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Karate Pyjamas

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Everything posted by Karate Pyjamas

  1. Don't forget to sign up guys, it's going to be a good one!
  2. Classic Banter. Much Kek. Very Wow.
  3. Noted, depending on player-turn up we may have ASL double as CMD. It's hard to make a decision when people haven't signed up yet.
  4. So I wonder if anyone noticed that all the mission names are related to what you are to expect? Prometheus - meaning "Forethought". The Storyline for these missions was written in August of 2016, everything was carefully planned ahead including preparation for sign-ups and mission files. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prometheus Pegasus - The Flying Horse, the first mission of Prometheus, which dropped all you lovely soldiers in by parachute, the beginning of this great endeavour. Pegasus was the C-130 carrying you under his wings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus Achilles - Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. The mission where you had to convoy your way up north to fight of the SPA, your first vulnerable steps onto Altis mainland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achilles Poseidon - The deity you brought an offer before embarking across the Pyrgos gulf to make a successful beach landing, clearing out 3 different towns like the mighty trident of Poseidon striking them all at once! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poseidon Atlas - He who carries the sky for all eternity, the assault on the Altis airfield. Securing a stronghold on Altis and enabling us to get resupplied with more and better gear. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_(mythology) Cronus - The Titan of the harvest, the mission where we crept up the earth towards a rich and fertile ground capable of spawning many more SPA fighters. Only to overthrow it, much like Cronus' son Zeus had done to become the leader himself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronus Now what would the last two be?
  5. When : Saturday 21th October, 1845 UK LOCAL (GMT +1) Server: EU3/AWE Briefing / Planning: 1830 UK LOCAL (GMT +1) Mission Start: 1900 UK LOCAL (GMT +1) Map: Altis Mods: Standard AWE First person lock: No Loadouts: Pre-set with limited supplies Respawns: Yes Mission Length: ~120 minutes. Factions: BLUFOR (USMC) vs OPFOR (SPA, Russian equipped) JIP: Available Number of Slots: 40-ish (with 2 Zeus operator) Sign Up Link: https://goo.gl/forms/ucFwhhyo2BbmnzfQ2 We need at least 2 very capable pilots, so if you have the skills, please don't forget to choose a pilot slot! The QRF teams will be handpicked from those who would like to give it a shot. This does not go by the regular "first come - first serve" rule I try to maintain. Current Roster, definitely not final: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j_HAHwvWTaZDPi812aJrY7ISU1X7-ce_L81kYVbFUlA/edit?usp=sharing Debrief: The SPA training camp in the north has been overrun by BluFor. We've fought an uphill battle through the woods resulting in many casualties. Luckily that number didn't rise any further thanks to our capable engineers who cut a path through a nasty minefield while under fire by rogue patrols. When BluFor reached the training camp they systematically cleared out the buildings and kept a proper 360 to all entrances to the camp, until the SPA started shelling the place. The SPA had set up some artillery in a nearby ancient castle to target their training camp when it was being attacked. The artillery was quickly localised and BluFor launched an attack on the ruins, clearing it from hostile forces. Mission brief: Intel gathered from the training camp raised many red flags in the southern Altis peninsula, high ranking officers are holding up in a variety of smaller compounds. We haven't cleared the road up to the peninsula far enough to cut off further road access and escape routes. Therefore SpecOps teams Vanguard and Sentinel are deployed with littlebirds where Vortex 1 and Vortex 2 will juggle them between as many of the compounds as possible, arrest high SPA officials and take out any hostile forces in their way. Meanwhile, BluFor forces will start clearing out towns leading to the peninsula to act as a distraction and to cut off potential escape routes. Due to the high number of casualties on our last mission, our engineers have rapidly constructed a sterile environment at base to be used for medical emergencies. One of our UH-60 Blackhawks has been converted for MEDEVAC. Larger road vehicles have been equipped with basic medical supplies and life-support devices to provide rapid aid to troops in the field, greatly increasing their chances of survival. Any questions, comments or suggestions should be posted below. P.s. Prometheus will run for two more weeks. Regards, KPJ
  6. Prometheus: OP Erebus - Map
  7. Prometheus: OP Erebus
  8. Prometheus: OP Cronus Satelite Image
  9. Prometheus: OP Cronus
  10. When : Saturday 14th October, 1845 UK LOCAL (GMT +1) Server: EU3/AWE Briefing / Planning: 1830 UK LOCAL (GMT +1) Mission Start: 1900 UK LOCAL (GMT +1) Map: Altis Mods: Standard AWE First person lock: No Loadouts: Pre-set with limited supplies Respawns: Yes Mission Length: ~120 minutes. Factions: BLUFOR (USMC) vs OPFOR (SPA, Russian equipped) JIP: Available Number of Slots: 40-ish (with 1 Zeus operator) Sign Up Link: https://goo.gl/forms/P0Uf6LcN34XZwzjo1 Current Roster, definitely not final: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vBYc_x6ysL5YdHU9rOXCjFMqDG8z8PENTWRVO529E1c/edit?usp=sharing Debrief: We've captured the Airfield and have made a strong impression that we're not backing off. The initial assault went smoothly, the terminal turned out to be a death trap with many SPA forces holding up in the building. Eventually, we managed to fight off some reinforcements that slipped through. Mission brief: Intel gathered from the airfield suggests there's a training camp in the north of Altis. A recon team has been sent ahead and secured a LZ near the cost. We're to destroy the trainingcamp. Intel The recon team has spotted signs of minefields across the hillsides, it's still our only way in so we have to move carefully. If we stick to the valleys of the hills we are mostly out of sight and can slowly march up the hill towards Oreokastro. Any questions, comments or suggestions should be posted below. P.s. Prometheus will run for 3 more weeks. Regards, KPJ
  11. Fake, MRAP don't flip.
  12. I'll make a decision once I know the number of players we get. I already have a back-up plan ready.
  13. The courses provided are not mandatory, but if you would like to know more, I highly recommend them. I tested the OP with few guys, and they ended up dead multiple times in a single building. Don't be scared though, the mission will be a lot of fun, with plenty of hectic moments and proper ArmA PTSD simulation. As you are used from me, I understand that dying isn't a lot of fun from a player perspective, but for this OP I can't balance it any further and it really comes down to how you approach a situation/building. I'm still debating the Lakka Checkpoint operation, it really depends on the number of players we get on Saturday. If you have any input, feedback, questions or recommendations, please message me. I will try to be around for the training sessions, but with my current hectic week, I can't make promises for that.
  14. I've had some help from testers today and the way it's currently set-up and the added rule for the attacking forces that blowing up buildings is not permitted poses enough of a challenge and stall that it's going to be a fun 2-3 hours and it will give me plenty of time to manage both points. I'd recommend you all to dust practice some of your room-clearing skills, you're going to need it But no worries, I've spent enough time in the editor to figure out where I can spawn units per OP and what would be a fair thing to do, my prep work is on point
  15. JIP is available as stated in the OP. I just came back from some testing and it's going to be a good one.
  16. Prometheus: OP Atlas
  17. Karate Pyjamas

    OP Poseidon: Endex

    Debrief at Lakka Checkpoint
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