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Everything posted by TheScar

  1. TheScar

    TheScar stats.JPG

    Welshly Arms
  2. TheScar

    Taking the Reins

    The north remembers.
  3. interesting to see how a "simple" Arsenal adjustion/clean up went out so far that i feel greatly screwed over in this release ... Just sprinkiling some disapproval over a few lines here ... as regulars dont call the shots here anyway,rrrrrrrrright? me gusto You propably got only a basic idea of how a experienced AT user does his job (for the team) semantics like UAVops can deploy statics (AA,+AT,MG+GMG) Ammo trucks that never run out of ammo there is no such thing as "insane" amount of armor,go check "Destroy Prototype"mission or the already to comon "Destroy (3) T100 MBTs"objective for reference on to what is extreme In my honest opinion,there s even way to less armor in the AO to begin with. Ever seen a T140 in any AO? If it be about my liking,i d have every AO have Praetorians and Spartans + 1-2 Kajman patrols over AO and some jet escort,too. And fkking more Viper units,preferably inside citys. I honestly dont know why start with a thing like the Arsenal anyway,when there s FOBs lacking outside Arsenal/loading stations,the development of a AO rotation stop fish in a barrel shooting and overhaul the goddamn FOBs (1 base). I know that s not your part in particular,but i couldnt stop myself there. No hate No homo
  4. any ETA on the hotfix that ll fix "the no AT if not AT" thing i first assumed you limited ATweapons like guided ones - but i really dont see a point in restricting launchers like the RPG42(and/or the MAWS) to most classes. I do see the point for Autofrifleman/Medics/Snipers/Marksman but why would a regular engineer or foot soldier be denied access to a certain basic of AT defense tools. Dont expect us ATguys to comon kill MRAPs and low shit any boomstick can and should deal with. #rechange pls
  5. TheScar

    look at this speed.JPG

    you shitting me? Keanu Reeve is the bestest actor in showbranch eva - and i m only partly sarcastic here enhance Keanu skillz on pajiba.com # DO_IT ? *note to self* do not adress people born after your own timeline,they just dont know
  6. TheScar

    look at this speed.JPG

    I see the speed ... but where is Keanu Reeves ? ?
  7. this then how is it from use to gameplay? or the addition of another spawn where people camp,barbiedoll emself,etc. What is your idea on this issue rather than a 2 word´r? edit* After reading again i need to correct myself there,i took the step from AA defense for FOB Guardian/Martian to add a destroyer spawn for marine ops/similar My mistake,no offense then ?️
  8. Question yourself ... do we really,really,really,rrrrrrreeeeeeally need another "FOB" when currently each added spawnpoint equals to less server fp/s Hmmmm? ?
  9. i dont see why the Fire Support guys should be allowed to use any of the statics at all,their job is Mortar and the use of drones. Statics should be limited to engineers (not repair specs) only. i approve the accessabilty of medkits to all units for enhancing the coop spirit as all units can (should be able to) revive downed players,altho it should only give back 70% of health if applied by a non-medic. I dont see the point for giving the ability to everybody to "carry" mortar/UAV backpacks to all units,but i welcome that its limited to "carry" and not "use" of such. makes sense reading,but 2 explosive charges equal to 1 satchel charge,so,its kind of math > sense on this one dislike all versions of this,like i mentioned before,statics should be accessable to Engineers only and once deployed should be usable for any unit,similar like MG statics or comon MG nest´s - it doesnt require alot of schooling to pick up the concept irl And why would a Offroad AT have its main support element cut to cater to limits that are obviously useless. They r getting used barely anyway currently.
  10. Once again,wanting to shredd on a beautifullz Sunday morningz having EU1# almost to myself i m facing the serva unresponsive ... Y GAWD Y ! #restarto la vida pls
  11. TheScar

    Hi AW!

    you doubt? If you survive on EU1# you much likely survive everywhere ... like the vietnamese jungle,the rodesian killing fields,NY City or in a dutch frikandel shop. True story.
  12. Luetin doesnt play "on" AW servers anymore for quite some time,last seen active was around the ZEUS release and a few months after. Last thing i heard then was he moved focus more on his YTchannel where he covers (and i quote) for full time. Luetin09´s YouTube channel I´m quite sure with the end of further developement to A3 there wont be much reason for him to keep playing/making videos on it.
  13. TheScar


    on early morning hours thermals seem to look best,this is around 7-8 o clock ingame if i recall it right
  14. TheScar


    this screen only shows 2 lines of text,but the essential basic convo before isnt shown ! 6 6 6 - the number of the beast also,why is your gun status in green and not white? #haxx
  15. TheScar


    hairy legs ftw on a corpse i found by the road point of view 2#
  16. TheScar


    just another day in the office point of view 1#
  17. TheScar


    clearly looks like a sex crime ...
  18. reading the above statement made me giggle like a little girl Welcome to the forums,too Doomsday clock has been started ...
  19. when buying a GPU under 250E you gotta make some compromise And if you can always change the GPU fan for a better one ?
  20. only to 4.2? i m running the same CPU and run it usually on 4.8GHz just fine ... its even doable to OC up to 5.4 (but i m not recommending that altho i didnt ran into any problems on a 48h test) GPU wise ofc the old CPU will bottleneck the system but it shouldnt be very noticable Having checked my fav. GPU charts,why a ASUS card and not a PALIT - it comes very close in performance and is about 50E cheaper ?️
  21. Is this EU3# only? I got 100s of screens from the good old times towards nowadays (EU1# only) Lots of Zissou to MK and the great, great Pepperman to Iranzan and that nub Xwatt which became Staff by now... Cheap, cheap, cheap too. Hey, I just met you and this sounds crazy, but here s my number Just call me maybe!
  22. https://www.askideas.com/media/49/Leopard-Funny-Bored-Meme-Picture.jpg so fkkin bored at work today I digged out this corpse And my links fail me 2 AAAAAAARGH!
  23. feels like FarCry all over again ...
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