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Everything posted by JuX

  1. They may fly their own way, but i know there are some, whom lack the experience to use HUD targeting to use the GAU against armored targets or helos. As well proper lining up to engage the target, which is probably why GAU doesn't workout for them or disengaging from anti-air fire. (Honestly i do not remember anyone els using the GAU on the jet against armored targets in a long time).
  2. Perhaps you should run some CAS flying exercises as well on the side.
  3. Wargames direction in RTS is correct one, there is no base building, but players assembling their own custom army decks with units they choose. Players are required to run logistics to the troops to keep frontlines and artilleries in supply of ammunition and repair. Downside of the game is queing in lobbies when factions often get team stacked based on which has the best players, which results people insta-leaving lobbies as they see the unbalance. (Sadly Eugen has decided to go back to square one and gone making C&C type RTS game, as if developers haven't beaten that dead horse enough already).
  4. To my recollection, Ahoyworld does NOT support things that divide the community to "i am better then you" mentality.
  5. I do not believe you can increase incentive to fill command slots. I personally have pretty much quit on command slots, since people without any command authority, keep over ruling my orders, no matter if it's my decision or passed down to me.
  6. Nah, i fucking dare him to use that nickname in real life + publicly.
  7. Situation that got out of hand, the name is kind of borderline. It's not offensive by the looks of it, but its one of those things when someone els is calling your name, it will be shorten to "nigg" and that is pretty short distance to slip ups. Perhaps fault at both ends, but instigate the situation further took it too far, not to mention this very immature forum name you come up with.
  8. Perhaps you should mostly do it like turn-based strategy game. Each faction has C.O & X.O (Zeus players like mentioned), whom make all the strategic decisions. Factions taking turns to make decisions where to attack for the next 60min (- defense setup time). Opposition needs to hold it for that time. Also have day/night cycle move according to the "turn timer". Also if want to go the extra mile, could give bonuses to factions based on what locations they hold, such as loss of airbase will deny use of aerial vehicles... I think you get the idea and it could be continued at later date.
  9. JuX

    Squad key giveaway!

    1st post after so many months, welcome to the forums
  10. JuX

    Squad key giveaway!

    Im not feeling good about my odds
  11. JuX

    Squad key giveaway!

    Looks like the grownups version of battlefield
  12. JuX

    Squad key giveaway!

    In otherwords, spam everyone elses names to the form
  13. JuX

    EU5 Exile

    Probably cause exile is still a unfinished mod with lots of lacking features. Im personally waiting for the DayZ Exile mod instead.
  14. Deployable 50,cal is reasonable equipment for a squad, operated by the autorifleman + assist. autorifleman. Here, no specialized squad would carry such equipment around cause of the powerful mobile weaponry they currently carry on their backs and i think that is the benefit of being specialized squad.
  15. What really bugs me is the lacking usage of deployable weapons, when they are perfectly viable in every operation. There are so many roles in a squad that simply do not require the use of a backpack.
  16. Puzzlephone Kickstarter for modular smartphone that you can customize, upgrade, and repair (more information found in the link) https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/puzzlephone-upgradeable-sustainable-incredible#/
  17. Most common situation that occurs regularly leader : issues command trooper A : criticizes command trooper B : agrees with trooper A trooper A : issues command leader : interjects trooper everyone els : ignores leader trooper everyone els : follows trooper A's command
  18. There is at least enough equipment already to pretend to be UK soldier, such as uniform and the L85 rifle.
  19. Think its discipline training that is required. There is a constant insubordination and undermining of command by personnel without anykind of command authority. You won't believe how much criticizim and suggestions is thrown at squad leaders and platoon commander about their command decisions, it just needs to stop. You can give constructive feedback to person in charge above you, but not start sharing your views how to make it better during mission (unless asked). Also on related note, remember to keep in touch of your commanding officer during situational developments. Example. ambushed convoy doesn't mean you should go AWOL on to the AO once the threat is neutralized or evaded, but contact command and organize, if they are dead, someone take temporary command and organize. P.S Fireteam leaders do not forget about your role, thou many seem to play it as just another rifleman. It has authority over others within the fireteam and can act within the lines of squad leaders orders (example. during "hold position", you can order your fellow fireteam members to position the way you see fit).
  20. Think it's overly complicated feature, might as well just simply make a mission out of hostage rescue or weekend event scenario.
  21. You can operate well enough without a backpack, did test runs a while back and did even operate a "Ranger" squad, with sole purpose of airborne (HALO) deployment and reinforcement. Every person gets plenty enough ammunition and each carries basic medical supplies to ease medics job. Can also procure weapons and ammo on site from enemies or dead friendlies. The problem is unable to use long range radio, while doing it. Can still be done, but requires use of multiple channels to contact squad, command and pilot
  22. Alternatively, run program as administrator or add program to firewall as an exception.
  23. This happens alot if your mods aren't in sync with the server, so i guess use the armasync and have the exact same mods as the server or disable all optional mods you maybe using and see if it helps.
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