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Everything posted by Nibbs

  1. 1. I'd say could you make the roof over the vehicles at guardian indestructable? when it collapses you have vehicles glitching and respawning in the rubble sometimes. 2. The Falcon UAV used to be buggy as hell but massively over-powered, however since Jets DLC the thing is now blind too, so just buggy and useless. Recommend removing it, as frankly I'd rather win a service van as a reward than that. 3. Free cups of tea, and biscuits would be nice. 4. maybe some kind of billboard posting what vehicles can fit in the blackfish? and what can be slingloaded? Not sure how practical this is. Maybe a map entry for it?
  2. Yes I know, but the server runs in real time (x1), and is always reset between the hours of 10am and 9pm, as it's always done by an awake admin which means Night invariably falls overnight whilst the admins are offline
  3. I kinda want to talk about something slightly related, in that, could the server be set such that at 6am gmt, the server sets itself to daylight? Often if you jump on the server early, you'll see people connect and then immediately disconnect when they see it's night time. means there's maybe 3 people at most online for a long period usually until dawn breaks, but sometimes sooner. From my perspective, I'd be happy if the server permanently ran at 4x speed, so people who get home from work get to experience all conditions before bed, rather than the every day daylight, because the servers are always reset during the day.
  4. Oh alright then it spawned that way in the rewards bin
  5. I'l be honest I still don't see the point of the AA jet. Someone piloting it essentially has nothing to do for long periods, costing a vortex slot for almost no gain. (yes I realise it has an amazing FLAIR system on it, but since it's hard to correlate where you're looking at with map co-ords I'm discounting that). I'd sooner see it replaced with the CAS variant but with the ATGMs removed. (maybe 2 more AA missiles or GBUs to counterbalance)
  6. Couldn't you just *ahem* appropriate code from exile mod that allows you to set a pin on a vehicle, and frequently clear any pins on vehicles in the base protection zones?
  7. Nibbs

    Rewards Rework

    Sorry I've been away for a while, and just catching up. How about grouping all the vehicles into sets, and dynamically changing pricing, so we get more variety. I.e. The light vehicle set might have Prowlers Hunters offroads, quads etc in it, lets say 11 different variants of these to make the maths in the example simple. If someone buys a light prowler, the price for light prowlers goes up 10%, and all the others in the set are discounted 1% You could still have a differing base price for each one which the discount is multiplied with, after all a quad does not equal a HMG hunter, but I feel this would be a really simple change and might make things a little more interesting in terms of variety.
  8. Alright, so I'll admit to using that helmet on my AT guy too, for the past few months, it's just so handy for scanning the sky when holding the AA titan launcher. I don't use it on any others though.
  9. Nibbs

    AA Battery

    Cheers for the answers guys, much appreciated. Just to add, I did hear from Sozi the range on them is around 6km. Edit: @fir_nev yep I drive too, but a lot of AT guys don't. I was thinking more about the average player on the server.
  10. About a month ago I installed a mag repacking mod, (Mag Repack 3.1.3) from armaholic, which works beautifully with I&A3. The damned thing is invaluable, and I don't think I'd want to play the game without it since. There's a variant of it that can be dropped into the server code, which appears to be lightweight, and requires no mod downloads for the client, thought I would suggest maybe including it into I&A3 sometime, for everyone to enjoy.
  11. Just curious on this one, since I decided to play AT again which I hadn't for a while.... Is there some weird scripting shenanigans going on? Every time I've gone to take this out, it's taken something approaching 10 AT missiles into one of the pair, then both blow up at the same time. Confuses the heck out of me, because after the second AT hitting home, I start wondering if my missiles aren't actually hitting the vehicles, so I relocate... Are they actually health linked with a large pool of health, or am I just experiencing weird client-side issues? It just seems odd that you'd put in something that can shut down air travel for the server, and requires more than 1 person of the specialised role, can carry, without doing a special trip from base with a vehicle full of rockets. Am I using the wrong tactic, should a squad be pushing in and killing these with a satchel? (will 1 satchel for each vehicle do it?) The whole thing just feels a bit incongruous with the rest of the experience on I&A.
  12. Nibbs

    I&A 2 stuff

    I'm assuming Zeus shenanigans behind this, but points duly awarded. Well played good sir!
  13. Nibbs

    I&A 2 stuff

    Nice, now try a Union Jack, or for extra points, the EU flag
  14. Nibbs

    I&A 2 stuff

    Not to mention, people would slingload it, try to fly too fast dropping it in the water, where it would stay until the next reset or zeus moved it. I'm against this one, the clustering of AOs is really nice for anyone who brought a vehicle asset to the battlefield, and gets people thinking about repair/rearm, instead of just just abandoning them all over the map to take a chopper to the next AO. For the pilots, there's always dead people who need to respawn to ferry to the new AO, and ammo-less AT soldiers to bring back. Also it's generally a good thing that the first flight to the new AO isn't a Huron, completely filled with people, probing the new AA defences for a safe LZ.
  15. Nibbs

    Rewards Rework

    Just a thought to add into the mix, maybe just generically divide the points gain by the number of players on the server, and make a main AO worth 10 times as much as a side and award the completion points to everyone. Would mean when the servers full, and we should be cranking through main AOs the rate of vehicle gains per player should be similar to when the server's quiet and people switch to doing the side missions. It would mean we're trusting battle-eye / admins to kick inactive players though who are passively gaining. Essentially by dividing the amount of points, we're assuming everyone online put in equal amounts of work towards getting the AOs done. Teamwork rewarded by the fact people playing as effective teams generally will get the AO completed faster than average. Crude, but less loopholes to have the admins watching out for. (You guys need to be able to play when you're online too, not just watch for people gaming the system.) Also means no matter how you put in an hours worth of effort into the game, you get fairly rewarded
  16. Never played Planetside Am I missing much?
  17. Arma 3 truck simulator I like this idea, I'm not sure how popular it would be, but then Bus driving in helicopters is also popular, so would suggest it's worth giving a go. Also thought I'd suggest an additional capability. Give the logistics truck the ability to act as an arsenal whilst it's carrying supply points, and dock some every time a player opens the arsenal screen from it, so you can use it as an AO supply too, this gives the role something to do when we have no FOBs. Is there a way to put a marker on the map that follows the truck around, to easily track it, if it goes missing within 500m of base, or for resupply operations? Also I would suggest making this a dedicated role on role selection, to prevent a repair guy jumping in as driver. In my opinion the driver should be able to get it in place without crashing it, or by calling in a repair guy when it's disabled.
  18. Nibbs

    Rewards Rework

    Forgive me, this is going to read like a bitchin' list, I normally try to put in some suggestions of ways to cure issues, but trying to keep this post shorter... To be honest I've been thinking more about this, and whilst in principle I like the idea, I can't help but feel this is going to screw over the more casual players, who can't devote hours in a single sitting, to be able to actually get some time in a fun vehicle. I'm assuming that server restarts will wipe all points accrued? Also I'm concerned this system would be really open to abuse, things I'm expecting: Squad invite spam. Repair specialists constantly crashing vehicles so they can repair them. Medics encouraging squad-mates to play with explosives so they can keep reviving. People AFK in the FSG Gunner role, just firing the odd shot at the side / main AOs, in order to prevent being kicked off, and to passively gain points. Pilots refusing to take off from base until every last seat in their chopper is filled, to maximise points, or getting a squad to constantly get in/out of their chopper if you can't measure distance travelled in the vehicle. People rage quitting, when they've spent an hour farming the points for a vehicle, where upon the Artillery spawns and instantly wrecks it. People not playing during off-peak hours when getting AOs completed is a long chore that can take hours. It's already bad enough when night rolls around in-game and there's no admin on for the next 6 hours to change it, you can literally watch the player counts go from 10 to 0 in minutes when night falls.
  19. For point 1, since I never have an FSG team leader, I typically take the mortars up to a vantage point where I can see the AO through field glasses, but place the mortar behind a rock so people can't direct fire at it. When you spot an enemy through binoculars/Laser designator/rangefinder, they show on the artillery computer for a few seconds, so you have time to jump on the mortar and loose a few rounds. Just remember not all friendlies show on the artillery computer so check the map before firing. For point 2, there are arsenal guys you can drive a vehicle to, to load it up. such as the one next to the Hummingbird spawn point. People usually won't take one if they see you loading it up right next to the arsenal guy For point 3, I've never had a flare round appear to do anything from a distance, but I've occasionally heard people closer to the action saying they're useful. But then every squad also has a grenadier position who can fire flares, so they don't seem worth using all that much on mortar.
  20. Nibbs

    AWE - Arsenal

    On mine, all are alphabetically sorted. My loaded mods are CBA_A3, Mag Repack [3.1.3] and Ares, so maybe one of those is triggering the alphabetical sort?
  21. Honestly I see the Black-fish as a tool for squad play. Whilst that's somewhat of a rarity when there are squads around, I've used the BF to great effect. The ability to drop a small squad closer in to the action, with mobility to allow them to get to the more tricky positions, and with a vehicle loaded with ammo to support them, I feel is growing. Currently it seems there's rarely a pilot in it, so no-one gets to see it shine, but the people I've dropped off in it seem to love it as much as I do flying it. Lets give it some time to settle in with the additions of the unarmed hunters / prowlers and see how its role shapes up? Who knows, someday maybe even Scar will try loading up in an armed prowler instead of a hunter HMG for the further away side missions, safe in the knowledge he doesn't have to worry about if the pilot can actually land the thing With regards to the mess on base I don't find it any worse than the usual quads littered around the heli spawns or the rewards bin
  22. Nibbs

    Rewards Rework

    Personally I'd avoid messing with UAV's tools. The Greyhawks are sitting ducks on the ground, when enemy CAS is about, and whilst not as prone to bugs as the darters, of late they can become painful to use in themselves. If the servers been up for a while you start to find GBUs ignoring the lasers they're locked onto, inability to even target the clearly visible lase, severe shaking lasers when lazing from the same greyhawk that's dropping the bombs, ignoring commands and flying off to 000000, Greyhawks 2000m high getting lit up with an unavoidable amount of AA from releasing a GBU, or (on Tanoa in particular) victims of the transport helis crowding around the runway airspace. It feels like they need the respawns to counter the bugs encountered. Likewise you currently seem to have issues crediting UAV controllers with destruction points, Especially if the few they accrue go towards buying a falcon which is seriously buggy. Spending any points on buying more Greyhawks is going to clutter up the end of the small runway rendering it unusable for anyone buying a Buzzard (currently landing takes the entire airstrip, with you circling around the barriers at the end of the strip) I feel this would put up a barrier to new players learning the UAV role, which we only just removed by giving them a runway. UAV is a very busy and bug filled role that doesn't need additional hurdles in my opinion. I don't feel the Greyhawks give the UAV any more of an edge than the titan compact launcher gives the AT specialist, or the MK6 gives the FSG gunner ***Edit*** Missed a bug: the exceptionally long load times when switching between UAVs when the servers been up a while, starts to get to the point where you can't drop a GBU from 2km, and switch to the darter in time to guide it onto a moving vehicle, or counter it's straying/wobbling laze.
  23. Nibbs

    Friendly arty

    Well that confuses me more then, Because I didn't think the Sochor had the range to cover the whole of Altis from where it is. I don't doubt you're right, just surprised.
  24. Nibbs

    Friendly arty

    I know you can request the strikes from the laptops, but thought those were a standard function of the Arma Server and didn't actually get launched from those vehicles. (e.g. make a blank Altis map, and go into Zeus with Ares mod, you can call the same list of strikes as from the laptops, without placing any sochor or sandstorms) Which is why I assumed those 2 were actually sim disabled. I thought it was just the Cheetah which was the base AA defence (with the script sim enabling it when the AA is turned on)
  25. Once seen as Hotdogs, optionally with Mayo (spartan) or Mustard(donator), I can't unsee them as anything else
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