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Everything posted by Miksi

  1. Have you experienced Massive framedrops to only 3 FPS and/or has your game crashed out of nowhere (also texture loss)? There is a fix and your FPS might improve by 20% Switching to profiling branch on Arma 3's Steam properties might fix memory issue that leads to the game crashing. Instructions: Profiling branch works with servers running stable branch. It's a temporary fix until the next patch Original post on the BI forums here
  2. AS far as I can remember only one player has EVER asked me to change the Blufor faction to russian and that was outside peak time. I would love to play it again but listening to CONSTANT cyka blyat and horrible imitations of a russian accent, I wont be changing the blufor faction to russian. If I ever do I reserve the right to kick ppl for fucking around right on the spot.
  3. Up to date repo URL's can be found from this link
  4. I feel like this needs to be tested before we can give a full opinion. From my point of view this would make even the team lead position more attractive as it means less constant micromanaging unlike with 5-man fireteams.
  5. Welcome to the community and Torilla tavataan.
  6. Actually I was perfectly aware that there wasn't a medic in the AO(tried getting medic earlier on OP). That's why we were scavenging FAK's from the Ural, where ASL got killed. I didn't see the incident so I can't really comment on it, except that there were trees close to the Urals back(bad visibility) and I personally didn't hear ASL tell about his movement towards the Ural. Anyway, that's my thoughts about the subject.
  7. I agree with what Jux is saying but that doesn't take away the fact that in a heated situation where you might be part of a different team than the carrier of the AK, there is a chance of accidental friendly fire. We just want to reduce the risk of newer players or older ones firing at each other by restricting the arsenal and having a rule against OPFOR weapons.
  8. A new mission didn't spawn after Food Truck mission was completed. Summer Cherno - Food Truck - cca 19.00 (UTC+02:00)
  9. I'd be up for it, if I happen to be home when this goes down(IRL stuff)
  10. Or just add a nickname to your ingame name, like Someone "nickname". That'd make it somewhat easier.
  11. The question of getting the tag is the mentality of the player and their experience playing EU3 not their skill level. The tag will be, as stated, given to players that seem to embody the mentality that we want to see on the server.
  12. @Colsta lets read that again shall we.
  13. Well, we can clearly see that the buildings weren't very well constructed so I can't be blamed if my rounds made them go "wonky".
  14. Please use the correct ban appeal procedure you can read it here http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/2656-ban-appeal-procedure-read-before-posting/
  15. Can't attend due to earlier plans. Testing this mission was fun though, hopefully there aren't too many bugs undiscovered.
  16. From todays UAV mission; http://imgur.com/olq9udI
  17. I started my Arma 3 gamingcareer during the Alpha. In those days I just played Wasteland and eventually ran into some people(I do not remember who) that suggested the I&A server for better teamplay. I played on EU1 for a month or two, running with a HUGE team with Johnson and some others. Eventually I switched over to EU3 and Patrol Ops. Those were the days of very unfair challenging UAV recovery missions http://imgur.com/9yIgxsv . Some other stuff from year ago; http://imgur.com/lwkGmC8 http://imgur.com/BlcYHBx
  18. Op was fantastic. I think all my kills came from M2 and got the longest? killshot of the whole op.
  19. Signed up and applied to war room
  20. Singed, working on a paper so give me a shout when your starting.
  21. Could you elaborate on what counts as an emergency? Also can we use "#vote restart" or "#vote missions" in EU3 according to the rules?
  22. This will probably be my last gamenight for three months. I've taken a job offer in the north so I'm relying on my laptop for the duration. Let's hope for a succesful mission.
  23. Have you followed alganthes guide? If not http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3140-how-to-use-the-uavs-basic-and-in-depth-guide/ Hope this helps. You should hop into ts and ask alganthe if problem persists.
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