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Everything posted by MessedUpSmiley

  1. Welcome to the forums! Is your name in-game the same as on the forums? Where's your cool avatar What servers have you played on ? Have fun around !
  2. Hello, good to see you're already firing questions! Have fun!
  3. Hello, Locking the topic to keep some order in this chaotic mess that is the EU#3 dicussion section ;-) this post particulary got quite hijacked. @Mascant; I've PM'ed you try and find a way to figure out the solution together. - As I've said in the PM, feel free to create a new topic if you feel a need to,
  4. Why not sneak up a bit closer to the enemy and take them out in little time, exposing yourself less than when engaging them in a longer distance - with a longer duration - battle.Should be easily done when everyone follows the same code of conducteur; i.e. no yelling or shooting from far away. A marksman with an iron sight will easily be able to pack a punch, especially when you consider the enemy would be hit with a relatively higher velocity >_7.62 round, probably rendering them incapable much easier than on a range of 600 meters. Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk
  5. Judging by your the careless name you picked and the fact that you seemingly did not put any effort into finding out which administrator actually banned even though: - You knew about Teamspeak - You most likely knew the admins name would also be listed in the ban message. I would conclude that your first post is nothing but an expeditious effort to get unbanned quickly, whilst even not being completely truthful trying to pull it off. After finding out you had not been completely truthful in your appeal; Zissou (the banning admin) actually decided to give you another chance; which you seemingly turned down - judging by the fact that you didn't respond for about a day whilst you could respond to the other posts on fairly quick notion and the fact that you have been online for the entire time I've been reading this through and writing this all up. Then all that's left for to do is for our community referee, whose mental capabilties we all have no doubt about - apart from you then - is to pass a final sentence. Seeing you weren't truthful and not responding to the request to be truthful; there was nothing left to do but deny your appeal. After him having denied your post without insulting you or your capabilities in any way, you then put up some excuses and more show of what a small effort you are actually putting into trying to get unbanned by saying that the ban reason should be listed in the ban message, which we were already fully aware of and had taken into aspect whilst giving you another chance to come clean. Then you decide to get on his and everyone's bad side by calling him retarded. David even tries you make you realise that the error was in your ways and not in the way you or your appeal were treated, because you were the one that broke the rules and should look for reconciliation. And NOT anyone else. PERO then gives you some more facts you as examples for things you could've listed in your appeal to make it appear to be more truthful, whilst being slightly disrespectful - which I don't see a problem about seeing you basically called him retarted already. He also makes sure to say that the time you spend on the server does not affect the way you get treated for such severe crimes with probably premeditated motives; concluded from the fact you were doing this all as part of a 3-man group. You then fail to realise he's actually giving you examples of how your appeal should've looked like, that the time which he was talking about was not the time you were allowed to have to respond to the request to be truthful with us and furthermore say that us making - actually valid- assumptions about you and your creditibility is rude - whilst you've already called someone a retard not even a day ago. But then again... Also, I don't think PERO is the one in need of something sucked off. Judging by your butthurt attitude. Have a good life!
  6. 10/10 running to Ici Paris XL right now.
  7. Thank you for making another thread to thank people, thank god so many exist already.
  8. Finally, death to A-10!
  9. A ) Don't use a scope. B ) Use a scope you can use with Night Vision Goggles. C ) Don't use Night Vision Goggles and find a Different solution like the flaresl-idea presented above. You should be glad we allow everyone to use NVGs etc. and don't make everyone in a squad, apart from one with NVGs, roll out with mounted flashlight only. Just adapt with what we offer you, it shouldn't be hard at all. Also; it's not like you're not going to have a chance to come up close and personal with the enemy during night time.
  10. Thought this would be an EU#3 thread and problem.
  11. I never predesignate an LZ if there is no use like a plan to be continued from it. See what type of people you get in the chopper and decide where you land on the fly (get it? :-¶)
  12. 40 1 - Sabaton Wolfpack - Sabaton Fury of the Storm - DragonForce Primo Victoria - Sabaton Hail to the King - Avenged Sevenfold Heroes of our Time - DragonForce Vallen of the Damned - DragonForce Twilight of the Thundergod - Sabaton Absolute Zero - Stone Sour Delivering the Black - Primal Fear Guardians of our Time - Bandemonic The Clans Are Marching - Rebellion Rome is Calling - Civil War Crystal King - Holy Grail The Rode Majestic - Soilwork Plenty more, but the list is getting a bit long ;-) P.s. eagerly waiting for PER0 and Oderus. Sent from my Swagxus 5.
  13. Shame I've got to go to work and might not be able to attend the first half an hour or so. Pretty well set-up guys; I have to admit. Saw you testing it and such; looks really promising. Well have fun for the first half an hour when I'm not there, but hey! Don't start the party till I arrive :-) jk
  14. Keep in mind there's some really nice premade scenario's on the workshop if you want to improve at helicopter related stuff. I've also find a really nice YouTube playlist you might want to dig trough:
  15. This would come to close to mil-sim in my opinion; something we're trying to not become on any of the servers. Everybody deserves equal chances, especially on the somewhat easier accessible (unmodded) servers where it is basically click and play; without getting a chance to improve, no-one is going to be better.
  16. You could see it from a different POV; if you would just play with common sense, we wouldn't need to enforce any rules. The rules are only here to gain the quality of gameplay the biggest part of our playerbase desires, if you can't cope with that; feel free to hop on EU#1 or EU#2. They have even got sniper teams! ~ IGN
  17. To answer the question; yes. Didn't notice any difference what-so-ever when playing. It just comes down to shooting the enemy and it's not like you're playing a game of "Hot or Not" with them. Get over the texture and think past the imperfections. It's quite good and they will be improving a lot better and faster than RHS will. Keep in mind I was not pro-change either, but this is the way to go.
  18. What you quotes has nothing to do with this topic or the author, but was just an inside joke; some people might know what I'm talking about here.
  19. It's never too late to learn, thanks for putting in effort to improve If you ever need help with anything, feel free to ask man; we're here for ya!
  20. I see where you're coming from, but I'd still much rather have CAS jets removed entirely. An attack chopper - such as Viper or Apache should be sufficient IMO.
  21. To be honest, but judging the amount of EU#3 players; known EU#3 players playing other games on Teamspeak and being actually signed up to the forums leads me to believe there is just a little bit more of them actually involved - such as Colsta^ . Don't worry Mr. Shorts - with the right attitude you'll get there eventually; as long as you don't create posts about 'Why did he and him and not me' as we've seen that end horribly in the past.
  22. If I'm correct EU#1 used to have this, but it was chosen for to put in on the VAC guy to get it off the action menu. Might have also had to do with lag issues, but you might want to wait for the actual I&A developer to answer that, as the couple of people I consulted - because I wasn't sure either - had mixed answers.
  23. Not a bad song, why are these guys not on Spotify :-/
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