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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I'm with you Amentes on that, hoorah. side note it wasn't just two. But I personally won't go into that. I have a be to agree with you. Maybe with weekly gamenights and things it will get back on track. New players will get more into the play style an understand how things work. I also feel bad for ryko and how he has been pushed out. I've spoke with him myself via pms to communicate this. So hopefully his time won't be done. -josh
  2. No worries, I wasn't having a go or that. Just think it could be something we improve on and remove, because it is just negative and we want more positive
  3. I think a lot of issues have become of the terms we use now aswell. A lot of issues arise from the term "dress up" and such things. Would be nice to see these terms and attitudes removed. Just allow people to play the game, somewhat in there own time. Some people take time to get used to all the new gear and create a loadout or two. Allow them that time. Remove all the stigma behind these terms, and lets get back to a year or two when these terms didn't exist. Valiant will also come soon, bringing new life to EU#3 with some fresh missions and new gameplay. But we shall see in time what happens. As Bacon said I'd also love to see weekly gamenights return. (Sucks as i'm normally working) If I find the time i'll try hosting some too.
  4. I think this thread, along with the other one need locking/deleting.
  5. You're still missing the point of why what happened. Happened. Scroll up. Re-read two posts above. Everyone from what I can see hated the fact he try to limit mission spawning. And when you say "Left" I never left. I left the Moderator team. I've never left the community. I'm still very much involved.
  6. Clearly you have no fucking idea what happened. Considering I've been a supporter of ACRE since ArmA2. You also have no clue of all the internal stuff that happened between myself and some other staff. You also have no clue of the real life issues I went through losing two friends, in a space of a week. Sadly real life takes over my gaming life. So please get your facts straight before you even attempt to call me out. I've been around this community a lot longer than you. I've also done a LOT more than you and considering i'm one of the founding members of EU#3 I think you should try understand what is going on here more.
  7. By Minority I assume you mean the moderator and admin team. Of which the above applies to. Which from what I understand has also been dealt with internally and you shall never see the details of. But the major issues here and WHY everything has happened happened. Is because. 1. Ryko credited himself in gauntlet. Removing Chris and bacon. You might not know this but this happened. And is a MASSIVE no no no at ahoyworld. 2. Ryko changed the fundamentals of EU#3 without consulting the moderator team. Once again a big no no at Ahoyworld. 3. Created a poll for the slot changes and then TOTALLY ignored the results. Erm wut? Get your facts inline.
  8. Mental health doesn't have to relate just to this. People are allowed and do have issues out width this community, the online world. And sometimes the online is a break away from that. So please keep that in mind when you relate the health issues to just the game type. They might not come from or even have anything to do with it.
  9. Maybe, just maybe it was because he crossed the line? Didn't follow the correct procedures that we built for eu3, didn't consult with any of his fellow teamor the head of the team. And Then to take the even more piss tried to credit himself for gauntlet. Maybe just maybe he over stepped the line. Just maybe. Maintaining, and taking control of are two very different things. And if he can't handle being told to stop this stuff, because he over stepped the mark. And wants to stop then that's his choice. But I for sure hope he sees how he over stepped the line. Rykos great eat at mission works but there is a line. That's all I've got to say. Begore you you go around calling us ungrateful ball bags @H2K
  10. I fully understand brother. Those kinda words can do that. take a break, look back over it tomorrow.
  11. Yo! @Amentes, @Ghostdragon, @Bloo Flar3 Chill the fuck out and act like gentlemen. I get that you disagree with each other here. But we are not going to this level. Stop posting for a day and let it sizzle out. Let's host some sort of emergency cobra meeting and get this shit sorted out. you guys don't need be hating on each other becauses of this shit c'mon now I'm going to bed. Post peacefully whirl I try to sleep.
  12. I'm so lost what happened here @Ghostdragon and @Bloo Flar3 like why you guys going ham at each other? Everything okay? also @Ryko shed some light on these changes when you get a minute?
  13. Can I just highlight a few points on the democracy note: 1. Changes relating to eu3 should be discussed in the eu3 mods channel on telegram. 2. The team then decides what happens relating to said point 1. 3. Chris is the head of eu3, correct me if I'm wrong, not ryko? 4. Ryko was "maintaining" gauntlet to keep it stable till valiant. 6. I'm working at 6:45 it's now 01:00. 7. Im going to sleep now probably gonna be late cause I got woken up over this. 8. Calm down boys. The peoples democratic of ahoyworld will fix this.
  14. Forcing people to not be able to play the mission because no one is in squad lead is the wrong way to go. You can NOT force PEOPLE to play a role. That is not why we set eu3 up and this is way off the line for why we started this server. i was there. I remember that day. And now this shit makes me sad. Forcing people into roles. Not allowing others to play the mission.
  15. Well... Erm whut? Here is what probably should have happened. sql, medic, marksman 5xft1 5xft2 with sql controlling the marksman and deploying him where it is needed and the fire teams continuing there role. what is going on with eu3? Why every message I get about it is negative? please someone fill me in.
  16. Josh

    PCars - Last race

    Like any car you want? I'm down ? Sub 7 minutes here I come!
  17. So to all those gambling folk out there. whats your game at the casino and why?
  18. I'm 100% taking the piss. We call it sarcasm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm
  19. I wouldn't put vas in any 2016 mission. It's another load of scripts that the mission does not need. Arsenal works fine.
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