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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Mon then bloo, me and mah hand picked squad of 4 lads, and I mean top lads, as opfor vs you and the bluefor, see how it goes
  2. Okay you're making it sound like everyone got banned? The number was originally 3, then people came on ts and started trolling and make spam forum accounts, then another one or two got banned I believe. Not everyone, no one is blaming there whole community?
  3. The server IP they linked was named after this other community, all be it I was told last night it was a last minute oversight.
  4. What rules were changed halfway through?
  5. That or come on teamspeak and discuss it. But don't spam someones appeal.
  6. Discuss it here not in Lirus ban appeal. Which is also against the rules.
  7. Opfor body armour HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Good event, but maybe swap opfor for inde or something. Enjoyed it bar the spawn death issues
  8. I think @David said something about next week for Spartan
  9. What this guy said, patience my friends ArmA can be very fiddly at times.
  10. That usually makes sense after a large arma update and considering there tweets, i'd guess it'll fix the issues.
  11. So @Luetin tweeted this video and I must say it is so funny if you're in on the whole csgolotto scam stuff.
  12. looks like ima have to get used to tfar again ? Unless it breaks or something
  13. Nice results. Would be good to do something similar with eu1/2/the whole community in general.
  14. We've got tanoa up on eu#2 but I think I'd agree with you on this. id support eu1/2 staying on Altis and a new server maybe eu#4 or 5 becoming tanoa i&a perm. Obviously luetins server can be renamed or kept on 4. I think that'd be good for arma expansion id id love to see koth however you can't host it on a dedi box it has to be bought through a server providing company which kinda sucks but hey.
  15. So I'm having a really slow morning at work, browsing the forums and thinking. so I thought hey lets start a discussion! which game server would you want to see next? Game can be present or future. also include in your reply why and let's see where we end up
  16. Aston Martin DBR1-2 RGB #55
  17. Bacon knows about the spawn protection and map markers is sadly game related
  18. I&A is being hosted on eu2 atm
  19. Petition the overlords aka corestaff. i do have to agree though pulling eu2 away from the normal users does seem a shame. eu4/5 would be a good tanoa server instead of cutting the vanilla servers.
  20. EU#2 has been switched to Tanoa incase y'all missed it To join this server right click on your Arma 3 in steam libary. Select Properties. Betas. Apex_Sneak_preview. Once In-game search for EU#2 connect. Enjoy. Please note you will need ArmA3 Apex on steam to connect.
  21. Communication is key. Especially between users and staff.
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