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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. Shooting infantry, tanks and jets its much more fun! Welcome.
  2. Chuck

    Im new

    Make an appeal on the forums
  3. Signed and applied for alivemod!
  4. Chuck

    Admin Menu

    I like the variety PiranhA, however I think you're being a bit to generous with the amount of choice the admins get.
  5. Chuck

    Hi all

    "Hello its me, I was wondering if after all"..... okay okay I wont start
  6. AW MVP 2015: Agreed josh its got to be raz AW most friendly admin/staff member 2015: Cant decide between PERO, Iranzan and Sozio AW most helpful admin/staff member 2015: David/ Muckduck AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2015: PLant-ing AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2015: Peppermann AW best ARMA pilot 2015: fr4q AW best Teamspeak singer 2015: endless list :s AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2015: Mr Chang AW best moment 2015 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): When i was speeding in a slammer and hit Mr Mustache on a bridge, then flipped it ;/ AW best forum post 2015 (please put url in)http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/4660-niggnogg/ how to get slated by a community , this guy^^^ AW best drunk member 2015: Mr Mustache AW best driver 2015: Enex AW worst driver 2015: Scar face XD AW best baby 2015: AW most absent staff member 2015:
  7. Chuck

    hey guys

    Hello there Cookie!
  8. Hey there! hope to see you on teamspeak!
  9. Hi Jamie I have seen you around recently on EU1! The learning curve for arma 3 is massive because you can do so many different things with it mods etc. And please ask field ambassadors , admins or other people who look like they know what they are doing for some help! Anyway welcome!
  10. Welcome, enjoy your stay!
  11. Chuck

    Im new

    Hi Viktor, welcome. Im asuming you mean the member tags. To get your squad XML you need to apply in the reply section of this forums: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3738-sign-up-for-the-squadxmls/ However you will need to read this forum first and make sure you meet all the requirements: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3737-new-squadxml-server/ If you make the requiements then someone from aw will look at at it, and make the decision. Please be pateint during this period. If you have any problems then im sure a Field Ambassador or any Admin will help you out on teamspeak All the best Chuck
  12. Hi people! I see the exile server hasnt been getting much attention recently and hadnt been updated for a while. Muckduck did his best to update the server to the newest version however he had many problems and couldnt help much more. Is there someone working on it atm? Me and 3 other members are really eager to get on it and play some Exile!
  13. Chuck

    Mark T

    Hi mark, yes you need a mic XD (especially for eu3) . Ask me or someone else about playing eu3 if you get stuck. Welcome anyways!
  14. Hi Guys There was a recent discussion on the EU1 TeamSpeak about how each person found out about the AhoyWorld community. Mixed answers followed like: Luetin's video content, stumbling across when searching for new servers and" I cant remember been here to long XD" . So how did all you guys found out about AhoyWorld? Looking forward to see!
  15. All maps are amazing, however Hindu Kush gets my vote. For the vertical and hilly terrain. And yes DerRoteKoyote CAVE SYSTEMS! That would make for an awesome objective!
  16. Hey CyanGaming welcome, you probably remember me from the EU1 TeamSpeak. I definitely recommend EU3 to you and beware its very different to EU1. I dont mind to help you with setting it up. There's a great tutorial here about setting up the mods :http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3174-how-to-download-the-allowed-addons-the-modded-addons/ And all of these pinned topics to guide you through to different roles of EU3 : http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/forum/86-eu3-modded-information-and-discussion/ See you on the battlefield!
  17. Chuck

    Orca spawns

    Thanks for the feedback it was worth a shot. I do agree with you guys with the no flares its very hard to not get shot by CAS.
  18. Chuck

    Orca spawns

    Hi I feel that the Orca (unarmed) helicopter would be a great asset to the ahoy world I&A servers because of its responsiveness and ability to take sharp turns quickly. I think that this helicopter should replace one of the ghost hawks so then it will maintain the balance of helis spawned into the server there currently is. It will also be great for low and fast insertions mixing up landing zones where infantry have to run miles to get to the ao. It has a respectable 8 passenger seats which isnt much less than the ghost hawks 10 seats When one Orca spawned in after a side mission reward it was loved by many pilots and troops for a little change in the bog standard helis on offer. Thanks Chuck!
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