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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. Helo's, Trainers, 1950's jets & WWII Warbirds Also chime in whomever already has or is planning on getting Nevada so we can see if doing Nevada is worth it It's still on Pre-sale HERE @ $39.99, should be releasing 30/11, it'll be a whole new standalone Alpha build install with just Nevada & your modules it'll become merged with 1.5.1 or 2.0 betas at a later date #ihavevegas
  2. We suggest using the repository link to DL any mods for our servers as we may be slightly behind with updates for keys it'll ensure uninterupted playtime
  3. for next flight since we be going all casual and stuff we should try Aries Radio http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=104800 It's like TFAR in Arma, but uses the cockpit radios of all / most the aircraft in DCS, and it shows what frequencies people are using on their description pane in TS, so everyone can have their own group and can switch between easily it also has range degradation of the radio sound and a few effects, can be tunes to clarity and affect distance etc in TS plugin setting
  4. Hardly worth the effort replying, fairly simple you're (REDACTED) butthurt 1. your forum name & appeal, is you trying to push the boundaries - it crude and very childish, go outside and play like the rest of the 4 year olds, then go back inside and learn some basic morals. 2. the name you got banned for is a derogatory term derived from the other n word, used from circa 1960 - 1970's as a slur against black & mixed race people, when it became immoral and not accepted to use the other term, particularly on TV in the 70's it would be slipped into scripts in Rising Damp and a few others
  5. A-10C, need to apply some Rust-eze and get some practice in though
  6. 1. DCS - (Duffy you heathen) 2. Squad 3. Project Cars 4. GTA5 5. Ploybridge 6. Rocket League Disliked: 1. Dying Light 2. Mad Max Wishlist: 1. DCS 2.0 & Mirage 2000 (Raz keep dreaming of that F-18 maybe in 2018) 2. Oculous Rift / HTC Vive 4. MFG Crosswind Pedals 5. Hitman 6. MGS 5??
  7. For anyone that wants it here's the mission(s) in Tac View (it's a merged file including all the restarts) It looks awesome Flight track: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pc4frmwjy42i8uu/07-Nov-2015%20Flight.acmi?dl=0 ^^ Might be bugged try these single flights instead https://www.dropbox.com/s/whic9wjyr27fi2q/Tacview-20151107-120229-DCS.txt.acmi?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/mxo96fgcysdu351/Tacview-20151107-123128-DCS.txt.acmi?dl=0 Get TacView Here: http://tacview.strasoftware.com/product/about/en/ It's fairly cheap and on sale at the moment, it is however also free, you get a 30 trial of the home version, after that it's free forever with basic option but still very useable for flight analisys
  8. Or drop down a A-7E and I can wild weasle and Maverick at the same time it'll do 600kn's no bodgger
  9. +1, a bit more visible as to where the funds stand too also where's my Donator Tag
  10. Hmm could probably support in A-10A or a SLUF if you add a A-7E as client (not up to scratch in C for bomb runs) or bomb runs (mk82's) in the L-39 / F86 / Hawk / MiG-29 or top cover in F-15 / F-14 broken mod in 1.5 (
  11. I'll add a few cents, pretty much as Raz said, the Logi is a good starter or the Thrustmaster X, stay away from the pos Saitek / Madcatz cyborg fly 5 / x they break as quick as you look at them, had 2 and both had dodgy trigger wires and rudder twist only registered half of a left turn Add some pedals at a later date (although they are a must have for Helo's in my book, twisty just doesn't cut it will never go back) then upgrade as you go, The TM Hog is a hefty investment but worth it too and you can get it between your legs for stability or exten it to the floor I've sourced the parts to do a similar to below mod just need to get the time and courage to break apart my €400 piece of kit to do it
  12. Played a few games on the server way back in Armadale 2 era then went away from PC for a while, came back to Armadale just before 3 went alpha playing mostly 2 in vanilla and some wasteland servers, 3 went alpha and while perusing servers remembered Ahoy from the past, started playing with them, making a pest of myself helping out both the experienced and incompetent with setting up stuff and sometimes writing a mission or 2wo, was asked to be admin a couple of time but refused as hadn't got the time, third time asking though I jumped at the chance and enjoying it, good cohesive bunch of people both staff and players both regular and new great community long may it sail.
  13. Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! I'm not around this weekend
  14. wouldn't you would just expel a little poop if ya saw a fully tooled up Mil Mi-8 closing in on you in the rear view mirror as you're out on a Sunday drive down the motorway nice vid
  15. any weekend other then the 24th & 25th October I'm good for.
  16. Dingo


    Your appeal will be looked into, stop repeated messaging admins in TS it will not help, we will deal with the appeal in due course.
  17. Sweet, now to find the key to this room to keep the missus out for the 2 days, I think it's a Basta 6 or 10 anyone got a spare one they can send my way
  18. Dingo


    My friend here says it all Ban remains, as that is not why you are banned and you know why you were, don't try to pull the wool it doesn't help
  19. Laguna Seca, but everyone in Clio Cup's for 1/2 points
  20. arghhhh!!! I wanted to have another try at this, but not around this Saturday
  21. Nice Chris, i don't envy your eyes though #wallofprettycolorfultextsqfballache
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