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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Chuck


    Hello Cammy, we have a spartan program, which is basically zeus on eu1 and 2. This is open to anyone, however you need to be around for 6 months and prove your capable of having access to such great powers. Stick around, be active on teamspeak.
  2. I didnt make it clear, you can use the public repo on eu1 and 2 but you dont have to. You have to have the enhanced repo to play on eu3/enhanced.
  3. Eu1 / eu2 are vannila so require no mods, however you can use some client side mods. With eu3, jump on with all the mods and hopefully a eu3 veteran or somebody who knows what they are doing will help you get to grips with things.
  4. I'd be up for this after a long break. Im going to go though the process of changing ips the day before, internet might not be stable, but we'll see. Ill need to download the mods aswell. But finally a gamenight, thanks Kieran!
  5. 9 monitors and a fluffy rabbit, nice!
  6. I wouldn't role with that nicknames on our servers again. But as you where instantly unbanned for some reason I wouldn't say this will effect your chances of getting the xml. Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  7. Chuck


    Welcome! Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  8. Chuck

    We're back!

    Unfortunately someone hacked into our database and stole some user information. The reason it has been down for so long is, Muckduck has been busy closing all the security flaws so this hopefully doesn't happen again. Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  9. JSRS APEX key is now on EU1 + EU2!
  10. I like it, would there be a way to lower the bridge a bit so its not floating?
  11. No time limit, as we are just changing the way we deal with promotions. And we are dissccusing internally what happens with Spartans and Field ambassadors
  12. Contrats, enjoy the day. Nice weather tommorow!
  13. Chuck


    Nope still nothing, we cant really help much more. You maybe got banned on another uid/identity.
  14. Chuck


    Can you provide us your teamspeak uid please
  15. Chuck


    We have no record of your ban under the name of GuyZip
  16. Topic moved, the server doesn't have the keys for these mods currently. You are best off using the official repo to download the mods that are allowed on the server here:
  17. I saw that little island when Tanoa was first looked at. Its got really good potential . I would be happy to use this as a zeus mission on eu2 one day. Good job Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  18. Yes, we have changed over to arsenal Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  19. After receiving this appeal i have come to the decision to make this a temporary ban. It will be lifted 1 week from today. I recommend taking care of your account so something like this doesn't happen again. I also recommend that your son the practises flying this week in single player before flying on our servers. Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  20. This is the tier process, member, field ambassador, spartan/eu3 mod, admin and core staff. We usually pick Spartans who have gone up the ranks, this means we can trust them and know they aren't going to wreck the missions. This isn't set in stone, but it's the fastest way to get spartan. The only way you can 'rank up' is an admin coming forward to the administration team asking if the person I'd suitable. Asking an admin yourself won't speed it up. Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  21. Chuck


    I didn't see a losing connection message in chat. It seemed very well timed when you 'lost connection' at these moments, where you had crashed. Sent from my hamster that lives in my motherboard box
  22. Is it me or do you look a little like Tim Peake? hehe especially in the second photo
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