I wish there was a way to make it more interactive, but most of this is on paper typed learning. Regardless, I hope that this will help us all better understand the server and what is expected from each of us. This will start at 7pm BST and run for as long as it needs to. Think long and hard about any questions you'd like answered about the server, as there will be a Q&A at the end! Cheers for reading and see you there -Blood
  17. It was good to see people back on last night, definitely! Shame I wasn't in LRP, I love doing those little foot patrols.
  18. Thanks for all the votes so far, folks. Looks like this will be run on Monday the 11th - but keep your eyes peeled on the News & Events section of the forums on Friday for the finalisation of the plan!
  19. Less Barbie, more G.I Joe. Signed up and see you all there!
  20. Definitely absolutely nothing fishy about that.
  21. Have a look in the enhanced section of the forum under my training polls post. I'm currently taking votes on a date to run a training session next week!
  22. Thank you all for bearing with us through this, it's been a bit of a bumpy road getting all of our documents together and getting everyone on the same page but I'm happy to announce we're ready to run out first session of the new block. This will be the General Conduct portion, which will cover the basics of how to act while on the server! Please select one of the dates in the attached Strawpoll before Midnight, Thursday 7th of September. Any votes after this time will not be taken into consideration when arranging the date. http://www.strawpoll.me/13860844
  23. Hello and welcome! As for the DLCs, I think everyone has just about hit the nail on the head there. Though Apex and Jets can be useful to have, they're not necessary for just your day to day use. For training, if you're interested in joining AWE and need a hand getting things set up then feel free to get in touch - and keep an eye out in the enhanced section of the forums here for news in regards to upcoming training sessions!
  24. With the current system in Arma, maps are pretty easy to read, but I'll bear it in mind for something to cover. As for the vehicle side of things, heavier vehicles are rarely used - and we already have (somewhere on the forums!) a guide to positioning and engaging with armour.
  25. This. Gorgona has issues with spawning some insurgents as OPFOR some as INDEP which leads to the enemies engaging each other. On top of this, I noticed with the rescue king mission (will attach screenshots of the aftermath later) that after the units broke out into a full scale firefight, they very shortly afterwards vanished altogether, which broke the mission and required a hash to resolve.
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