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Everything posted by Dingo

  1. Dingo


  2. Dingo


  3. Suck it beating you
  4. If you haven't already, we suggest you update your forum Avatars as if you haven't done it no one else will be able to see them only a blank or missing link image is shown as in attached pic click on your Profile button and then the envelope symbol on the avatar square, and add a new picture
  5. why is this even a thing, just continue as we are
  6. I foresee a short future for you and your kind here, keep going along this path is not going to do you any favours
  7. Approx 350x960 yeah, it's kind of made for 1920x1080 @ 100% zoom in the browser
  8. Nice Assault now we're talking, ctrl F5 and you'll see it, lets keep the ball rolling though...keep them coming
  9. Call me sceptical, but from what I can see from the screens they've applied a few ReShade / SweetFX tweaks to the lighting & contrasts, make is nice & bright to look at it is the Mediterranean after all Pros turned down the view distance & added a haze at long range (should reduce the render process a bit) + for fps Murrkied the waters (reduce the under water render & view distancea bit) + for fps Cons Undo all the FPS +'s by adding a mirror render reflections to water surface -for fps (huge fps dump) to quote "Speaking of which, in terms of performance, the new lighting configuration itself should have have no impact; however, terrains with a lot of shoreline may be slightly impacted, due to the new approach to rendering water on the coast. Although we expect the new Screen Space Reflections tech will be more demanding" We'll see maybe good top Sweet FX off (default graphics) bottom Sweet FX on now add in some haze and your golden
  10. For those that missed it or just to re-run the fun stream links below https://www.twitch.tv/ahoyworld/v/59784639 https://youtu.be/5UnYDLfysaA?t=2847
  11. Hey So some of you may have noticed the new background ont' forums But we want to do better, current example screen below of the screen shot & how it looks in a browser So challenge going out is to create a new & better screenshot for the background image on the website the pic has to be Size - 1920x1080 (try to keep file size small too ~1.5mb max, preferably under 1mb) saves load time on the site also of note when at 100% zoom on a browser it's mostly only the small area of the left and right that gets seen (~350x960 each side) so the main challenge is to get the most interesting aspects of your shots to both left & right segments So off you go, post shots below or in the Forum Gallery and supply a link in your responses
  12. For anyone interested this Sunday 10/APR/2016 @ 19:00UTC / (20:00BST) / (21:00CET) / 12:00(PST) Live stream with Wags (From ED) & the Guys at POLYCHOP a Q&A discussion and showing off the upcoming Gazelle module also showing off some new DLC for the coming update to the Caucasus map & 2.5 release ED DCS Site link http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=164334 Stream link https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/U...qSzAVrlw#tab=1
  13. Sticking with my dog type theme I'll take the RUF
  14. ^^ most sensible answer so far, I'm serious too. John's idea of a 2Gb limit is going to be tough to stick to if you want Vehicles & Weapons thats ~4Gb (CUP packs ~2Gb each) & whatever other part of CUP that they need to run add another ~200Mb for Ace & Acre a map change is where all the Gb come from CUP terrains is 16Gb by itself so if you want it to happen a structured plan and list of mads will have to be #'d out before even thinking of starting to plan missions and map layout
  15. Wow just wow, this topic got way off track, you should all take a second and sit back and have a rethink Giddy came into TS the other day with a suggestion of having a smaller mod based server as a step between EU1 & EU3 that wasn't heavy on the mods, that might attract a few more into our "friendly" community, some folks who may not like the "Structured Fun" that is EU3 and some who are bored of EU1 & 2 and want a more lets let everyone have a bit of fun with all the "ye olde worlde" Arma mods and stuff that's available to spice up the mundane Altis / Stratis a bit. Giddy was asked to put up this post to get a community feel to see how much interest, he didn't want to but we forced him as a discussion between 12 people on TS wasn't going to go anywhere, so he put up this post and so far nothing constructive has come from it, and only a 2 sided "our server is better than your server" argument reared it's head there is no divide, we are one community, yes some play on one server over the other but it's AW that holds the lot together, he shouldn't be getting called out by the mobs with pitch forks to be burned as a heretic by the EU3 mob or the EU1/2 mob for that matter so if you could all pull your heads in and have a proper think as to what would make this, Great Idea by the way, of a semi mod server work or not work that would be a lot more welcome than a 2 sided heated debate thanks
  16. As Chuck and the others said, Report, Report, Report we don't get enough report of incidents so it makes it hard to see where we are needed most there are many ways to Report - TTJPFFR for short (yeah that'll catch on) 1. Typing admin in chat is the first most obvious way, if an admin is in game or watching RCon fro that server they'll get alerted 2. Type an ! at the start in game chat report and it goes direct to TS and all admins on there get notified in a pop up TS Chat 3. Jump on TS 4. Poke on TS 5. File a Forum Report it in the PalyerTools tab at the top of the site ^^ look see there it is and finally don't just say Admin TK'er on Eu(whatever) supply a name, it helps get them dealth with quicker. it may also scare them off in the mean time, but we have our ways of banning or temp banning for evasionary tictacs. EDIT: Oh yeah, meant to say re: the Admin and interest, that's great you guys are interested and it's noted, get more active on the forums, get known (for good stuff) in the community, you may one day get a tap on the virtual shoulder and be added to the FA posse (some already have been) and eventually hoiked up the ladder through the ranks to admin & beyond, as for admins on the servers currently, you'd be surprised at how many there actually are in game on both servers, it may not seem like there is but someone's nearly always watching in one form or another ;D
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