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    Josh reacted to MrSixFour in Razor Operators capture Key CSAT commander.   

    Razor Squad Operators capture Key CSAT Commander

    Today NATO are pleased to announce that the capture of a key CSAT Commander - Mamed Jalali. In a daring raid that lasted little over 5 hours, Operators from (formerly known as 'Alpha')  Razor Squad - NATO Special Forces, successfully conducted combat operations which concluded in the capturing of Mamed Jalali; who is one of the key players in CSAT's High Command on Altis. He is considered to be a ruthless man with no compassion for his own men or for that of civilians. 
    Earlier this year Jalali was put on the UN's Top 10 wanted list for War Crimes. As such, NATO High Command had made capturing Jalali a high priority.

    The brave men from the Special Forces team who conducted the raid can obviously not be named for security reasons but we spoke with one or two of them briefly back at NATO's base of Operations on Altis. They had this to say:

    Soldier A [squad Lead]: "I am ecstatic with the result of today's raid on Jalali's compound. We, together with the intelligence community, have been monitoring Jalali's status on Altis for some time now. This was the best possible result we could hope for. He will answer for his War Crimes. This is a great day for the people of Altis."
    Soldier B: "I've trained for this kind of thing my whole life. So when you're in that chopper about to touch down... knowing what is ahead may kill you, that adrenaline runs, time slows and everything becomes clear as to what you must do."

    Soldier C: "Absolutely f*****g brilliant. I'm glad we finally nailed this guy." -

    Joshua Ingram, reporting from Altis, AAN World News.

  2. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Stuffedsheep in Anyone willing to practice with me?   
    Here is the video:
  3. Like
    Josh reacted to Minipily in Alpha squad makes headway in Altis conflict   
    So i'm usually the leader of Alpha and I bloody miss this!? Goddammit... 
  4. Like
    Josh reacted to FuzeDzn in Alpha squad makes headway in Altis conflict   
    Damn right! Hooah Alpha Squad!!
  5. Like
    Josh reacted to MrSixFour in Alpha squad makes headway in Altis conflict   
    Alpha squad makes headway in Altis conflict

    As some of you may know, NATO Forces have been stationed in Altis for some time now. To combat the rise of the CSAT presence on the island. As the fighting has intensified it calls for a new type of warrior. Special Forces operators from Alpha squad who have recently been deployed to the island to take part in Campaign-sensitive missions. This is a photo from before they set out today to carry out taskings. The group were deployed on-mission for over 6 hours, making a significant contribution in NATO's stabilization effort to bring peace to the island.

  6. Like
    Josh reacted to Stuffedsheep in Anyone willing to practice with me?   
  7. Like
    Josh reacted to L_Jacobs in Thank you everyone!   
    Oke i just finished my first game on the moded server and i had a really good time. Josh you are a great leader. Also the mods make it a lot more fun to play. There is a problem with the keys however but i'm sure that's an easy fix.

  8. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Miksi in Is the teamspeak down?   
    What frequency?
  9. Like
    Josh got a reaction from L_Jacobs in Is the teamspeak down?   
    What frequency?
  10. Like
    Josh reacted to Pancake in Is the teamspeak down?   
    Aye, looks like it went down at twenty to nine last night
  11. Like
    Josh reacted to Amentes in Is the teamspeak down?   
    Confirmed down since yesterday evening.
  12. Like
    Josh reacted to zissou in Anton   
    Well you know what they say about procrastination?
    It's much like masturbation in that at the time it seems like a good idea but at the end of the day you're only f***ing yourself.
    And look on the bright side you probably got some work done after the ban!!
  13. Like
    Josh reacted to razgriz33 in Anton   
    I would like to thank you very much for checking our damage system, it obviously needs a test from time to time just in case, perhaps a great idea that also the mora's barrel is indeed in working order. i am sorry to hear the economy is suffering from you procrastinating and for that i apologize on behalf of the team for offering this distraction to you.
    I appreciate ambient firing may be a welcome addition, I'm sure every other player in the server thinks that friendly armor should be shooting at nothing above their heads. There is a health and safety issue with that unfortuneatly. they aren't wearing any safety goggles most of the time and that's why you're out of luck.
    in the UK when you are arrested the police say something similar to the following
    "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used as evidence against you in court".
    If you wish to post a video that would be great.
  14. Like
    Josh reacted to David in Anton   
    In addition to raz's post, I'm told hard hats prevent falling containers from killing you, if they had those on then crack on.
  15. Like
    Josh reacted to Stuffedsheep in Think You Could Do Something About That Map?   
    First of welcome to our forums.
    Second, it seems like you have a problem with something specific and I cannot really make out what it is (clan tags and covered map?!?). I also get the impression that you are not playing on one of our servers since we don't have rank tags and clan tags in our names. It would be helpful for us if you clearly specified what problems you have and also mention on what server you are playing, because it may well be that it is not one of ours.
  16. Like
    Josh reacted to Pancake in Helicopters DLC assets now in Dev Branch Build!   
    The Taru Lifting game is on a whole different level

  17. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Antony2927 in ArmA3: Squad XML   
    Not spoken about the XML in a while so I thought i'd bring it up.
    Ever wondered how to get those AW tags in-game?
    Well now you can!
    All you need to do is fit the requirement and PM some information to an AhoyWorld member off staff!
    Active and regular member of the community(This includes teamspeak usage, decent forum posts, playing on our server, being constructive )  
    PM the following to an AhoyWorld member off staff!:
    Your In-game name (Spelt exactly correctly) Your UID (Can be found in your ArmA3 Profile) And if you'd like some sort of short remark/quote.   
    That is all!
    Also if you should already be on it and it doesn't work PM one of us, with the above info but also send us the link/xml you were told you are on.
  18. Like
    Josh reacted to razgriz33 in AhoSec 11/10/14 Videos   
    Part 2 is being rendered, im rather busy today so hopefully i get enough time to just hit upload but we'll see!
  19. Like
    Josh reacted to razgriz33 in AhoSec 11/10/14 Videos   
    There was an awesome game night last night, i have footage from T&A and way more of this mission replayed, there will be a part 2 and 3 to break it down a little but enjoy part 1!

  20. Like
    Josh got a reaction from xOderusUrungusX in ArmA3: Squad XML   
    Not spoken about the XML in a while so I thought i'd bring it up.
    Ever wondered how to get those AW tags in-game?
    Well now you can!
    All you need to do is fit the requirement and PM some information to an AhoyWorld member off staff!
    Active and regular member of the community(This includes teamspeak usage, decent forum posts, playing on our server, being constructive )  
    PM the following to an AhoyWorld member off staff!:
    Your In-game name (Spelt exactly correctly) Your UID (Can be found in your ArmA3 Profile) And if you'd like some sort of short remark/quote.   
    That is all!
    Also if you should already be on it and it doesn't work PM one of us, with the above info but also send us the link/xml you were told you are on.
  21. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Stuffedsheep in ArmA3: Squad XML   
    Not spoken about the XML in a while so I thought i'd bring it up.
    Ever wondered how to get those AW tags in-game?
    Well now you can!
    All you need to do is fit the requirement and PM some information to an AhoyWorld member off staff!
    Active and regular member of the community(This includes teamspeak usage, decent forum posts, playing on our server, being constructive )  
    PM the following to an AhoyWorld member off staff!:
    Your In-game name (Spelt exactly correctly) Your UID (Can be found in your ArmA3 Profile) And if you'd like some sort of short remark/quote.   
    That is all!
    Also if you should already be on it and it doesn't work PM one of us, with the above info but also send us the link/xml you were told you are on.
  22. Like
    Josh got a reaction from Ducky in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel   
    Who is getting the 3rd in the series? 
    I most certainly will be!
    If you haven't yet watch this video: 

  23. Like
    Josh reacted to mass1234 in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel   
    I got it
  24. Like
    Josh reacted to Ducky in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel   
    I got it
  25. Like
    Josh reacted to K. Vanderwall in Hello   
    Hi my name is Kylar. my IGN for arma is K. Vanderwall, and for Minecraft its MLPKylar. I am 15 years old, I own a teamspeak, arma 3 server, and minecraft server. I mainly play on AhoyWorlds server for Modded patrol Ops. Anything else just ask
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