JuX Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 My suggestion is simply to remove the computer opponents and replace them with actual players to add more layers to the gameplay. The infinite dynamic missions can still remain there to keep the action going non-stop. Opfor team would consist around 15-20 players in your 40 player servers and they could posses limited amount of spawns or only respawn once the AO has been secured and they cannot leave the AO circle. They could also have their own purchase system to buy equipment rather then having virtual ammo box and could get resources for each new AO and as well for player kills. Blufor team would remain basically the same, but with limitation to equipment with either by restrictions or purchase system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ducky Posted September 21, 2013 Share Posted September 21, 2013 You are late my friend. There was a PVP server up and running but I don't know any information what happened to that. Maybe shutdown because lack of people playing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dingo Posted September 25, 2013 Share Posted September 25, 2013 ^^ Yep everyone qq'd for a PvP server 2 got added, no one but a small few pubbies 4 max at most and some of us members for a game night or 2 used them for the 2 weeks they were up, so they came down and went back to I&A vanilla, The Acre server now sometimes PvP depending on community gaming mood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hoax Posted September 25, 2013 Share Posted September 25, 2013 ^^ Yep everyone qq'd for a PvP server 2 got added, no one but a small few pubbies 4 max at most and some of us members for a game night or 2 used them for the 2 weeks they were up, so they came down and went back to I&A vanilla, The Acre server now sometimes PvP depending on community gaming mood Hold on. That is wildly inaccurate. Raz's mission quickly filled all slots, and was regularly full. The final version I played was well balanced and enjoyable. The PvP servers were sometimes empty because you need a critical mass of players on to make a game worthwhile, and if other PvP servers reached that mass first then they would attract most of the interested players. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dingo Posted September 25, 2013 Share Posted September 25, 2013 Ok slightly over exaggerated i admit but not too far off, not saying i didn't enjoy it actually really like PvP but the servers were never full during day time and it was only when a groups of us on TS got together they were actually got used and fairly filled, sure didn't yourself, Elcor or Josh have to go bouncing around the other servers to try and drum up some business for them on a few nights Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onedigita Posted July 11, 2014 Share Posted July 11, 2014 I have a suggestion. How about having Ai opfor and real opfor players. For every 3-5 blufor it opens 1 slot for opfor other than that keep it standard vanilla. It would be neat if the missions were shared. Say opfor tasked with defending an area while blufor are tasked to take it. anyways where can i get the pvp mission file? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onedigita Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 no feedback for this idea? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danne Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 I'm sorry. I was working on an answer on this on my vacation trip, but then the batteries on my phone died. I have a suggestion. How about having Ai opfor and real opfor players. For every 3-5 blufor it opens 1 slot for opfor other than that keep it standard vanilla.It would be neat if the missions were shared. Say opfor tasked with defending an area while blufor are tasked to take it. anyways where can i get the pvp mission file? First of all, the mission is coop. That means all players are on the same side. To add some extra spice it's already possible to have Zeus playing as opfor and they do that frequently. Currently any zeus playing opfor needs to hold back, a lot. It's easy to wipe out most players on a side mission or main. Therefore we are holding back and I'm sorry to say that's not something I'd trust just anyone to do. I don't get what you mean with shared missions. What you are describing is pvp, pvp I&A doesn't exist and if it did it wouldn't be I&A. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hench Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 I see what onedigita is saying, you'd have a sort of Titanfall situation where there are players and AI minions, which I believe is allocated in a ratio of 1:5. In practice, you'd have 45 players and 225 AI on the map (depending on exact ratios), and these AI are allocated to Blufor and Opfor based on the number of players on either team. So that for every one Blufor player, there are 5 Opfor AI and vice versa. It's a nice idea, although I would hazard a guess it would basically kill frame rate with the calculations the script would have to do. Regards, Hench. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onedigita Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 Hench is somewhat right. it is similar to titan fall where theres players mixed in with ai. However that 1:5 ratio is only for real opfor players not ai. Put it this way, take a standard I&A, add slots for opfor players, but only open 1 opfor slot for every 5 blufor players. When a mission pops up for maps on blufor to say take this town, an mission pops for any opfor player to defend that same town, or defened the motar team. give the opfor a base similar to blufor but only on a smaller scale with limited resources. and that is just the start im sure you could come up with more diverse ideas. More ideas, I would love to see more mission types, kill missions, ied defusal, convoy missions, vip extract, rescue missions (blufor ai are being held up in a building by opfor and blufor must clear the area to extract the friendlies. All of which could again be easily be incorporated into this pvp mission style. I would call it a PVPE. It would be simply amazing if we could even give it some sort of test run to see if people would enjoy it. If not id love to explore new ideas for this type of game play Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danne Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 I think I didn't read the topic properly last time. Well, this is one of those things where if you don't do it yourself it probably won't happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onedigita Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 well i wish you guys would give it a shot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MDCCLXXVI Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 Get the setPlayable command to work and it makes integration of 'on/off' PvP play easier http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7915 I did a concept test of adding PvP element to I&A back in March. The gameplay effects I saw were not the direction I thought I&A should go in. It changes the atmosphere of the server when there could be players glitching into rocks waiting for you to pass, or hiding in 3rd person behind rock waiting for you to expose yourself. I do have intentions in the medium-term to build in some multi-faction variety to I&A where you would get players able to shoot at other players, but that would be a separate branch of the game-mode, not become the main branch. The main branch is co-op. In the meantime, with your version of I&A, simply drop down some OPFOR playable units, put down a "respawn_east" marker, make sure if a player is side-EAST that they do not run BTC revive, and then build a: "respawn_east" setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos "aoMarker"); into the main AO sequence then in your onPlayerRespawn.sqf event script, if the player is side-East, do something like this: player setPos [((getMarkerPos "respawn_east) + random 200 - random 400),((getMarkerPos "respawn_east") + random 200 - random 400),0]; to spawn them in a slightly random location near the middle. And there you will have your PvP I&A. If you want one of the bigger communities to do this, I think you will not find much traction. Put a poll up somewhere and get a few hundred votes in favor of PvP I&A and maybe it will become a higher priority. Jester 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MDCCLXXVI Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 More ideas, I would love to see more mission types, kill missions, ied defusal, convoy missions, vip extract, rescue missions (blufor ai are being held up in a building by opfor and blufor must clear the area to extract the friendlies. All of which could again be easily be incorporated into this pvp mission style. I would call it a PVPE. It would be simply amazing if we could even give it some sort of test run to see if people would enjoy it. If not id love to explore new ideas for this type of game play Two new side missions are currently under construction, to add some fresh side mission content for coming version. First -- the more complex one -- is an urban protection mission, BLUFOR soldiers are tasked with providing security to VIPs in a volatile situation. There is some convoy content built into it, but not a required aspect in order to fulfill your duties and complete the mission ... or fail in your duties and fail the mission. Second -- less complex -- is another 'secure' mission, with its own unique flavor of course. Am not too fond of simple 'kill' missions as they tend to be completed by whoever can get there the quickest (CAS or lone rambo), and whoever has the most advanced weapon. As a rule I try to design missions that WILL be failed if attempted by a lone wolf (whether a rambo with Zafir + nightstalker, or irresponsible pilot with A-164 Wipeout, etc). Some testing with Zeus revealed low interest in specialist procedural missions like IED patrols. The issues with those ones is they delve further into realism aspects. Not that that is a bad thing, but in real life (realism), 95% of the time there are no bad guys hiding in the bushes and no T-100 rolling up on your position, so it becomes routine. That is a fun aspect of ArmA 3 IMO, but I think in I&A, players expect some action when they go to side mission! If you see kill missions being rolled out in the future, there will be some surgical ROE requirements (ie no civ casualties, no destroyed infrastructure, stealth, etc). --- And as always, if you want some mission content, ask Zeus to put together a small mission for your squad. A good curator can put together quite a fun and detailed mission for decent-sized squad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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