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AW Invade & Annex 2 Changelog and Download

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Ahoy World ArmA 3 Invade & Annex Development

This is the official Ahoy World development thread for our ArmA 3 multiplayer Stratis Invade & Annex game type. We are happy to supply anyone and everyone with links to our latest Invade & Annex mission files and would like to do so in a way that allows players on any server to stay up to date with our continued development of this game type.
Creating working missions of this complexity from scratch is difficult and time consuming, please credit us (Ahoy World) for creating and distributing this mission when hosting!
This version of Invade & Annex was lovingly crafted by Jack Williams (Rarek)!
Download links to the latest file will always be available as an attachment to this post! You can view the change log here, we also encourage all members to post improvements and suggestions to help continue developing and improving this mission to make it the best it can be!






Stratis Version 2_84




AW Invade & Annex Version 2.85C Change Log

(includes changes from 2.83I-2.85C)

  • [REMOVED] Lots of old code.
  • [CHANGED] Most PVEH's are now done through RemoteExec
  • [TWEAKED] Some code that should improve stability for Zues users
  • [ADDED] FOB missions




AW Invade & Annex Version 2.83D Change Log

(includes changes from 2.83D-2.83I)

  • [CHANGED] Billboards at spawn now pick from 13 possible images
  • [FIXED] Squad leaders on Stratis could not use thermals
  • [CHANGED] Cleanup script
  • [TWEAKED] SM rewards for Stratis




AW Invade & Annex Version 2.83D Change Log

(includes changes from 2.82D-2.83D)


  • [CHANGED] Thermal Optics are restricted to Squad Leaders.
  • [CHANGED] Orca to Ghosthawk
  • [ADDED] Marksman DLC weapons are restricted to the respective classes.
  • [ADDED] Headless Client should now properly work, however, still issues if it has to reconnect.
  • [ADDED] BIS's group management.
  • [FIXED] Typo in hint for members.
  • [TWEAKED] Minor script tweaks.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.82D Change Log

(includes changes from 2.82A-D)


  • [CHANGED] AO enemies now use a mix of DAC and old method.
  • [ADDED] Hint for AW Members that joined.
  • [ADDED] Cam Shake fix added to VAS Man. (No longer needed)
  • [FIXED] Typo in hint for members.
  • [TWEAKED] Minor script tweaks.




AW Invade & Annex Version 2.82 Change Log


  • [CHANGED] Main AO enemies now spawn using DAC



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81E Change Log


  • [FIXED] Removed headlessclient variable from initPlayerLocal.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81D Change Log


  • [FIXED] Issue with Intro Popup and Headless Client (hopefully)(for real this time).
  • [ADDED] Billboards.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81C Change Log


  • [FIXED] Issue with Intro Popup and Headless Client (hopefully).
  • [FIXED] Minor script error for the fuel canister.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81B Change Log


  • [TWEAKED] Spawn rates of Jets in Side mission rewards.
  • [TWEAKED] Moved TS markers to be more in yo face.
  • [TWEAKED] Added VAS, VA, and view distance to man standing in pilot spawn.
  • [TWEAKED] Headless Client Public Variable now in init player local.
  • [CHANGED] Base Protection changed to a HintC.
  • [ADDED] Pancake to Spartan Program.
  • [ADDED] Ahoy World Intro added.
  • [FIXED] Repair pad at AAF Airfield no longer repairs planes.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81A Change Log


  • [ADDED] Mortar Gunner role has been added.
  • [TWEAKED] Offloaded more AI to the HC.
  • [TWEAKED] Spawn chances for AH-9 Pawnee and AH-9 Pawnee GAU-19 increased.
  • [CHANGED] SM Reward Mortar is now attached to the bed of a truck.
  • [CHANGED] UAV Operator is now in the same squad as the Mortar Gunner.
  • [CHANGED] Artillery Computer has been disabled for all players except for the Mortar Gunner.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81 Change Log


  • [ADDED] CAP(close air patrol) buzzard now spawns at mission start with 10 min respawn.
  • [ADDED] Headless Client (please report fps changes to our forums).
  • [TWEAKED] Enemy Jets should now have a lower AI setting.
  • [FIXED] UAV's now spawn with ammo again.
  • [FIXED] The supply crates should not spawn in properly.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.80A Change Log


  • [CHANGED] Reverted back to Quicksilver's icons.
  • [REMOVED] Defend AO.
  • [FIXED] Rearm UAV.sqf was re-added.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.80 Change Log


  •  [ADDED] CH-47 Huron to helicopters.
  •  [ADDED] Mi-290 Taru to Side mission rewards.
  •  [ADDED] Huron crate spawner.


AW Invade & Annex Version 2.79E Change Log


  • [CHANGED] New Virtual Arsenal script


AW Invade & Annex Version 2.79D Change Log


  • [ADDED] Quick save option for gear.
  • [ADDED] Bobcat is now at spawn.
  • [ADDED] 5th pilot slot and helicopter.
  • [CHANGED] All playable units should now be attached to Zues.
  • [TWEAKED] Tweaked some aspects of BTC to improve performance.
  • [TWEAKED] Players now need a FAK to revive at a Medical HEMTT.
  • [TWEAKED] Player Icons should now display further away.
  • [FIXED] Rifleman(AT) should now be fixed again.
  • [FIXED] Artillery should now fire.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.79B Change Log


  • [ADDED] Arsenal is back on the VASman.
  • [ADDED] Combat Life Saviour Team.
  • [ADDED] New Medivac LZ.
  • [ADDED] All players may now revive when within 5 meters of a Medical HEMTT.
  • [CHANGED] Rifleman (AT) is now a Missile Spec. (AT).
  • [CHANGED] Now Use Quiksilver's player markers.


AW Invade & Annex Version 2.79A Change Log


  • [ADDED] AH-9 Pawnee GAU - 19 variant to side missions rewards.
  • [ADDED] Rabbit to side missions rewards (used to spawn GAU-19).
  • [FIXED] Mortar side mission reward should no longer be restricted.
  • [FIXED] Secure Chopper side missions should now work.
  • [FIXED] Minigun dispersion to Ghosthawk turrets.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.79 Change Log


  • [CHANGED] Hummingbird texture.
  • [CHANGED] 1 Ghosthawk changed to a helcat.
  • [CHANGED] Pawnee should now have a different texture.
  • [TWEAKED] Wipeout and Neophron now have 60 flares.
  • [TWEAKED] Some minor things added at spawn.
  • [ADDED] Minigun Dispersion.
  • [ADDED] Mortar to side mission reward.
  • [ADDED] New AO's.
  • [ADDED] Rule against landing helicopters in the main spawn.
  • [FIXED] Exploit where jet could bypass 5 minutes repair timer.


Older Versions:


AW Invade & Annex Version 2.78 Change Log

  • [CHANGED] Spawn Loaction.
  • [CHANGED] Changed UAV FAQ help.
  • [CHANGED] Planes and UAVs now have their own repair pads.
  • [TWEAKED] Spawn rates for side mission rewards.
  • [ADDED] VAS and Arsenel.
  • [ADDED] Vehicle Service points around the map.
  • [REMOVED] Bobcat and HEMTT Ammo.



AW Invade & Annex Version 2.66-2.77 Change Log

  • Too much to list
  • Many scripts have been re-written
  • easiest to look and newer version change logs



[26 - 11 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex ~ALTIS~ 2.65b | Change Log 


  • Updated BTC revive to most current
  • Moved heli spawn away from spawn to avoid ramming, heli stealing
  • pilot spawn point moved to heli spawn point
  • VAS updated to current
  • Middle flag pole at base will teleport player to pilot spawn (in case pilot spawns at wrong spot)
  • lower to 50 players (server side, not in mission)
  • emptied vehicle cargo in front of base (was requested by a few players who like to load their own gear into hunter to go to AO. took them forever to unload gear that came stock in them)
  • removed hunter gmg from SM rewards and add cheetah and armed offroad truck
  • added ammo crate drop to ghosthawk (current defualt time is 10 minutes)
  • air defense at base. (3 ai controlled cheetahs)
  • fixed typos on various units names
  • fixed some AT not being able to use AT
  • moved kavala AO marker from in the ocean to the appropriate place on map


[02 - 11 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex ~ALTIS~ 2.58d | Change Log


  • [ADDED] UAV's now respawn. (15 minutes, be careful!)
  • [ADDED] Added another helipad to bring it back to three.
  • [ADDED] Safety line implemented at helipads in a vain attempt to stop pilots from clipping airport lights.
  • [ADDED] Added Echo squad so members joining while server full aren't forced into a role they don't want.
  • [ADDED] Implemented some more admin tools.
  • [ADDED] Static emplacement added at base respawn point so those who respawn and can't walk can right themselves.
  • [ADDED] 26 More Attack Objectives, now there is 42!
  • [ADDED] Narrow corridor now links the apron and the airport car park.
  • [FIXED] Preparation area lighting actually works now.
  • [FIXED] HEMTT's no longer damage when respawning.
  • [FIXED] Second Delta AT no longer named Foxtrot.
  • [iMPROVED] More gaps have been added to the walls surrounding the preparation area for easier access.
  • [REMOVED] Taken out rogue barrier left in by mistake at base.
  • [REMOVED] Enemy outfits that show up as underwear removed.
  • [REMOVED] Taken out Agia Stemma objective as AI would glitch in rocks.

[30 - 10 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex ~ALTIS~ 2.57d | Change Log

  • [ADDED] 1 more AT soldier slot.
  • [ADDED] 1 more pilot slot.
  • [ADDED] UAV Service.
  • [iMPROVED] Encased preparation area helipads to prevent tanks & other vehicles from entering.
  • [iMPROVED] Chairs, tables, ammunition boxes now will not react to explosions and scatter the base.
  • [iMPROVED] Preparation area and helipads now floodlit at night.
  • [REMOVED] 1 spotter slot.
  • [REMOVED] 1 marksman slot.
  • [REMOVED] Bar gates separating apron & car parks now removed.

[15 - 09 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex ~ALTIS~ 2.51.0 | Change Log

  • [iMPROVED] server fps/lag/desync issues. Enjoy the FPS increase!
  • Moved haymaker closer to base so it cannot hit spawn
  • Removed mine shells from Haymaker
  • Changed helo layout
  • CHANGE: Increased speed of rearm/repair;
  • ADDED: Larger H barriers around the artillery
  • CHANGE: numbers of enemy groups
  • ADDED: Anti-Opfor zone
  • FIXED: vehicle service script to rearm vehicles
  • Added: Lift script
  • Implemented some code from Blackwater Realism unit scripts
  • Enemy artillary is no longer usable
  • UAV as side rewards (usable)



[14 - 08 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex ~ALTIS~ 2.36.0 | Change Log

  • Ported to Altis map
  • Dev Compatible
  • [Changed] Base area. Moved to Airport building
  • [Removed] crew list. (reduce lag)
  • [Added] Opfor now have AA vehicles and Tanks. (configurable in parameters)
  • [Removed] Repair/refuel Pads
  • [Added] Repair/Refuel/Rearm trucks
  • [Changed] Side mission rewards- Added Buzzard, Greyhawk, Slammer -
  • [Removed] Uav terminals from VAS. Only Haymaker can control UAV's now.
  • [Added] Artillery at "Trenchfoot"


[14 - 08 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex 2.94.0 | Change Log

  • [Changed] Base layout and relocated
  • [Changed] Default birds. 2 Littlebirds and 1 Mohawk
  • [Added] Enemy forces now have Armored vehicles. (changeable in parameters)
  • [Added] 2 new side mission rewards. Ghosthawk and Panther
  • [Changed] 2 small boats were converted to submarines
  • [Added] Crew list to HUD. Can see who is in your vehicles now
  • [updated] VAS - (can now get rangefinders/binos/laser designators out)
  • [Fixed] Minor memory leak.
  • [Removed] Unused files in mission



[11 - 07 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex 2.88 BETA | Change Log

  • Further beta compatibility fixes
  • V0.72 compatibility update


[01 - 07 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex Version 2.87.8 BETA | Change Log

  • [Fixed] Destroy Chopper Side Mission
  • Various stability fixes


[25 - 06 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex Version 2.87.4 BETA | Change Log

  • Beta compatibility



[04 - 05 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex Version 2.86 | Change Log

  • [Fixed] Markers sometimes not appearing for JIP players
  • [Fixed] Main AO marker sometimes not appearing for all players
  • [Added] Implemented a second marker for main objectives, allowing players to easily see their objective (e.g. "Take Camp Rogain")
  • [Changed] Re-created the entire base
  • [Fixed] Signs at base no longer fall over
  • [Added] ~10 - 15 new mission parameters
  • [Added] Revive script added to the mission, changable via parameters
  • [Added] Live HUD markers for downed friendlies within 500m when a medic
  • [Changed] Set live HUD markers for medics to fade from green to yellow to red depending on how much time the particular unit has left to live, allowing medics to prioritise their healing
  • [Added] Live HUD markers for damaged vehicles within 1km when a repair specialist, using the same gradient system as medic markers
  • [Added] Implemented "Fuzzy" markers for Side Missions and Priority Targets, meaning players now have to search for the exact site
  • [Fixed] Destroy Chopper Side Mission was sometimes completing itself upon creation
  • [Fixed] Various start-up bugs if the clients moved through the init.sqf faster than the server
  • [Changed] Enemy mortar teams now have more substantial defence in the form of H-Barriers and enemy troops
  • [Fixed] All items / groups / units are now cleaned up periodically
  • [Changed] Medics now receive 2 points for each revive
  • [Added] "Notifications" now pop up on the screen, showing the player exactly what objectives they have and other info such as team rewards from Side Missions and score bonuses from reviving team-mates etc
  • [Added] Multiple icons representing the different objective types / rewards added for notifications
  • [Fixed] Various hints were mis-aligned
  • [Fixed] Exploded array on clearing bodies from map
  • [Added] CROSSROAD now addresses players when mortar teams fire
  • [Added] Various debug messages for logged in administrators (not yet fully implemented)
  • [Added] View Distance Script
  • [Fixed] Pilot-checking script would sometimes not work for certain units after respawning (allowing non-pilots to pilot choppers)
  • [Added] Global player markers on map, available to toggle via parameters
  • [Changed] Tweaked start-up screen text
  • [Fixed] Side Mission text is now ALWAYS synced properly
  • [Added] Radio towers now have a chance to have a minefield around them. If they do, the radiotower will be marked "Radiotower (Minefield)" and a hatched circle will appear
  • [Changed] Removed ATVs as a Side Mission reward
  • [Fixed] Removed "FPSSaver" FSM (now built into ArmA engine)
  • [Fixed] Mission start-up sometimes rendering new target as "Nothing"
  • [Added] Parameter to randomly spawn vehicle wrecks across the island
  • [Added] Parameters to toggle on/off Priority Targets and Side Missions
  • [Fixed] Units spawned at AOs now properly find safe land to spawn on
  • [Fixed] waitUntil loops are now slower for target completion
  • [Changed] Markers are now "stored" in the bottom-left of the map rather than fiddling with Alpha settings
  • [Fixed] Singular units not being deleted 15 minutes after AO has been completed
  • [Fixed] Side Missions and Priority Targets will no longer spawn at the end of the runway
  • [Fixed] Priority Target mortars now have infinite ammo if manned by an AI
  • [Fixed] Certain Side Mission remnants not being deleted when next Side Mission spawns
  • [Changed] Side Missions now often have more enemies patrolling as well as vehicles
  • [Fixed] Destroy Radar Side Mission now buries itself slightly deeper into the ground
  • [Fixed] Optimised various bits of code
  • [Fixed] Chopper repair pad now only fixes choppers
  • [Fixed] Chopper repair pad now "tops up" fuel rather than completely re-filling it
  • [Fixed] Chopper repair pad now repairs / refuels a lot slower
  • [Fixed] Chopper repaired hint being shown to all players
  • [Fixed] Certain reward notifications only being shown to some players
  • [Changed] Added disabledAI to description.ext after recent fix
  • [Fixed] Removed CfgSounds from mission temporarily
  • [Fixed] Corrected some values in parameters regarding squads patrolling / defending
  • [Added] CfgNotifications area in description.ext
  • [Fixed] AO Size parameter now properly effects the in-game marker
  • [Changed] Dynamic weather system disabled until setOvercast is fixed
  • [Fixed] Mission sometimes started at night for certain players
  • [Added] Preliminary Radio Channel scripts
  • [Fixed] Parameters are now correctly parsed for all players
  • [Changed] Coloured notifications with relevant colours
  • [Changed] If the mission is in Perpetual Mode, it will now keep randomly cycling through all missions rather than selecting a random one each time
  • [Changed] Hunters can no longer terrorise base due to new design
  • [Added] Missions not in perpetual mode will get a piece of text stating "Only X more left to go!" at the end of each AO Completed Hint
  • [Fixed] First chopper at base sometimes explodes on spawn
  • [Added] Two attack boats in the harbour at base
  • [Added] Both attack boats are now appropriately marked "B1" and "B2"
  • [Fixed] Local vehicle markers (H1, H2, B1 etc) are now synced only for the player rather than relaying the information to the server
  • [Fixed] Some players spawning outside of the sandbags at base
  • [Fixed] "Fuzzy" marker circle for Destroy Smuggled Explosives Side Mission would not appear for JIP clients
  • [Fixed] Radiotower would appear to always have a Minefield for JIP clients
  • [Fixed] Radiotower Minefield marker always appeared at marker for JIP clients even if there wasn't a minefield
  • [Added] Ahoy Coin integration for official Ahoy World servers
  • [Added] Parameter (default off) to toggle Ahoy Coin integration
  • [Added] Invisible spawn protection added, protecting all players from incoming and preventing outgoing fire
  • [Fixed] Kept in enhanced spawn protection, meaning players can't place charges etc at base
  • [Added] Basic SM template system. Not yet completed or implemented
  • [Added] Vehicle repair pad
  • [Fixed] Vehicle respawns not functioning



[02 - 04 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex Version 2.83 | Change Log


[26 - 03 - 2013] AW Invade & Annex Version 2.81 | Change Log

  • [Fixed] Side Mission markers would not appear for JIP players
  • [Fixed] Side Mission marker text would not display correct for JIP players ("Side Mission" instead of "Side Mission: Destroy Chopper")
  • [Fixed] Added grenades back into the game after hotfix
  • [Changed] Ka60s are now black, unarmed choppers
  • [Changed] Re-organised base to avoid team-killing attempts and explosions near spawn
  • [Changed] Removed Ahoy World TS3 marker from public map


[25 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.80.1 | Change Log


  • Added 8 thermal imaging modes to the UAV
  • UAVs are now available to players the entire time, though will display an "UNAVAILABLE" hint if an AO's radio tower is still present
  • Coloured the "Activate Personal UAV" action to make it more obvious
  • Dead bodies / destroyed vehicles are now deleted after 10 minutes, helping to keep the server clean
  • Enemy stragglers in captured AOs will be deleted after 15 minutes, helping to keep the server clean
  • Fixed issue where multiple markers would appear after server had been running for a long time
  • Introduced Tonic's Virtual Ammobox System, allowing players to easily select / equip gear and save/load gear loadouts. This will also resolve the issue where players simply dropped items at the ammobox, flooding the place with empty magazines and weapons
  • Did NOT introduce the =BTC= Revive script. Not everybody will want this and, if you do, it's easy enough to add yourself
  • Added "Side Missions". Side missions are separate missions that run paralell to the generated AOs, providing players with something else to accomplish which will reward the team with extra, more powerful vehicles. This currently includes 3 missions and 1 sub-mission, each of which will be chosen at random and spawn in a completely new position every single time. A large array of side mission types will be created with future releases
  • Introduced many new sound clips (mainly for the "Talk to Contact" Sub-Side Mission). I may remove these in a later version to reduce filesize.
  • Side Missions have a 15 - 30 minute delay between each mission
  • Included more JIP marker checks
  • Introduced a random 10 seconds - 2 minute wait in-between AOs
  • 13 random wrecks now spawn in random places across the island
  • Fixed issue where players could, in-between an AO being completed and one being created, use their UAVs to view the new target before the radio tower was created
  • Begun to add in a few admin actions, allow admins to skip bugged AOs / side missions
  • Numerous small bug fixes and cleaning up of code


[21 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.77 | Change Log

  • Added in a live UAV feed that each player can access by activating their Personal UAV. The UAV flies around the current AO in a slow circle and allows the player to use one of 9 different viewing modes (including thermal and IR) to view enemy movements. On top of all that, friendly players are marked (with the relevant marker), showing friendly positions
  • Added radio towers. A radio tower will appear inside the red circle of each AO and will also be marked on the map. Players' Personal UAVs will be unavailable while the radio tower is still up.
  • Fixed certain actions being lost once a player has died and respawned


[18 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.75 | Change Log

  • Re-wrote all mission scripts for better readability for those who want to mod the mission
  • Added the "Perpetual Game Mode" parameter, allowing the mission to carry on indefinitely, choosing new targets from the same original list
  • Written and implemented a chopper repairing / refuelling pad
  • Added Ahoy World intro and establishing shot
  • Fixed bug with respawned players being able to get in choppers as pilots when they weren't in the correct slot
  • Changed handling of AOs back-end
  • Fixed another hints issue; all hints now display as intended, including a "Mission Completed" hint for completing a non-perpetual game
  • Added a marker that appears at the centre of each AO stating the objective that must be taken
  • Now using CBA JIP persistence for markers created on the fly and a quick validation of markers already in the editor when a player joins
  • Optimised "New AO" code
  • Fixed bug where enemy fire teams only spawned in the North West region of an AO
  • Moved to using BIS_fnc_spawnGroup function to generate enemies (should fix bug where enemies spawn in the water on coastal towns)
  • Introduced hard-written defaults for when parameters aren't available (Editor previews, single player etc)


[14 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.73 | Change Log

  • Added mission parameters for weather and time of day among other variables such as enemy quantity and AO size
  • Hints were broken in 2.7. They still don't show as they're intended to, but they do now work
  • Added an enemy "threshhold", meaning that if there are less than X enemies in the AO, the mission will treat that objective as complete. X is changable via parameters


[13 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.7 | Change Log

  • Changed targets to appear in random order
  • Now, if a target is not marked on the map it will not produce any units
  • A large amount of enemy AI is now spawned in groups, patrolling and defending whichever the current target is
  • Defending units will patrol, look out and sit while unalerted
  • Agia Marina and Agia Firing Range have been merged into one target
  • New hints for "New Target" and "Target Taken"
  • Removed "Take X" markers; now simply shows a large red circle where the target is
  • Units now spawn, patrol and defend their area in an 800m circle
  • Weather is now dynamic and changes every one to two hours (currently, setOvercast is broken in the alpha, meaning there's no dynamic cloud coverage / rain / lightning, but as soon as this is fixed the script will automatically work)
  • Welcome message now displayed when a unit enters the game
  • Targets now spawn Infantry Squads, Infantry Fire Teams and Motorized Infantry groups
  • Removed use of Sites as we can't yet control them (like, at all)


[11 - 03 - 2013] Stratis Domination Version 2.6 | Change Log

  • Moved back to having all map objectives displayed at once.

  • Now using BIS spawnGroup and taskPatrol functions (Planning to move to CBA funtions when available!)

  • Now spawning OPFOR Fire Teams at each target dynamically using CfgGroups entries. (faster)

  • Each target now has a small base force that increases once players are within 500m, allowing the island to appear to have more AI than it does.

  • Added AW logo to mission splash screen

  • Firing / placing items / throwing items at base is now disabled and all objects / projectiles are deleted when they are placed / fired within 200m of spawn.

  • Team markers removed until they can persist following the unit(s) through death.

  • MH-9 replaced with a second KA-60.

  • Both helicopters now have no guns

  • All vehicles now respawn at base if left un-manned on the field for 60 seconds.

  • Helicopter respawn time set to 60 seconds.

  • Armored Vehicle respawn time set to 30 seconds.



co30 AW Stratis Domination 2.75.Stratis.zip

co30 AW Stratis Domination 2.77.Stratis.zip

co30 AW Stratis Domination 2.80.1.Stratis.zip

co30 AW Invade & Annex 2.81.Stratis.zip

co40 AW Invade & Annex 2.83.Stratis.zip

co40 AW Invade & Annex 2.86 REVIVE.Stratis.zip

co40 AW Invade & Annex 2.87.4 BETA.Stratis.zip

co40 AW Invade & Annex 2.87.8 BETA.stratis.zip

co40 AW Invade & Annex 2.88 BETA.Stratis.zip






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Just a few things that have been thrown about on TS and game, thought I'd write it here for you to see.


Vehicle Ammo/Repair

Kegety's Spectator Script

Loadout saving

Boats :)



Uh oh!!!


Found a bug with 2.74!



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This is a really nice mission on a really nice server.I have really enjoyed playing it. Some quirks is to be expected under the development process, it was a bit frustrating trying to find the enemy units in 2.7 :-)

Keep up the good work.

...and i have a small request. Add one ah-9 to the mission. It doesn't take as many passengers and is slower, but much more agile and have great visibility. When enemy unists are spread more apart over a larger area it could really help to have a birds eye view.

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There's usually two helis. But of course, fixing the spawn is the obvious solution. I didn't really mean the littlebird would be the fix for that. It's just...well...littlebird is just more fun to fly. There. ;-)


(Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for a chance to do stunts or something. But I admit, I do like to pretend there's AA around so there's a reason to keep low and follow contours and that is more fulfilling to do in littlebird than in the other, admittedly fast, but sluggish flying bus :-)

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Hi, Ahoy


Let me start by saying thanks for the mission. The DHQLAX clan are setting up a public Domination server, but we still need some work on the server.

where do I see a list of the mission parameters you are supporting for the Domination mission?

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Hi all. To let you know the AhoyWorld team had a meet up this weekend, was really awesome and we are back on the site now.


We have a few params right now and the list will probably grow but off the top of my head we have:

Time of day

AO Size

some kind of patrol param

How many enemies is allowed to be left before new AO


i think there may be a couple more. still a work in progress. i hope this answers your question

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What is the exact variable names and values?


Hello CoNnEcToR (and everyone else who's been looking at this page)!


As razgriz said, we've had a big Ahoy World meet-up this weekend so most of the admins have been offline, but we're back monitoring and developing the mission now.


The parameters we have at the moment are editable once choosing a role in the mission (there's a small button labelled Parameter in the top-right of the screen) and are as follows:

  • Time of Day (choose the hour you wish to start)
  • Weather Preset (choose between Sunny, Cloudy, Stormy and Overcast)
  • AO Size (100 - 1,000m diameter)
  • Number of enemies that can be present in the AO and still have it captured (1 - 10)
  • Number of 10-man squads patrolling the AO (1 - 16)
  • Number of 10-man squads defending the AO (1 - 16)
  • Number of 4-man fire teams patrolling the AO (1 - 16)
  • Number of 4-man motorized infantry squads patrolling the AO (1 - 16)

We can add more of these if you let us know what you want.


For now, I believe Ahoy World is running a stable 2.74 version of the map. Because of the meet-up, I haven't had time to fully test the version, but as soon as I know that it works consistently I'll post it here. Carry on providing us with suggestions and let us know that you're using our map! It's fantastic to hear that players and servers from around the world are benefitting from the map we've developed and we always like to know how we can make it better.

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Hi, I love this!

I loved Xeno's Domiation! on ArmA 2:OA, also, but when I host this, or even play it, my screen begins to freeze sporadically. Does anyone know the reason? I host other game modes (Dynamic War) just fine, but this one seems to act up. 

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when I host this, or even play it, my screen begins to freeze sporadically


Are you hosting the game on your own machine? If so, that might be the cause.


The fast creation of such large volumes of enemies is what causes the lag when I test the mission on my own machine, but our dedicated server handles the load fine.


On a less helpful but more on-topic note, 2.76 is looking pretty good so far. We've introduced a personal UAV into the mix.

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2.77 is currently running on our server. I've hugely improved the UAV and added radio towers into the mix (digging through game files pays off eventually)! I'll leave players to test it for a day or so and then release it here.


This will most probably be the last release before 2.8.

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Loving the mission mate. Currently hosting it on our dedi box.


The only issues that I have had reported to me are: No way of saving gear load out and you cant equip/un-equip a lot of items in the ammo box. I've only had a chance to play for about 30 mins so not been able to have a good look at it yet so I might be missing something obvious. Keep it up!

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Loving the mission mate. Currently hosting it on our dedi box.


The only issues that I have had reported to me are: No way of saving gear load out and you cant equip/un-equip a lot of items in the ammo box. I've only had a chance to play for about 30 mins so not been able to have a good look at it yet so I might be missing something obvious. Keep it up!


Hi Melbo! Thanks so much for using our mission; it means a lot that so many people like yourself are enjoying it!


In regards to saving gear loadouts, both you and your players are correct: there's currently nothing put in to enable you to do that. We're working on implementing a customised gear-saving / picking screen that will allow you to easily change (and save) everything while at base. I'll have this implemented in version 2.8 (which will hopefully be out this weekend).


So you're aware, in 2.77 there are a couple of issues regarding markers appearing / not appearing when a new AO is created. This may well hit you, but we're testing an alternative method on our server with version 2.78.1 that should fix this issues. Once we've thoroughly tested it and confirmed that it works, I'll update the version here.


Keep coming back to me with bugs and suggestions!

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