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Posts posted by Havoc


    A successful beach assault has given us a foothold East of Saint Pierre. We have the initiative, which means we can keep pressure on the enemy and advance further into the island. To increase our logistical capacity and create a buffer between our staging ground and the enemy we will focus on capturing Saint Pierre and Vernon.


    Expected mission length: ~2h



    - Destroy enemy garrison at Saint Pierre

    - Destroy enemy garrison at Vernon



    - United States

    - Soviet Union



    - Full US arsenal


    MODS will be downloaded on server join

    - CRX Enfusion A.I.



    This gamenight will be the first of hopefully many more in Reforger. During these sessions we will be slowly introducing more mods and custom features to the scenario as time goes by and updates start rolling in. Reforger has a lot of potential but is still missing critical features like air assets, AI driving, map markers and others, so we will have to work around these limitations both as players and mission makers. An initial briefing will be held on TeamSpeak, and during the mission all communication will happen in-game.

  2. Rally Points


    Rally points are a cheap alternative to mobile respawns and behaves almost like the respawn backpacks that are available in the base game. Here is how it works:


    A player can retrieve a rally point from the supply crate. A sleeping bag appears on the player:



    The player now has a new item in the self interaction menu: "Deploy Rally Point". Deploying the rally point will trigger an animation on the player that suggests the player is placing something down, and a few seconds later the sleeping bag disappears from the player and an unfolded sleeping bag appears on the floor:



    This can now be used like a mobile respawn.


    To move the rally point, an interaction is available on the rally point: "Pack Rally Point". This is basically a reverse of the "Deploy Rally Point" interaction. An animation starts, suggesting the player is picking something up, a few seconds later a folded sleeping bag appears on the player and the unfolded sleeping bag disappears. The player now has the option to deploy the rally point.


    A simple implementation like this can bring balancing issues. Here are some of my ideas of preventing this:

    - A rally point costs supplies to get;

    - Deploying on a rally point costs supplies OR a rally point has a certain amount of deploys before it becomes unusable;

    - Deploying and packing the rally point itself does not cost supplies;

    - Multiple members of the same group can carry a rally point, only one rally point per group can be deployed;

    - Only groups of two players or more can use rally points;

    - Rally points belong to groups, not players;

    - When a player deploys on the rally point, other players have to wait a certain amount of seconds / minutes OR;

    - Players can deploy in waves every few seconds / minutes;

    - When enemies are close to the rally point for a certain amount of time and no players are around, the rally point will be destroyed.


    A number of other points / ideas about rally points:

    - Each faction can have it's own form of rally point, like a different colour or type of sleeping bag;

    - When a player carrying a rally point dies, others can pick it up;

    - Rally points disappear after server restart;

    - Rally points are named after their group (Alpha 1-2's Rally Point).


    If you managed to finish reading this wall of text and you have some other ideas surrounding rally point, or you think it's a stupid idea, feel free to share!

  3. Adding to Mikael's comment:


    A while ago I had the idea of a supports menu where you can request support from guerrilla forces in exchange for supplies. Some ideas I had:

    - Mortar support (smoke, illumination),

    - Intel on enemy positions / compositions at a certain objective (like liberation showing in which grids the enemies are, but maybe more detailed),

    - Transporting supplies from objective to an FOB (like you would do between factories and FOB's),

    - Defending / attacking an objective (like Mikael said),

    - Defending an FOB in case of an attack,

    - Supply drop (ammo, logistics, or medical),


    To keep it balanced and give players another reason to keep the civrep up, the price and availability of these supports could change depending on the relations with the civilian population. When the civrep is too low, these supports are disabled, when civrep has reached a certain threshold, they become available again, but at a high price. When the civrep is at 100%, the supports are at their cheapest.


    Each guerrilla faction could have their own supports, like some have access to supply drops or mortar and some don't.

  4. I would like to request three structures to be added to the build menu for every faction. These could be nicely used at platforms.

    - BlockConcrete_F

    - Land_RampConcrete_F

    - Land_RampConcreteHigh_F


    This begs the question though: When vehicles are placed on them (or any object), do they safely get loaded in after server restart?

  5. I have noticed something funky going on with FOB Charlie, I have no idea why it's happening. Take a loot at the hesco barriers who have seem to have moved, creating holes and going through the bunkers. This happens all over the FOB, but I'm not noticing the same thing happening at FOB Bravo.


  6. 43 minutes ago, DomT said:

    So you're asking me to spawn more enemies to come and rush you riiiiiiiiiiight? :D

    Couple of Strykers and an Ambrams should be fine.


    Just kidding, I was thinking maybe two MRAPs, nothing too heavy but enough to inflict some damage and keep the players on their toes.

    1. BettIR
    2. This mod adds, amongst other things:
      • NVG-mounted IR lights (compatible with particular NVGs only)
      • Weapon-mounted IR lights (e.g. vanilla IR laser pointer is enough to use this functionality)
    3. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260572637
    4. I believe this mod will increase the enjoyment that players can get out of night operations by improving visibility in low light situations because right now night time gets mostly skipped unless there are players willing to fire flares up every 20 seconds for hours. I think most players already have experience (either through MSO, or an AWE gamenight at some point I believe). Also, it's cool.
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