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Everything posted by fir_nev

  1. I am thinking of running with harness to accommodate extra belts but will only do that when I try Tanoa. I used to run around with MX SW during the VAS days.
  2. Those two on their own are already heavy. U can add one more belt to Ur pack and that is it. Not good for Tanoa setup. I struggle with Zafir too. Strange thing is, I have never run around with Mk200. Maybe I should if I were to jump in as one because of their caseless rounds.
  3. I too run with an SPMG if I go autorifleman but I can only load my ammunition into a vehicle due to short stamina...
  4. Is there a cut-off date or will the phases commence according to funds raised?
  5. It is quite steep for a potentially 3 jets and 3 tanks but think about the mods that people will work on these. Nice one!
  6. I immediately acquired this without thinking. I think the new introduction of jets will be a challenge for the upcoming I&A version. https://store.bistudio.com/products/arma3-dlc-bundle2
  7. Finally! I am very confident that the implementation will be made permanent!
  8. Damn it! Now U are asking for it! Looks like I will have to keep my empty 1TB storage HDD into the static bag once I have the 500GB!
  9. Hi @Patrik. Ur current shortlist looks good to be running ARMA 3 on ULTRA. Secondary HDD is definitely recommended to have all the mods downloaded. My OS HDD is currently EVO 850 250GB but will clone it onto a 500GB once I have the money.
  10. His voice does sound young, I have to agree!
  11. Mr. Patrik is back! I miss you voice on TS!
  12. Hello there! With all the blockbuster imaginations going on in your head, I am pretty sure players will have a blockbuster time playing Ur Zeus' missions!
  13. fir_nev

    Rewards Rework

    Assumption is dangerous here. I have read pilots complaining that players are taking too long selecting their gears and weapons in chat. ^ What @Ryko said.
  14. @TheScar They managed to find out that our Titans were able to lock from a distance of >2km.
  15. @D.Devil If I happen to be on the same time as U are, please hand my HEMTT Medical back to yours truly. Much appreciated. Do not forget to fill the travel logs...
  16. No wonder I have not seen U lately. U should drop by and see what I&A 3.1.2 has to offer.
  17. Hahaha! 1 launcher and 14 ATs and 24 APs to be exact! 2nd launcher is for AA which I rarely use.
  18. I would like to request for 'Clear Vehicle Inventory' to be included in the in-vehicle scroll menu. It has always been useful in the past I&As. For players who want to set their own loadouts into the Hunter, they must clear out tonnes of armament: 2 x 6.5mm rifle >10 smoke rounds 2 x PCML rounds >5 smoke grenades Once we have this script implemented, it will take <1s to clear the inventory instead of having to place the items into their our bags and leave them on the ground. Will add a screenshot of the Hunter's loadout at a later time.
  19. I was in around 6 hours ago. @Mark T got insta-killed twice while on my watch.
  20. When the weather changes to rain, U cannot spot EIs at all. I had to do a lot of guestimation (guessing + estimation) spotting for a mortar about > 1 month back.
  21. Player will find their gears reset to default, is it? I echo @Gamerbug's sentiments. During I&A 2.8x, public players helped out by dragging/carrying downed players into cover or to the nearest medic (or HEMTT Medical *coughs*). If the new system is too buggy, we should just stick with what BI already implemented; a straight-forward revive system.
  22. After I got shot by a Tigris, a medic came running towards me. I could see his distance from me and was able to rotate the camera around. No problem. Chat was disabled as that was made known to us. The bug came when after the treatment animation. I was still down and he tried the second time to no avail. I had to respawn as it was beyond help.
  23. fir_nev

    Hi o/

    Welcome! It is great to see new guys here. Hope you will enjoy your time in both the forums and servers. Remember, do not team- or revenge-kill no matter what. Always report to an admin or use the report forms.
  24. Dat microwave is for heating food up or part of the computer setup?
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