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Posts posted by JANXOL

  1. People wanted a modded gamenight and so you shall have it. Join for a fun, immersive*, teamplay-oriented experience in a zeus mission led by me. All players are welcome, regardless of prior experience with mods, so do not be afraid to join and have fun. There will be a quick introduction to ACE and its features for all who haven't had prior experience with it.

    *if you're fine with a bit of political fiction





    17:00 UTC


    Expected mission length: 120+ min (might be over or under)


    Introduction Political fiction inbound

                The island of Altis has a history full of violence, as does the rest of the Altis Archipelago. During the Cold War, Altis fell into Soviet sphere of influence, which was welcomed by some of its people and resented by others. A short lived insurgency against the communist rule was quickly ended, not without help from Soviet troops. With the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991, Altis regained some of its lost freedom, but it would not be an end to unrest on the island. In fact, it would only get worse.

                The original government decided to keep close bonds with Russia, but it quickly became apparent that the government has no way of remaining in power. Over the years Altis would gradually drift away from Russia and towards NATO, as its external politics stabilized. Nothing stabilized internally, however. Since 1991 Altis experienced multiple snap elections, political assassinations, mass shootings and two attempted coups. "Altian clock" - originally a comedic gag inspired by "the doomsday clock" - is counting down time to Altis descending into chaos, and people look at it with concern. The unrest on the island made for fertile ground in which to plant dangerous ideas. Ideas that are poison to the society, ideas that can only result in more violence. And with recent geological surveys suggesting presence of uranium on the island, Russia once more turns it's gaze towards Altis, which - one could say - "rightfully" belonged to them.

                Now Altis is on the brink of civil war. Rebellion has taken root on the island. The rebels were swayed by the poisonous words of the anarchists to take up arms against the government. It is almost certain that they are backed by the international organization, who call themselves "Freedom" - a large group regarded by most countries as terrorists, anarchists. Freedom fights to overthrow all governments, all systems of justice, all that which in their view limits the freedom of an individual. There is no proof of their involvement on Altis, but the rebellion seems to share their viewpoint, and it is certain that they are funded by an external power - most likely Freedom, but suspicion also falls on Russia.

                Situation on the island is likely to worsen, as Altian Army struggles to deal with the insurgency. The government tries to seek help abroad. The corporate-funded mercenary group "Gatekeeper" refused cooperation, as it seems Russia offered them a much better contract to avoid their involvement with Altian government. The international task force "Epsilon" operating under NATO banner and dedicated to counteracting global terrorism threats refused involvement for now, uncertain of the situation on Altis. The only hope of bringing them into the fray is to find definite proof of Freedom's involvement. USA and UK agreed to send equipment to support the Altian army, as well as a token military force, which is yet to arrive. The only open offer of "help" came from Russia, but the government was forced to reject it. Despite that, the Russian military is clearly on the move, as the bear is sensing an opportunity.  This caused concern in NATO and so the scene is set...

                With NATO and Russian forces approaching the island in turmoil and a terrorist organization seemingly acting from behind the scenes, it seems all ingredients for a disaster have been added to the cauldron. It is only a matter of time before it starts to boil.

                The Altian clock shows two minutes to midnight...




    The assets

    Player faction: Altian military

    Player slots: 32

    - PLATCO - 4-man command element and armored command vehicle
    - 3 Infantry Squads - Alpha, Bravo, Charlie - 8-man each (4-man fireteam, 3-man maneuver team + engineer - effectively two 4-man fireteams)
    - Deimos - BMP-1P IFV - 2-man crew (Gunner/commander and driver)
    - Support team - 2-man team equipped with either an HMG or recoilless rifle, at commander's discretion
    - Various wheeled transport vehicles

    There will be no arsenal, players are given custom loadouts. Resupply will be possible.
    Despite using a mix of western and russian weaponry, squad layouts are organised so that there should always be someone who uses the same ammo type.



    The mission

    The goal is to put an end to insurgent activity in the area. The rebels have attacked the town of Abdera, most likely to retaliate against the civilians loyal to the government. We are also expecting the insurgents to have several camps, outposts or weapon caches in the area. We must retake the town, and find and neutralize any insurgent threat in it's vicinity. Safety of civilians is a priority. Securing intel or capturing insurgents for interrogation could also prove beneficial to our efforts. We should also be ready to counter any insurgent movements in response to our actions and be on the lookout for possible proof of Freedom's involvement in the insurgency.

    The modset

    We will be using BAF, RHS, ACE and TFAR and associated compatibility patches. To make it extra easy, here's a colection link:




    Just a prologue?

    If people like it and want more, this will likely evolve into a zeus campaign, with a player-driven story and future missions influenced by your efforts, successes and failures. You will get the opportunity to play as Altians, Americans and British and face unique enemy commanders with personalized command styles. It will aim to be the best possible mixture of fun, immersive and challenging.


  2. We have changed the way we host the squad xmls to avoid problems with third party hosting websites.


    Here is thew link to new member xml: http://tags.ahoyworld.net/ahoyxml/members/squad.xml


    If you are part of member xml use this link from now on. The old one will no longer be updated and may or may not continue working for people in it. In case of any problems make sure you are using the new xml.



  3. On 6/25/2019 at 11:25 PM, Johnson said:

    Concidering how even the polls are, it might be worth concidering the original "Factions" idea; the same idea proposed in this poll.

    I can see both sides being happy if there is both a wide variety of "strict" factions (Serbian Armed Forces, US Marines, US Army, MARSOC, Rangers, Russian MSV, Russian VDV, Russian Spetsnaz, etc. etc.) , but then also generic "Casual" factions (BLUFOR, OPFOR, GREFOR).

    These could all be interchangeable in game, so if most players wish to switch to a specific faction, they can, and vise versa. Those who may remember the Stiletto faction system could see how easilly this could work.

    I agree with Johnson on this. It would basically cover both options, and the players would be able to choose what map and what faction to play. It's interesting to see the poll so even.

    And it's great to see this many people casting a vote and discussing the options.

  4. Currently AWE isn't active, so you'll need to wait untill the reboot for any detailed information.

    How many players? I'm hoping many, but that will be seen once the server is back.

    Set up fortifications in the field - Yes, that is possible

    Maps - The exact maps are yet to be decided, but we're steering clear of any that require CUP

    When - AWE is coming back after I&A4 comes out of beta. I do not know the exact date.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mouldy said:

    We know that we're never going to make a change that absolutely everyone agrees with, and it's important that we continue to receive feedback, good and bad.  We don't want people to be afraid of saying something because it's "against the grain".  Otherwise how will we know where to look towards improving things?


    That being said, this first step is intentionally drastic, everyone is going to have a very surreal experience their first time playing with a modset that's half the size.  And yes, as was mentioned before, there's always the possibility of reintroducing things down the line, but we would definitely like to see the dust settle first after these changes have been made.

    I understand what you mean. And just to clarify: I'm not saying I don't agree with that decision or its reasons. I'm saying I will be sad to see some of mods gone. That's just my my personal feelings. But as it's meant to make things better in the end, I understand the decision to cut these mods, and I am not opposed to it.

  6. 13 hours ago, Johnson said:

    Discussion was made regarding BAF, however due to the nature of the AWE "clean-slate" being focused around gameplay over content, BAF can easily be seen to simply re-skin much of the content we already have. For example, playing as British Army with L85A2s + ACOGs really doesen't offer any more interesting gameplay than playing United States Marines with M4s + ACOGs.


    I believe there is always the possibility of mod reintroduction, but certainly not until the new direction of AWE is solid in its foundation (gameplay > content). For now, RHS and vanilla should certainly suffice, especially now that we will likely use both of them to their full potential.

    I can't say I'm happy about this. Here's hoping things improve and some of the mods can be reintroduced.

  7. 7 hours ago, GhostDragon said:

    TS freezing is a known issue with version of teamspeak 3.2 can't be fixed by the modmaker as it's a fault with the program itself they know about it and it should be fixed in a future version also happens with acre

    As far as I know this issue was fixed in beta build of TS. I am using it and everything is fine. Opt into beta builds in TS settings and download update.

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