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Posts posted by JANXOL

  1. On 12.12.2017 at 4:10 PM, Ryko said:

    It's dependent on the helicopter - some have the FRIES points enabled, some don't - ie., all the Russian helicopters can't fast rope.


    I believe they can. I believe kasatka and mi-8 without door gunners can do that. That's the RHS kasatka on the picture.


  2. On 12.12.2017 at 9:20 PM, Ryko said:

    I've followed up on a previous suggestion to an ability to load/unload the large cargo crates (600RP) to the basic HEMTT: this is accomplished by an addAction and includes a nifty animation that attaches / detaches the cargo crate to the vehicle.  I could probably do something similar for the Blackfish, but yeah, as stated, it's probably easier to just manually change the ACE cargo capacity of the Blackfish. Anyone know what it is set to currently?

    The default for every variant of blackfish and xian is 4 ACE cargo capacity.

    EDIT: NVM it was already answered.

  3. 16gb is good, but why stop there? Personally when I have upgraded my RAM last time, i have left the original 2 sticks in and just added new ones, so I have 2x4 and 2x8 for a total of 24gb. The question is, how much do you really need? If its for "normal" gaming, 16gb should be perfectly fine, but if you're like me... There comes a point in your life when you mod a game so hard it actually needs 20gbs of RAM to load a save. As said earlier, corsairs and kingstons are reasonable choice.


    Speaking from experience, one thing to consider when doing an upgrade is cooling. You may need to add a fanblade or two, especially if you're planning to overclock, and make sure air can circulate inside the case. Peformance won't really increase if you put new stuff in, but the pc will keep crashing because of temps.

    I put two bonus fans inside my case, and my friend, who has no space for them, had to lower room temperature by a couple degrees to keep playing. :grin-min:




  4. 9 hours ago, S0zi0p4th said:

    The whole Arma3 voice system you can forget on AWE or any tfar server because thats disabled 



    I'm pretty sure you can still talk via arma VOIP if you press caps (radio) while also holding alt to look around. At least the voice comm for "side" comes up, not sure if anyone can hear it.

  5. 17 hours ago, LEO said:




    also one issue i had during this runn whas that green team (3-6) do not have a dedicated TL .(this part reffers to this evening) with the current work load of the enginer adding the team leader role ontop of that made my job rather hectic + that i bearly had time to take care of my team in between saving you from steping on tripwiers and taking care of my self. :)


    so if you can make it so either the squad leader has slot 3-6 as a personal escort and dont seperate them from him self. and then use team ( 7-12 ) as a exstention of him self. that wuld be the optimal setup in my opinion at this point



    I agree that there either needs to be a teamlead, or a squadlead needs that responsibility. In fact, that's how russians do it: The squadleader is also a fireteam leader (and vehicle commander when mounted, but that's a different story). I think it would also encourage taking platco, as that would be the commanding role, while squadlead would focus on his team/squad, instead of the whole AO.

  6. The thing about war in general is that it is absolute hell, but also makes good material for video games.

    39 minutes ago, BenjaminHL said:



    The reason I mention this is to show what these weapons do, they are indiscriminate. I also mention this story to show the real life impact, but also how they are used in warfare. I want to distinguish the real world from the fantisty land we play in every day and say how we should always put gameplay first and have fun but not take lightly the subject matter despite our digital reality. Don't ban the bombs, as we can show the player base how to use them within the rules and unlike in real life they will go off every time.



    I agree completely on this. In my opinion, the only legitimate reason for banning the bombs would be performance-related.
    As far as immersion and gameplay goes, I believe they should be accessible to all factions that aren't part of the CCM.


  7. Does it happen every time you try to join?


    Even after a full game restart?

    If so, check the Arma 3/addons folder in installation directory and make sure you have files with .bisign extension. Each .pbo should have its respective .bisign. For example: "animals_f.pbo.a3.bisign". If not, try to redownload/verify game files via steam.
    To be honest you can try that even if the files are there, to be sure.

  8. Thanks for the help. I got it work. Also, you CAN make it work on an empty mission with no files attached, using only achilles :D Which is absolutely amazing to me and just what I needed. Also, you can't make an oval, because the first value is the yield and second is radius. So typing 500, 10 will give you a really big explosion that only damages things within 10meters (it seems).

  9. Thanks, I took a peek inside and I will experiment with it once I get the time. Can you explain to me what that part means?

    missionTrigger2 setTriggerStatements ["time > countdown || !(alive nuke)", "
    	{	[[(getPos nuke),500,500],_x,true,false,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    	}	foreach [
    	[[missionPos,500,500],'rhs_fnc_ss21_nuke_fx_damage',false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    	['fail','The bomb detonated!'] execVM 'scripts\core\missionNext.sqf';
    ", ""];


    If i understand correctly, this is the actual detonation, and "nuke" is the variable attached to the object. What do the "_x" and "500"s mean?

    The last two are yield and radius, what about the first two?


    EDIT: I feel like realisation struck me. I will check tomorrow, though I'd still appreciate clarification.

  10. 1 minute ago, Noah_Hero said:

    There are a few invulnerable units as far as I know. And since it is also possible to just use RHS GREF or RHS AFRF units as enemys while not having to take care of what exactly you place down it is the better way to just remove project Opfor.:)

    Wierd. I would imagine those kind of issues would be result of bugs with rhs gear(which there are some, especially since 1.7). Was expecting something like missing equipment or something.
    Well I agree its better to remove the mod than deal with these kinds of issues, but I'm hoping project OPFOR will get updated/fixed and reintroduced to the gauntlet. I really like murdering those units.

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