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Everything posted by Harrod200

  1. Someone should drop me a message on Steam next time the Russkies are blufor. Not played much lately, but sounds fun.
  2. It's not covered in the rules, and as it's available to pretty much all classes in the arsenal I just wanted to clarify; is the Raven allowed for use by all classes (with TL's assent), or just the UAV Op?
  3. Most of my loadouts have 8 mags in the vest. That's enough to last me through 2-3 full missions. Perhaps if we were using 7.62 which is heavier and comes in lower capacity magazines we'd have more sharing, but 5.56 is so light it's easy to lug around a small armoury's worth without hurting your stamina. If I'm AAR and there's space in my bag left over after a couple of cans, I'll fill that with mags too for any sharing needs but as you say, it's pretty rare. I've hardly even seen ARs grab ammo from their AAR. I find I'm using a lot less ammo too now that I've switch to full-tracer ammo and can more effectively adjust my aim position; the night time firefight yesterday made it look like a fair few others were doing the same. Combined with my favourite RCO sight with its pretty accurate range guide and it's a combination of being fairly ammo efficient, and carrying a lot of it. A rule to say 'no more than X mags for personal use' would certainly increase sharing and cooperation, but I think might be a bit far, and hard to enforce.
  4. I'm not planning on getting it. The other concern would be that if Apex were integrated into the server, from what I've seen, non-Apex players won't even be able to see Apex assets, so it's not even a case of 'there are shiny things, but YOU can't use them'. EDIT: Looks like I may be wrong. Reddit Apex FAQ Megathread says otherwise in point 2, but has no references.
  5. Rocking around a big map, with big toys and people who more or less know how to use them, raising hell and slaughtering many times our own number. That and bringing someone who's unconscious and bleeding out of every pore back from the brink. Also, This:
  6. As someone who hasn't been here long I can't comment on past greatness, but I can say that I enjoy the server, there's nothing I majorly disagree with (otherwise I simply wouldn't be here). The biggest issue I've seen is the idea that 'this isn't a practice server'. Very true in and of itself; anyone trying something out should know at least the basics of that role, but it creates a very daunting atmosphere when it comes to giving a job a try in play. As an example, I'd like to give MAT a go at some point, but feel that there are a lot of expectations placed on someone in any slot to do a bloody good job at it, which very much puts me off. I've flown with HitTheMan a few times and learned a lot (when a copilot slot is 'unlocked'), but even so I wouldn't feel comfortable taking the reigns in live play. Partial repost from another thread as my contribution: Thinking back over the last few days over the 'toxic' community comments, I can see a few occurrences where I could have done something different, or tried to help out more. Yesterday, Vortex was not performing anywhere near as well as it has with more experienced crews; there was a lot of complaining, but not a lot of consideration for the other side. It's not the experienced person's responsibility to train and mentor others who are less experienced; as I said above, I play to enjoy the game, and it would be hypocritical of me to expect others to do otherwise, but where someone is willing to learn, and someone willing to teach (as I often am when I have some valuable knowledge), I think this should be encouraged as much as possible. What would the management team think of a number of Mentor/Student slots on the server? Unconstrained by manning rules and loadout limitations, not counting towards any squad strength, which can be used to go along with pilots, leaders etc to allow, where someone is willing, an experienced person to shadow a newer player and guide them, or vice versa. These slots are clearly open to abuse, but I don't believe it would be hard to identify abuse and apply disciplinary process appropriately. Additional to the above, if Ahoy has a dedi box (I don't know how you're set up on the back end), perhaps a much smaller server for mentored practice would be a good thing? The same mod loadout, but no missions and some (very) easy AI for target practice. I recognise that training sessions exist, but this is a more personal 1:1 solution.
  7. I've burned out from more than one game by caring too much about it, nowadays I play to enjoy playing. If I'm not enjoying what I'm doing, I'll change roles or leave to do something else; much as I enjoy playing with the team, I hold no commitment to other peoples' enjoyment beyond the point it enhances my own. I make no apologies for just alt+f4'ing when the game goes in a direction I don't want it to. WRT changes, I'm always in favour of trialling initially and, once they've been given a fair chance and evaluated by the player base, they can be considered for permanent adoption, reversion, or modification and retrial, by popular vote. If an idea isn't taken up, that's no slight on whoever came up with it and doesn't mean it's a bad idea; it simply didn't work here. Propose ideas freely, if taken up then great, if not, then never mind. I suffer a lot from difficulty in separating criticism of my ideas and opinions from criticism of myself, and looking around online, I'm seeing the same thing more and more all over the place; if we can get over that, I think great things could be achieved. Thinking back over the last few days over the 'toxic' community comments, I can see a few occurrences where I could have done something different, or tried to help out more. Yesterday, Vortex was not performing anywhere near as well as it has with more experienced crews; there was a lot of complaining, but not a lot of consideration for the other side. It's not the experienced person's responsibility to train and mentor others who are less experienced; as I said above, I play to enjoy the game, and it would be hypocritical of me to expect others to do otherwise, but where someone is willing to learn, and someone willing to teach (as I often am when I have some valuable knowledge), I think this should be encouraged as much as possible. What would the management team think of a number of Mentor slots on the server? Unconstrained by manning rules and loadout limitations, not counting towards any squad strength, which can be used to go along with pilots, leaders etc to allow, where someone is willing, an experienced person to shadow a newer player and guide them. These slots are clearly open to abuse, but I don't believe it would be hard to identify abuse and apply disciplinary process appropriately.
  8. I'm indifferent on the issue of squad reorgs; I've not been here long enough to really get attached to a particular setup. My only concern with the requirement of having some form of command element is that when the server has few players, I'll happily take a couple of people and go on a mission, but I don't want to be in a leadership position when the population has grown; the current state means either I suck it up and take a TL position to get things started, and reslot later (though this would be pretty disruptive mid-mission), or I quickly burn out once a few more people join and end up leaving much sooner than otherwise. Out of interest, what was the reason for the change?
  9. I can't seem to set my avatar up properly; it gives me the window to crop it, but there seems to be no way I can use that to use *all* of the avatar; either it cuts a few px off the sides because the crop tool just won't go any bigger, or I have to zoom out a little, which results in a black border.
  10. Don't recognise Panthera. Is it not played often, or am I just not linking the name to the map?
  11. Extracting the truck with recovered cargo from Fallujah. Almost.
  12. Morphine fixes everything. When your victimpatient says they hear a heartbeat, that's good; it means their heart is beating.
  13. I have PTT bound to the back/forward buttons on my mouse; back for TS/Discord, forward for any in-built VOIP a game may have. I don't have to move anything as my thumb rests on them anyway, and it just becomes second nature. Not even sure what I'd map those buttons to otherwise. If I were to take on a role with multiple radios often, I'd probably look at mapping forward to rad2. I've never gotten on with voice activation; I'm always paranoid that I'd leave it running and transmitting half my personal life to a bunch of random internetters.
  14. I've been less than 20m from AIs before on ATaC night missions running a very similar modpack without them noticing before. Nothing in the game quite like slipping around a patrol, or waiting for them to pass then quickly dispatching them before they can react. If we've got a noisy group and a quiet group, let the noisies cause a distraction while we sneak in the back and do what needs to be done
  15. i7-4790 (non-k) 8GB DDR3 CM Hyper 212 Evo (soooo much quieter than stock) Corsair XT 250GB SSD 1TB HDD Crappy 22" 1080 monitor 970 with a pretty hefty factory OC Current plans are a 1070 & new monitor, upgrading to a 1080ti or Vega offering next year. Might even look at one of those funky ultrawide curved screens then...
  16. Diplomacy and negotiation; the fine art of coming up with a solution that nobody is happy with. The solution here is black and white stripes.
  17. Here's my view of the same. Awesome flying.
  18. Introduced by Hench. Who knows how long I'll hang around before fading away.
  19. Since I've been on EU3 a bit lately, I suppose I should actually register for stuff. Can't use AT4 to save my life; will only be carrying an NLAW. Passable medic. Fairly good at dropping mortars on stuff without a range computer. Happy to run around with just a rifle and bag full of stuff. Love being sneaky. Not too keen on taking leadership, but can do if everyone dies, until they're un-deadeded. Never tried flying, feel like a target in vehicles; more comfortable on foot.
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