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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Good point, i do see lots of people being blown up from entering the minefield, which then sets of many more creating a massive cluster fu*k of dead bodies. And yes Jason most of the players are people that wont step foot near this forum unfortunately.
  2. Welcome Someone, see you in-game!
  3. Welcome Theo, see you in-game! Actually maybe I wont
  4. Welcome Bobthewarrior, see you in-game!
  5. Chuck

    Hi all

    Welcome Cyteless, your experience sounds awesome, see you in-game. And to download the EU3 mods.. A new tutorial video to download and set up the mods is on its way very soon. The one here:http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3174-how-to-download-the-allowed-addons-the-modded-addons/ is valid but we dont use TFAR any more, we have switched to ACRE. In the mean time get used to these http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3556-eu3-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/ . See you soon! Chuck
  6. Chuck

    Solar Eclipse

    I like the idea, however people in the server would just say, why is the time changing again, and why cant it be daytime again. So this wouldn't work ( They like moaning ) This idea would make a cool mod.
  7. Apex is the new update for Arma coming out in Q2 of 2016. Yep its going to be great, would be awesome for insertions!
  8. Hi guys some of you may of been aware that the pre-order for Arma 3 Apex is available now with a slight 20% discount. Looking forward to this update! : https://store.bistudio.com/products/arma3-apex (Also if you look at 3 mins on the video you can see EU2!) A video was released to look at the updates in 2016 here:
  9. Chuck


    Welcome Waskey-Wabit, I'll see you around!
  10. Aight Raz ill bear that in mind Cc: ScarFace
  11. Welcome Vule, see you in-game!
  12. Rather exited for this one! Luetin like always if you need a hand in zeus gimme a shout!
  13. Hey Tainted Cookie! Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay
  14. Chuck

    hi everyone

    Welcome im sure you will enjoy eu3, Check out this link for tons of information! http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/forum/86-eu3-modded-information-and-discussion/
  15. Welcome Phil, saw you leading a rather large group on Luetins mission last night!
  16. Chuck


    Welcome X3ntr!
  17. Chuck


    Welcome Holt! You dont get whitelisted on the EU1 and 2 servers. You have to join a pilot slot when you first join the server. This then allows you to get in a helicopter or jet. Hope this helps!
  18. Hi, there is or was a US I&A server, however the gametracker link is broken and i cant seem to find it on the server list in Arma. So its either down cause it broken or there are different plans for that server in the future, not sure.
  19. Hi there and welcome, most of the stuff you have mentioned is in place at the moment and is running. However if you feel it can be improved in any way BACONMOP is looking for people to help develop Invade and Annex. Hope that helps. http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/4820-want-to-help-develop-ia/ .Chuck
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