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Karate Pyjamas

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Everything posted by Karate Pyjamas

  1. 23-12-2017: Updated original post with mortar trajectory plots, including an explanation how to compensate for high or low targets.
  2. A plot of how the angle needs to be adjusted for uphill shooting.
  3. A plot of how the angle needs to be adjusted for downhill shooting.
  4. Karate Pyjamas

    Mortar Charge

    A plot of how the charge influences the mortar trajectory.
  5. Karate Pyjamas

    Mortar Angle

    A plot of how the angle influences the mortar trajectory.
  6. Not necessary no. But when you run a 3 man team you may have a forward spotter just cresting the hill calling out things.
  7. FOB's are amazing when the full potential of Stilleto is used. The town scouting for intel and such is so much fun. I'd rather have a FOB down, do some scouting then head over to the mission instead of the 'insert-kill things-get out' kind of missions. Far too often people focus on the main mission so much when there is so much to do and explore. Stilleto is a great sandbox to approach missions in a variety of ways. FOB's are a great way to exploit everything Stilleto has to offer.
  8. AW MVP 2017: Ryko - For Stilleto AW most friendly admin/staff member 2017: Razgriz -BAE AW most helpful admin/staff member 2017: Ryko - For helping me start Prometheus, and learning what all can cock up when users submit missions AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2017: Amentes - Good feedback, as always AW friendliest user 2017: Johnson - Always helping and trying new things to entertain others. AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2017: Moonfire AW best ARMA pilot 2017: Hobnob AW best TeamSpeak singer 2017: Karate Pyjamas - I don't really hear anyone else make music... AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2017: Razgriz - Awkwardness always ensues when us two are togheter AW best moment 2017 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): MAT shooting down my Zeus Helicopter with airburst on Altis AW best forum post 2017 (please put url in): AW best drunk member 2017: Karate Pyjamas - I was really drunk and then cried loudly on TeamSpeak to both Raz and Copey. I honestly can't remember what I was upset about... But I was really drunk. AW best driver 2017: Amentes - for rolling down the hill today AW worst driver 2017: Amentes - for rolling down the hill today... AW best baby 2017: All dwarfs spawned by AW members. AW most absent staff member 2016: Karate Pyjamas - I applied in summer 2016 and had my interview in early 2017 AW best fail 2017: Life Boat Incident AW best banned member 2017: D34TH AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2017: Prelude to Prometheus AW best game of 2017: ArmA 3 - sigh AW best official server of 2017: AhoyWorld TeamSpeak - suck it bitches.
  9. Hello all! We've had some requests to do a sort of impromptu training session: Friday 22nd of December 2017, 18:00 UTC @ AWE https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AWE%2FMSO+training+session&iso=20171222T18&p1=%3A&ah=1&am=30 This time it will be slightly different as usual as we will be running it in a workshop kind of fashion. We've got 4 trainers on the server, each teaching a different thing. You're free to pick one or perhaps two topics you'd like to become better at. What we've got in store for you this time: Long-range shooting with the M40 in preparation for the MSO, taught by Amentes Room clearing/CQB in preparation for usage on the MSO or in general presented by Johnson ACE Medic System is taught by Minipily Mortar usage including map usage will be taught by Karate Pyjamas The reason for this style of training session is that you get to practice more and get more attention overall by the tutors, less theory and more hands on practice! There will not be any sign-ups, you can simply attach to one of the tutors once we kick off the session. It would be cool if you leave a message below if you're going to attend though! Based on demand we might run more sessions in the rotation that evening. For example once the demand is high you may be able to attend a medic class first and then try your luck at some long range shooting. The number of people that can follow a class at a given time is cut off by the tutors to what they are comfortable with. The session will run for about 1 to 1.5 hours in length, JIP will be available but please don't bother the tutors once they are in the middle of the class if you are late, try your best to attach yourself to what they are on about that moment. We aim to finish the session before server primetime so we can enjoy a massive Stilleto OP, perhaps even with some Zeus action going on.
  10. Fun fact, I actually couldn't see Noah's nametag like this. I guess Noah's already living in 2027.
  11. Perhaps we should use a workshop kind of structure, basically have 3 things running at the same time with people's expertise: e.g. Mortar usage/Map reading (They go hand in hand and are easy to combine) Room Clearing/CQB Medical System That way we cater to more people and the turnout may be larger, I'll happily build a scenario for it tonight tbh, if people want we can run it on coming Friday even, for perhaps an hour or 1 or 2 and then go to a massive AWE game.
  12. Ryko's poor time conversion led me to put the correct time in the Event Time Announcer https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=OP+Frying+Pan&iso=20171208T20&ah=2 and the event on the forums but I forgot to change the thread title and the description. So FYI, the correct time is 8pm UK time, but really, just look at this and fill in your own town: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=OP+Frying+Pan&iso=20171208T20&ah=2
  13. It's in the form, I think it may have been fixed now. MSO is running on saturdays now pushing most events to either friday or sunday.
  14. Upcoming GN december 8th 2017 - Hosted by Ryko
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