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Everything posted by SkullCollector

  1. SkullCollector


    @Eddie hugging a tree, watching his mates' backs.
  2. SkullCollector


    On overwatch, looking out for friends.
  3. SkullCollector


    @Origins as A1 Marksman providing cover.
  4. SkullCollector

    Put in Perspective

    In the bigger picture, there's a place for everyone.
  5. SkullCollector

    A Keen Eye

    A Blackhawk gunner on the lookout.
  6. https://imgur.com/a/GZbua Some splendid cam snapshots of today's session. A few great beauty shots, but they're unfiltered, unedited.
  7. SkullCollector

    Sunset on Logi

    Yesterday's amazing peak population of 35 players finally brought Logi into the mix. Quick screencap of our mid-AO FOB. There's still beauty amidst even the most massive of charlie-foxtrots. Editing credit goes to @Kingfisher. ♥
  8. SkullCollector

    eu3 in a nuttshel

    Smooth and badass, that's how we like it.
  9. We're working on getting the ball rolling again. There's no proper ETA yet, but it's being revised and soon to be implemented more successfully.
  10. SkullCollector


    Lovely day for a walk on the beach with friends, a picnic, lighting a bonfire and to get blown to pieces by 82 mm mortar.
  11. With the last repo update for EU3 AWE, we had 16 GB of updated stuff thrown at us. How A3Sync works is that it checks for folder names, so when it can't find the one from the repo server in your Arma directory, it is blind to everything else, even if it's just a tiny revision. So if you had ACE, then comes along and changes a couple PBOs, the rest should be unaffected and the download would be a few MB at most to replace just those. But if the version number were in the folder name, A3Sync would look for @ACE_3.6.1.0, but only find @ACE_3.6.0.0, ignore it and proceed to download the entire mod again. That's mildly annoying for small mods such as ACE, but absolutely infuriating in the case of RHS or CUP. If you know about this, you can rename the mods in question yourself, but most players will either not be aware of it or do not comprehend the procedure. It's tedious as, if you mix up your dashes and your underscores, you'll have achieved nothing. My proposal thus is to rename all mods with version numbers or otherwise variable names on the repo server itself. @CUP_Terrains_Core-1.3.0, for example, will then become @CUP_Terrains_Core. @ProjectOPFOR was re-downloaded because it now has an underscore in it, so if things like that remained consistent from now on, we could save a bit of traffic. All future repo downloads of this week's magnitude would be cut down by gigabytes with a quick global change. That's not to say to go out of your way to do so now. Perhaps just bear it in mind for the next update cycle. Cheers.
  12. Yes, there is a lot of idle time as said, so if there's nothing to do, players will very rapidly find something to do. However, you will quickly notice that with a clear call to rally, most everyone will be eager to step off. If there's no willing leader to take charge, you're more than welcome to provide the boot for the arse kicking. That goes to everyone. Just because you're not at the top of the hierarchy, that doesn't mean you're not allowed to look after some structure.
  13. SkullCollector

    Solid Cover

    Nobody wants gyros, why would bullets go near it?
  14. SkullCollector


    For when you need big fuck-off calibres, Kord delivers.
  15. SkullCollector

    Hailing Bullets

    When there's a shortage of bullets in the air, comrade PKP gunner got you covered.
  16. SkullCollector

    VDV Overwatch

    Comrade with SVD has your back.
  17. The man, the legend, the eagle-eye. ... and the one who rekt Shadow.
  18. We all know you only do all this good stuff so you get juicy forum rep, Ryko. You can stop now. Good call with the competition, that should get people involved.
  19. I've already disrespectfully voiced my disgust to Ghost, now I'd like to take a moment and appreciate how utterly superior the old ones were. It might sound cheesy, but the Donator tag was so sweet. An open palm with a heart? I found that adorable and very sleek. Now it's a dollar sign, hooray for money. As for some constructive criticism, do not try to add depth to tags. There's only so much you can do with 16x16 pixels, so superimposing anything over another thing will need careful consideration. Most of the tags (the Donator one especially) now feel crowded and frankly I feel a bit of a colour overload is going on. Ketchup and mustard comes to mind. Spartan could easily be mistaken for Server Admin and Field Ambassador is... no. I've only spent a few minutes tinkering in PS and came up with these as replacements. No idea what to do for staff yet, though.
  20. Unfortunately only from the first round as I was busy stalking and distracting cops during the second go.
  21. @Gamerhero (?) taking the high ground on @Ryko's The Deal (21 Feb 2017)
  22. Charlie had a decent amount of contact when taking DEPOT1 and clearing Lakka. I'm almost certain we encountered the easternmost installation there, so as we push further, we can expect to find more interesting things. If we decide to patrol BLUFOR territory, then yes, please do ramp up enemy presence. But I agree, it was a great mission. The feedback I got from my team was resonating the same way. It's a welcome change of pace. One thing I'd like to add is to either push back the start time one hour or just be on-schedule next week without waiting for anyone. Sitting in the lobby for as long as we did was borderline mind-numbing.
  23. I'm assuming those who experience this issue will have tried to verify their game files. If that didn't do it, try removing the BEClient.dll from "AppData\Local\Arma 3\BattlEye" as well as "steamapps\common\Arma 3\BattlEye". Then verify again or PM me / someone who you know has no issues to upload theirs. That's the first result I get from googling, but googling has been proven troublesome, so there you have it. If you let Steam verify and re-download the .dll, be sure to duplicate it from that second directory into the first. Also make sure you have no unnecessary spikes in bandwidth use. A simple ping test will show you inconsistent latency -- to do so, run cmd, ping your localhost ("ping -t" for example, the -t at the end being important). Also ping a stable external IP, like a Google DNS ("ping -t"). Let that run for a minute. If you find deviations of more than a few milliseconds, check for bogus programs that pretend to monitor or improve your connection. Kill them. There are known offenders, googling for them will identify if you have one. NetGuard is one of the usual suspects. BattlEye is a notorious wimp, any non-normal bandwidth behaviour will net you a slap on the wrist in the form of disconnects. Personally I doubt it's a lack of processing power. I've seen people run EU3 mods on laptops whose coup de grace is long overdue.
  24. Signed up as SL as an option but would prefer to take a TL slot. Feel free to pass me over in favour of someone else.
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