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Squad management addon?


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Hey Guys,


Quick question.


On some Ahoy servers. The Squad management can be accessed via the mouse wheel. It's highlighted in green writing. from this menu you can join other squads etc.


Currently, on the server - the option is different. You need to press and hold T, which brings up blue text in the middle of your screen. 


Is this a different addon? Does anyone know what it is or where I could find it?


Ta Mucho!





opps. Think this is in the wrong forum! Mods, please move :) 

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As long as the server is running 2.71+ you should have the first option. That might be your problem. Check version number.



Servers should be running version 2.72a (I restarted last night and put this version on) which is running option 1.


As Josh said :)

Ah cheers guys! This solves it! Beans to you!




Ahhh no! Where's my beans. It's coins here.. damn DayZ influence lol.

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Wooo thanks e00c you gave me my 100th post like! Here have a bean, I mean coin! 

:lol:  No probs! ha. 



p.s: Quite often the Ahoy ones are full. Is there a d/l link for 2.72 for external servers? I did check the changelog sticky, but only see 2.65 :-) 

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Current AW versions are actually running both squad managers in parallel.


So you can both use your scroll wheel AND hold T to select.



I would suggest removing the 'hold T' one, since it's just another piece of code running, which doesn't need to run.


This can safely be done by simply deleting the file "DOM_squad\group_manager.sqf". It is authored by aeroson.


Removing that will not adversely affect Xeno's group management.

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