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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Free cookies all round?
  2. We did it! fuck yah!
  3. Well we've nearly made the goal in one day lads. Solid work. Can we make the goal in 50 minutes?
  4. We're looking to do this in around half an hour if people are around.
  5. I'm #1 bitchzzzz. Get on my level.
  6. We could probably get an IA version up pretty quickly. But time will tell.
  7. I prefer the current logos and designs over these new ones. Sorry Ziss
  8. As Dave has said its not 100% yet. Let's give it a week or so and see how it progress before we start giving large amounts of feedback I for sure like the, hopefully, faster, sql error free new website.
  9. Voted to stay as the league currently is. This will no longer be discussed until next league. Happy racing all!
  10. Because people like to moan, so we would like to get it all sorted out. Voted to stay as the league currently is. This will no longer be discussed until next league. Happy racing all!
  11. Howdy folks. We will be hosting the rocket league tournament over a series of Sundays. The time each Sunday will be 15:00 GMT which is 4PM in the UK and 5PM+ For the Europeans. Each round will consist of 3 games to decide a winner. 1 Round per sunday. First round will be Sunday 22nd May. AKA next sunday. Get signed up and good luck!
  12. No worries. I'll expand more once I'm home. Basically come the end of the meeting we will have decided which class to continue with and how the season will continue.
  13. Meeting to discuss changes and such tonight (Friday 13th) @ 22;00 uk time bst whatever it's called
  14. We would suggest more so for Formula C over B. B is very sensitive. Where as C is easy handle.
  15. Anther class suggestion maybe?
  16. I can't tel if you're being serious Zissou? We suggested formula b so that the cars would be 100% balanced bar tuning
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