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Posts posted by Plant1ing

  1. I wonder how it will work. I'm kindly asking for full FAQ first before implementing. I'm not a test-bunny. I haven't seen A10 doing any kind of problems on EU#3 from experienced players.


    Also when there are reforms please do something about reading the rules. Like submission for acre, or similar.

  2. Update on CUP 01042016.


    CUP vehicles are ridiculus. No matter where you hit them they keep rolling wherever they want. AA vehicle has gunner outside. You can shoot him multiple time and he'll just slowly turn that 20mm gun on you and flash your screen. T-55 I've tested it shooting in CS with CUP version of M136 in sides, in wheels, in bottom (while inclinated on the terrain), back. The only effective one time shot is to the cupole itself. I don't know if it can survive AT 4 in real life but russian RPG (VL head) has more damage than allied AT4 m136 variant. NLAW is just poking the tanks. AA vehicle can survive 5 m136. I don't know what kind of hitpoints are that. In that regard I think RHS worked far more better. At least shooting AT4 in tracks will disable that track. For CUP it's just poking a tank and he keeps his Killing Spree.


    At least we need create from flagpole with launcher crate of m136 x4, NLAW x4. That should be enough for two vehicles and if we are lucky 3.

  3. - We have Command Chat, Squad Chat and Vehicle Chat. This is everything we need of typing.

    Example :

    As TL of A2 I see the movement of Alpha A1 and Bravo B1/B2 as well as ASL or BSL or any other high ranking officer.

    1. I've just joined as Alpha TL 2. I opened the map and see the advance and crucial points on the map as well the trajectory of movement of friendly units on the actual AO.

    2. Other players have started to join on EU#3 server and filling Alpha Squad.

    3. Next thing is what it should be like and I've seen some of players in Alpha slots doing (we'll stick to Alpha for now). They wait for higher officer to show up near spawn point and pick them up and call for pickup at base by air / take transport by land.(You find asset's rank by pointing on person with aim on him/her). Her? Yeah you wish.  :(

    4. Reaching AO, I use my radio and contact next of my Squad members and inform ASL of my presence near AO waiting Situation Report.

    If there's a good pilot he will inform the highest ranking officer at AO of friendly assets deployment on LZ "abc" prior to my insertion. (For me, you are a good pilot if you use intelligence and communications to your advantage). If you can do a backflip, other acrobatics, or avoid AA missile, you are just a pilot to me.

    5. I reach the meeting point with assets in the area and we distribute team accordingly (If I have A1,B1,B2 and so on with me).


    -> There's no need for side chat. If you don't know what to do, find the highest officer and he'll make sure you reach your Team/Squad. This is awesome community willing to learn. Don't be a cowboy. Synchronize with others.

    --> If you are a New Asset and you have any questions during your play on EU#3. Either your TL or TL will point you veteran player (if TL is busy OP planning) to suit you up with crucial information you need during play. SL/TL will tell of any special equipment needed on AO as well of OP plan, insertion, hold points etc.


    -For me this is very easy to follow and I haven't had any problems finding anyone or "I don't know what to do", "I'm lost" stances.

    --->Hope others will elaborate and give their opinion more on organization and not on actual topic title since ORGANIZATION is the problem, not chat. We have radios. We don't have to use smoke signals.

  4. Common' @lexota: we need more information on this one.

    Sometimes around your post is when battleye servers went down. But ACE was reported as problem not ACRE.


    With ACRE it's really easier than TFAR. You just reload your plugins and it's working again. Easy as that. If you reload plugins with TFAR sometimes hell breaks loose.

  5. In my opinion Apache or any kind of CAS shouldn't be used without CMD JTAC. They rely the message to actual SL/TL in the field of needing aerial assistance. The Rules on EU#3 states that we need to fill up Alpha (12). After Alpha it's Bravo (12). Alpha and Bravo don't need to work together or approach AO at same direction. You also need at least one Pilot (1- I'd argue that bigger birds need at least two if not whole five men crew (UH-60)). You also need PltCo(1) and PltMed(1) (hi numbers, hi risk) to fill up before JTAC(1). That leaves 28 players minimum before filling second pilot team as two-men crew for flying Apache. If we involve 8-ground per pilot, it fits with 27 ground assets if first pilot crew consists of only a Pilot.


    I know that following the rules by the book leaves little or nothing to maneuvre. Players on EU#3 constantly bend the rules. Sometimes they comply after being caught. Sometimes they argue. I don't have problem driving a boat on Sahrani for example to other side of the island. The problem is, some players don't like to wait to shoot one guy or get shot instantly. Arma3 is different kind of game than COD. There are no stats. There isn't best player of EU#3 server. Even if we do TvT your "best player" will probably get killed by new player. That's the beauty of Arma. A timeless moment to calculate the surrounding environment but, no time for comprehend actual environment.

    Sometimes I wish we lock only to advanced flight if we can't lock to first person view. You'll see nobody behind the cockpit anytime soon. Now, where is my rotary wing?


    @Kieran Collier I've seen CAS pilots teamkill, leaving NATO/US vehicles everywhere on battlefield unattended, doing reckless flying and endangering passengers, nades, salads and whatnot; I mean absolutely everything. Don't get alarmed. We have amazing guys who don't lack discipline. Which are a lot of them on EU#3. I find playing with them really pleasant and enjoyable.

  6. @lexota

    1.copy extracted modfile @BurnesLCAC to other mods in your arma3 folder (I keep them separate in respective main folder inside arma3folder).

    2.copy bikey BURNES.bikey to keys folder

    3.in ArmaSync: profiles>edit>new>newprofilename

    4.tab "addon options", click on + and add location of your modded folder (if you have created and placed all the mods in folder explained in 1.) If not, point to main folder.

    5. Make new group from dropdown menu : Groups. Name it "ChrisForTheKing"

    6.tab "addons" : You will see all available addons added from location 1(or default arma3folder) in left side. Copy everything to the group "ChrisForTheKing". (Select EU#3 mods and @BurnesLCAC and hold LMB then drag folders to "ChrisForTheKing" folder group)

    7. check your tab "launcher options" . See if everything is okay for you.

    8. Start arma as arma3battleye.exe


    additional info for 6. : This is why I keep EU#3 mods in separate folder.


    Whoever crashes anything in this test. I won't play with you anymore. This is really big thing for me.

  7. Summary:

    Problem A: AI is SealTeamSix with thermal optics.

    1. Use terrain to your advantage.

    2. Use map constantly.

    3. Learn to navigate with degrees (bearing).

    4. Learn to calculate distance

    5. Good headphones.


    Rule 1: Don't complain about AI seeing through trees. It's an AI. Have fun with it.

    Rule 2: Together we shall play. Use teamwork as your main strategy.


    Optional: bump voice to 128 channels.

    Optional 2: Avoid 3rd person. You are not God.


    Problem B: Flying helicopter (rotorcraft,aircraft)

    1. Practice

    2. More practice

    3. Something, something

    4. More practice.

    5. Never reach full profit

    6. Repeat from 1.


    Optional: Use of advanced flight control is really really nice but really10x hard. If you don't have joypad with additional stuff like pedals, you'll need to do some refinements to your mouse and use another keybindings (wheel to 1 scroll, mouse wheel glide on) Even then you'll need months of practice to make it good.

    Be aware AhoyWorld doesn't like people practicing when it's primetime. Please avoid that since players get frustrated not being able to reach actual AO.


    Best of plays,



  8. Welcome Dusty on AhoyWorld. Congrats on leading a squad and domination. We already have AhoyWorld group on Steam. There isn't any rule about creating other groups. You are taking sole responsibility of stated Group as your own. Please use it with the up-most sportsmanship and fair play as well as players behaviour. The stated Group will not represent this Community in any way. Run it by general AhoyWorld rules for EU#1 and EU#2 servers. If you have any concerns or issues, use forums and respective sub-forums or our TS3 channel (look for players with green flags) . Servers are meant for plays. Forums are for discussion.


    Enjoy your pleasant stay at AhoyWorld,



  9. Fair point Johnson. I find CUP nor RHS of no interest to me at all. I run default uniform, vest and bags. For weapons i like SMA. For you as the most active MAT operator, experience may vary. The only thing I like about CUP is CH53. True that RHS has better quality vehicles. True that CUP has more quantity that reaches in diversity of vehicles that can be in mission. Since I strictly play in 1st person I see myself only when in arsenal. I don't want EU#3 to become monotone regarding atmosphere of items at our disposal. I find no solution on that matter.


    Staff is rarely on EU#3. Assets of EU#3 will feel "rejected" if operated from the shadows.


    @Johnson We are not allowed to use M107 so I'm kind of curious about your picture. Answer to myself: Your persuasion is not working. Perfect example.

  10. I recreated the problem. Joined the server, played 30 min. DCed and tried to connect again. Message error. Had to reconnect again. Don't know if anyone else wants to recreate so we can confirm it happens second time. Maybe it will put a light on the issue.


    Lex for you maybe if you have played on other server then dced and tried to connect to eu3. You'll need to recreate like me so we now that's only if mission is hashed or DC and join.

  11. I have same problem but the problem only occurs if i play 12 hrs in row. When I restart the game it's fine. So probably it hangs somewhere between my pc and server. And it's not often so I don't have to smash my head around.


    Forgot to mention it happens only when we are switching missions. It's 1:5 chance for me to catch that issue.

  12. I'm really tired. But I'm sure less angry than Ninja above me. Still, Topic name is incorrect, use of profanity words; it's just showing how much you actually care and how much effort you took in writing and responding to this rich topic. And how many members actually are helpful? A lot of them. Check all these helpful replies trying to explain where your thinking went wrong. I won't tolerate any kind of misbehaving or not playing by the rules. Suggestion is locking this topic. Don't embarrass yourself even more.  


    Now, @Karate Pyjamas, I think we should hit shooting range. Be sure to bring at least six mags? And an AT4.

  13. @Miczils; + for effort of stepping forward to train new meat. It is far easier to make videos and just point how to use equipment, you don't have to explain every time somebody joins the server for the first time. I salute your effort because some of us play to that point of realistic type. Previous we tend to explain people while equipping for the mission; "on-the-fly" and "shadowing" so of sort.

    Be aware:

    Dedicated training for use of equipment is something far different from other training. In the end you need to integrate all other class of training. On the field, in combat it will take on a whole another level of preparation. One of examples are well known "back-blast clear" - where assets see the Destroyer of their Worlds (MBT), start to panic and don't call the shots. Stuff like that happens. And with proper training should be bypassed easily and all the time.


    Someone suggested taking Ahoy Servers for training sessions. I don't want to cut off other guys who want to play actual missions. Since I don't have PC nor a connection to host a server, when couple of guys showed interest in learning something how to use, or how to react or respond to certain moments, we would switch to team that hasn't being used when population of server was low. So people can populate first two squads. Or explain "on-the-fly" while "shadowing" because we are all fast learners.


    For equipment training - yes go for it. And also explain people why we don't use long range ballistics type of strategy for ROE on EU#3. Mother and Father of Rules.


    If we had proper camp for training, yes I'd love to drive around the camp with cabrio HMMWV and my Ray-Bans.

    Still if you train fresh meat. There's AC for you. ;).

  14.           First time in writing these letters I actually don't know how to start it. I'm looking at this plain white paper and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable of how scary it is while it's empty, without words. You know the feeling when you haven't interact with something you've enjoyed for months. Suddenly you feel lost, cut-off from exploring.

    I'm finding calm in previous letters and how Community of Ahoy members have enjoyed it by engaging into direct conversations and expressing their observations, arguing, discussing and I thank them to that. Words are the fuel of this community.



    Recent change in management.


              @Raz has left. Now we need to repair AW wing. David has stepped out. And he is asking for our help. Rough ride like Raz said. But we will find that ride in greatness of success which Raz was reaching. With David, it has to be another awesome ride for Ahoy Community.

    Communication to David is the key. And I agree on that. And I'm sure we're all agreed on that. This forms community. Our Ahoy Community. He also suggested meetings to become more regularly. This way we can express ourselves verbally. I don't know David very well (except from

    ) but I'm sure he will try to do his best to keep gears running. He just asks for our support. Nobody can drive any community by himself.

              @Amantes brilliant observation and thinking: Community Meetup 27022016, 12:45; @David:

    On Community involvement; In which direction leader wants to go so we can push in his direction. I can't describe better than @Amantes on point.

    On changes overtime; what new players and members expect and what changes bring onto them.

    Nor any idea shall be shut off under my watch!

    I witnessed a couple times where members of EU#3 actually expressed their concerns or applaud about changes. Either way those concerns were listened by members and expressed on forums (yeah please use forums in that matter, don't have long chick-chats while we are on the mission). I encourage everyone to use forums for expressing their opinions and concerns. Every opinion will have its own conclusion with explanation for it.

              Second part of conversation (~44:00) was about timing in training and gamenights which continued on forum style and organization. Maybe the problem relies with the site. I'm not sure. People don't like to go on forums trying to find thread. Maybe a side-site can help it out with all future events which are sliding like food in sushi restaurant, or fixed ones which are “highlighted”¹. Which brings the question who will organize the timeline or make those sushi dishes? We love to eat it, but how many of us actually know how to make a good sushi?


    Suggestion: Primary gamenights with mission well described and thought have ribbons. Maybe that's the way we can attract more people to gamenights if population is concern. Then, on forums we can have drop down list with all ribbons near our name (with name of the gamenight as well as organizator name) which all can see. That way we give credit for members who played it and especially for hard work of members organizing it.


    I want to thank @Origins for recording this meetup.


    ¹ @Amantes observations on gamenights and training.



    EU#3 Temple


              For centuries people gather around to share their experiences. And I remember those great rides. EU#3 was my morning that became night. I sound like I'm worshipping these four symbols. Every time I've entered that temple I felt diversity of what I can accomplish, unlocking all my abilities to make great moments and memories.

    But now, I won't feel at home. I know I'll struggle at the re-beginning. Peace of mind won't come with my skills, It will come with people surrounding me; fighting for same cause. I know I'll have someone to lift me up when I fall.

    For all of us the new players, AW's EU#3 is the place where together, through effort we can accomplish everything. That is the feeling having a great supportive Community. Joke: No It's not group therapy.

              I'm sad I can't talk much on gameplays take. I still have to catch up and justify Ambassador title which I was entitled to. I want to give all the support for members of Ahoy Community, the support I've had when stood the ground thinking I'm alone.


              There were struggling times when people just don't visit EU#3 at all. I was really sad seeing people go playing something else or living their life. This weekend I'm surrounded by warmth seeing EU#3 TS channel all popped with players.


    Now, let's go for another ride, shall we?




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