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Everything posted by fir_nev

  1. Time to find a free copy...
  2. Exactly! I have done what U did as advised in the video in my Edit 3. I was able to listen to individual tracks using MPC-HC but I am unable to expand all audio tracks on Adobe Premiere CS5. Ur Sony Vegas is able to identify all tracks, right?
  3. It works as 3 separate audios. Now, my Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 is unable to include the other 2 tracks...
  4. Guess pilots must announce their arrivals beforehand and we will see more of, "Check map! Check map! Taru is friendly!"
  5. Sad but true... Have U seen Taru Bench from FOB Guardian get shot down? Or it has never seen its flight time?
  6. @Lindi If U are unable to make it, U can learn as U play. Veterans are very helpful. Right now, ShadowAce11 is mentoring me whenever we have the time.
  7. @Theronas Ah! Dun worry about it. As long as those vehicle/containers with medical values can be used for reviving, Ur idea widens the approach to assist downed players.
  8. @Theronas, Ur idea of Taru actually brought a whole new suggestion for I&A 3.1.4 onwards. Replace Huron and its containers altogether since attaching pods looks a lot cooler but I digress. Gives pilots a new dimension with their involvement in the completion of AOs. Superb ideas...
  9. @Theronas I do not mind usage of Taru pods actually. It is exactly what @Doc suggested in the up-voted post. I do not mind HEMTT Medical not having the revive script if we can send medical Taru pods into warm or safe zones, for players to heal themselves. If revive script can be implemented on both HEMTT and pod, I will be grateful as players can carry incapacitated players there. My main point is, instead of players having to respawn when no medic is around, we can save them to continue the fight if HEMTT Medical, Huron medical container and Taru medical pod are given the revive script.
  10. Anybody tried using virtual audio cable like VB-Audio? I realise that for the chat to be recorded, I need to put my mic in the same audio track as stated by @Vlk. Edit: Tried to make 3 separate audios; in-game, TS and microphone. Been failing so far using the VB-Audio and Voice Meeter softwares. Edit 2: Will try sticking with the standard audio and using these settings... Edit 3: Found a video that is able to marry OBS, VB-Audio and Voice Meeter
  11. Hi, I have been unable to attend any training for beginners because of time difference. Can any kind soul mentor me whenever I get on AWEU3? I thank @ShadowAce11 for guiding me on playing MAT earlier.
  12. To play in a casual environment, U can hop in EU 1, 2 and 4. If U want a little more structured hierarchy, AWE is the place to be in. If U play more and contribute in the forums, do consider applying for spartan membership once U have met the requirements. Anyway, welcome!
  13. Hahaha! U could have started a new topic in the Introductions section instead of hijacking OP's thread. Welcome, anyways.
  14. Greatly appreciated. Spread the message in the server on the admins' behalf if they are not around...
  15. I did not check my OBS output setting was set to 720p... With: @Arkod @Stanhope @BloodInTheSand @GandalfTheCray @D34TH
  16. Are U able to get the names of the pilots not playing their roles? Will be on a lookout for them if they are not playing their roles.
  17. Hello there! We met when I unsuccessfully tried to sling Ur prowler to AO. Welcome to the forums!
  18. I think the code should be concentrated more on player: "IF VehLock = 1; ELSE ...." I dunno what I am writing... Not sure if IF ELSE is a thing anymore...
  19. fir_nev

    Ahoy !

    The first Ahoy I heard 30 years ago...
  20. I had a player complain few hours ago when server time was 2300hrs. "Why doesn't this server have Nightstalker?" Me: Pro tip - Adapt
  21. Correction: Watches the world burn. Sidechat will have me raging...
  22. Many of the GTA can be prevented. U painstakingly drive to AO just for somebody to jump in and drive it straight into enemy's armour or anti tank team. More scripting needs to be done but a good 5mins to reset the vehicles' status is fair.
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