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    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Danny_S in Missing Flightradar since v2.8   
      I for one support the adjustment, thought the magic radar was a bit cheap and easy-mode feature. It is still in place on the aircraft that have guided weapon systems, however. I think the better solution would have been to allow scenario designers the ability to manipulate this display, to determine which vehicles have magic radar, and when.
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    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from kamaradski in Soldier Tracker   
    I come bearing gifts
    Have been sitting on this bit of code for the past couple months, thought I'd wrap it up and release it. It should be seamless integration with I&A.
    Will replace the existing player markers code, with reasonable increase in performance and versatility.
  3. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Sir Dildor in Soldier Tracker   
    I come bearing gifts
    Have been sitting on this bit of code for the past couple months, thought I'd wrap it up and release it. It should be seamless integration with I&A.
    Will replace the existing player markers code, with reasonable increase in performance and versatility.
  4. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Stuffedsheep in Soldier Tracker   
    I come bearing gifts
    Have been sitting on this bit of code for the past couple months, thought I'd wrap it up and release it. It should be seamless integration with I&A.
    Will replace the existing player markers code, with reasonable increase in performance and versatility.
  5. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Jester in [Suggestion] PvP Invade & Annex   
    Get the setPlayable command to work and it makes integration of 'on/off' PvP play easier
    I did a concept test of adding PvP element to I&A back in March. The gameplay effects I saw were not the direction I thought I&A should go in. It changes the atmosphere of the server when there could  be players glitching into rocks waiting for you to pass, or hiding in 3rd person behind rock waiting for you to expose yourself. 
    I do have intentions in the medium-term to build in some multi-faction variety to I&A where you would get players able to shoot at other players, but that would be a separate branch of the game-mode, not become the main branch.
    The main branch is co-op.
    In the meantime, with your version of I&A, simply drop down some OPFOR playable units, put down a "respawn_east" marker, make sure if a player is side-EAST that they do not run BTC revive, and then build a:
    into the main AO sequence
    then in your onPlayerRespawn.sqf event script, if the player is side-East, do something like this:
      to spawn them in a slightly random location near the middle.  
    And there you will have your PvP I&A. 
    If you want one of the bigger communities to do this, I think you will not find much traction. Put a poll up somewhere and get a few hundred votes in favor of PvP I&A and maybe it will become a higher priority.
  6. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from e00c in admin_uid.sqf   
    open mission.sqm in main directory
    search for
    init="(group this) setGroupId [""IA""]; this addEventHandler [""respawn"", {_this execVM ""admin_uid.sqf""}]; ";
    And delete the red portion.
    There will be some 50-60 entries of it, in the init field of each playable unit.
    this can also be done in the 2D Editor. Open the mission in the Editor and double-click on each playable unit, and delete the red portion above from the init field of each. make sure you dont delete the "; at the end of the line.
    next, open the init.sqf in main directory
    search for this line
    _null = [] execVM "admin_uid.sqf";
    delete it. note it may already have been removed.
    open the description.ext folder in the main directory
    find this line (its near the top):
    #include "spectator\spectating.hpp"      // Kegetys Spectator Script
    delete that line. note it may have already been removed
    delete the 'spectator' folder from your main mission directory (or wherever it is, if it is still there).
  7. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from e00c in Squad management addon?   
    Current AW versions are actually running both squad managers in parallel.
    So you can both use your scroll wheel AND hold T to select.
    I would suggest removing the 'hold T' one, since it's just another piece of code running, which doesn't need to run.
    This can safely be done by simply deleting the file "DOM_squad\group_manager.sqf". It is authored by aeroson.
    Removing that will not adversely affect Xeno's group management.
  8. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from kamaradski in Transport & Ambush: The thread   
    had a play with it 
    love it!
    keen to see how this develops, great fun. lots of tension and time pressure
  9. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Dingo in AW Invade & Annex 2 Changelog and Download   
    loving the new Retaliation feature Jester !
  10. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Sanguine in EU#2 - I&A Bugs and Feedback.   
    I'll test this in the next day or two and report whether it's stable or not.
    The weapon resting part of it was never an issue, only the weapon/firing effects.
  11. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Jester in Squad leader command spam   
    Arma 3 Main Menu -----> Configure ------> Game -------> Difficulty -------> Auto Report = Disabled
    To do it on a server, you would have to drop those config options into your DefaultServer.Arma3Profile and then set AutoSpot = 0
  12. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from tombguy5 in Stratis Back ?   
    Decided to port 2.57d Annex back to Stratis (for our servers), maybe save Jester a little effort if he wants to adapt back to AW. 
    known issues:
    - needs a 3-sided highwall box constructed around UAV spawn (pull it out of hangar too) to prevent long-range targeting by enemy heli. 
    - I didnt bother to reduce AO diameter by too much. Id suggest reducing it to 400m-500m.
    - OPFOR artillery might be a little much for Stratis, perhaps replace with mortar team.
    - OPFOR tanks when on the hill north of Agia Marina can target the helipads at base. 
    - enemy heli also spawns perilously close to base over Agia Marina. It is just the PO-30 Orca but can be a nuisance.
  13. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Jester in Stratis Back ?   
    Decided to port 2.57d Annex back to Stratis (for our servers), maybe save Jester a little effort if he wants to adapt back to AW. 
    known issues:
    - needs a 3-sided highwall box constructed around UAV spawn (pull it out of hangar too) to prevent long-range targeting by enemy heli. 
    - I didnt bother to reduce AO diameter by too much. Id suggest reducing it to 400m-500m.
    - OPFOR artillery might be a little much for Stratis, perhaps replace with mortar team.
    - OPFOR tanks when on the hill north of Agia Marina can target the helipads at base. 
    - enemy heli also spawns perilously close to base over Agia Marina. It is just the PO-30 Orca but can be a nuisance.
  14. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from Dingo in Some flying tips   
    My own observations, with a few hundred hours behind the stick:
    1. 50m traveling altitude
    2. check map often
    3. if you don't know the LZ well, mark out the LZ and approach in Direct Channel map, so others dont delete your markings.
    4. If you aren't approaching and landing behind defilade in the final 2km before LZ, low & slow is key. Low = under 25-30m. Slow = Under 150km/h. By doing this you can maneuver between trees, rocks and under powerlines, and if you get hit by a stray AA rocket, the guys in the back will still survive when you hit the ground.
    5. Slow down 2km out from the objective as a general rule, straighten out and bleed off speed so you don't have to gain altitude in order to slow down to a stationary landing.
    6. If you see a red triangle appear under your helicopter, take off immediately.
    7. If there is a HEMTT or Hunter moving around near the helipads at airbase, keep your collective powered up enough that just tapping the throttle will lift you off the ground. Always keep situational awareness at base, just incase of the above.
    8a. If someone is bouncing into your rotors and you are on the ground, get out and shoot them.
    8b. If someone is bouncing into your rotors and you are in the air, land the helicopter like an airplane (at speed). You will break the helicopter most likely, but if you keep the speed up, the bouncer won't break the rotors until you're on the ground. It's only when you are descending slowly that they break the rotors. As in 8a. when you are at a safe stop, get out and shoot them.
    8c. Issue a general warning that if someone is in the copilot seat and is not a pilot, you will shoot them upon landing, as a precaution.
    9. Don't listen to players who tell you to get closer to the AO than you are comfortable with. They are lazy and don't want to walk 500m.
    10. If someone on the ground says their area is safe to land, take what they say with a grain of salt. Safe on the ground =/= safe 50m above said ground.
    11. When the AO is taken, there are still a few enemies left. Don't extract the soldiers until all armor is destroyed.
    12. If your LZ is hot, rotate the helicopter to shield them while they are vulnerable and clumped together.
    13. If you are hit with a rocket over 100m off the ground, it helps to have an "Engine Off" hotkey on your keyboard or joystick. By turning the "Engine Off" quickly, that releases the rotors and they will start to spin, allowing you to bring the heli down without crashing. (auto rotation). It takes some practice to do this effectively, and is easy to practice offline.
    14. You are more vulnerable to rockets on your way out than on your way in. It is harder to dodge rockets while traveling away from them, and easier to dodge rockets when you are traveling toward them. This means, fly low and behind defilade on your way out as well. Try to keep trees/buildings/terrain between the AA and you.
    15. If anything bad happens, it is your fault.
    16. If anyone dies, it is your fault.
    17. If they have to walk more than 100m to their firing position, you are a bad person and a worse pilot.
    18. If you make one mistake, you're a troll and they will attempt to kick you.
    19. If they have to wait longer than 2 minutes for a helicopter, they will steal one, or complain about bad pilots.
    20. If you play good music at quiet volume with good microphone, 90% will enjoy it but one will complain and tell you to turn it off. Don't.
    21. The UH-80 Ghosthawk is not stealthy and the AA specialists have no problem locking into it.
    22. The AH-9 Pawnee is almost useless in current game modes. Its effective uses are isolated to: killing enemy Mi-48 Kajmans, and performing reconnaissance. If you attempt to give CAS in it, you will be shot at and 90% of the time you will be shot down.
    23. The best use of an AH-99 is to hover 2km out from the objective and 'snipe' enemy vehicles. It is ineffective against enemy infantry and too risky to get within 1.5km due to effective enemy AA.
    24. Be careful when performing tight, descending turns in the UH-80 Ghosthawk. It is heavy enough and lacks thrust to the point that you will simply hit the ground and die.
    25. Traveling under powerlines, around trees and through mountain valleys will earn you respect from the soldiers.
    26. If your ATRQ is damaged: 
    a) gain altitude, 300m will do.
    go into a dive to transfer about 200m of altitude into speed.
    c) this will straighten you out, if you work with the spinning.
    d) land with speed at a shallow approach angle and you sohuld be fine. if you land slow, you will start spinning again. 
    27. Mohawks can currently be used in a combat role, utilizing the airlift function to "grab" enemy tanks and carry them away.
    a) there are a few locations to drop them: in the ocean, lift them to 1000m and drop, or for comedic value, drop them at the airbase.
    carry a friendly tank and hover at 1-2km from objective. the tank gunner will be able to shoot effectively. 
    28. Try to co-ordinate with other pilots for best effect. Players enjoy when you take the time to plan a mission, even if they seem impatient. 
    29. Ramming an enemy helicopter with your own works, although it can ruin immersion and feels like 'cheating' the system.
    30. Its best to ignore SeaSiderzz.
    31. ranranmilk is special.
    32. [FOR]Reason will use a medic slot and systematically steal mohawks from other pilots in order to go "balls deep" with 10-15 of his followers, for about an hour.
    33. Never engage Auto-Hover while performing a backflip.
    34. Develop your own signature style and use it always. 
    35. Land in a consistent, unique spot at the base so players know who you are. If you are a good, consistent and fun pilot, they will wait for you instead of boarding another helicopter.
    36. Your travel back to base after LZ is the best time to try new things. Acrobatics, first-person or 3rd person (whichever you are least comfortable with), route selection, sight-seeing. It is your time alone.
    37. Pilots don't get a break.
    38. If you crash twice in a row in 'unforced errors' with passengers aboard, its time to vacate the pilot slot.
    39. If you regularly use Auto-Hover, please practice more.
    40. Bring Explosive Charges with you at all times.
    41. Set yourself performance goals each time you log on. 
    42. The Mohawk can take a beating.
    43. First-person flying IMO, is not fun unless you have TrackIR or similar.
    44. Listen to different LZ requests, but don't oblige unless you think it is safe.
    45. Ignore all the requests for "Para-drops". It is gimmick and is not smart or fun on I&A where enemy can see/shoot them easily.
    46. For a change, select LZs on flat ground. It will make the AO feel harder, and last longer, since the squads cannot sit on hilltops sniping. 
    47. The MH-9 is about 25% slower than the Mohawk, but can get closer to the objective due to its maneuvability. Thus saving the infantry about the same amount of time as they lost due to slower flight. 
    48. I personally have a (bad?) habit of checking the map quite frequently during flight. It gives me awareness of stuff happening around the map, but I've been known to fly into the side of mountains from time to time as a result. In my opinion it is handy to check the map frequently.
  15. Like
    MDCCLXXVI got a reaction from razgriz33 in Easter Egg - first to find?   
    its a good spot
    far far out of the way of any foot traffic
    so rare are the people that know its whereabouts that the only person I've seen using it is an admin.
    id say give it 4+ more weeks before moving it.
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