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Everything posted by PERO

  1. That could be true, I haven`t logged on EU3 in last couple of days, it might have been updated. If you read that again, he only wants the mission, either for personal use or some training, he wasnt referring to mods at any point.
  2. Again, CBA v2.0 is doing that, plus current script in the mission is a bit outdated. I`ll notify the Dev(s) about a newer one that came out a day or two ago which might fix some issues.
  3. 0.30 is the latest stable version available, 0.31 has not rolled out yet due to Devs being away for personal reasons.
  4. Enable your logs, see what RPT says when you try to load the mission. You can post your RPT here (http://pastebin.com/) and then share the link here, we`ll look into it.
  5. @CUP_Terrains should do the trick. EDIT: you should check the server RPT log as well, see what that says.
  6. You are missing CUP Terrain pack (only @CUP Terrains should do the trick), add that to the modlist, that should fix it. All of those maps, Al Rayak, Panthera, still need the A2 terrain pack.
  7. Post your modset please. Moved to main Arma section (this has nothing to do with I&A)
  8. As far as I know, the mission is available for public use: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28742 As for all the mods, yes you can use them, they are all available either on Armaholic, PlayWithSix or direct downloads from Bohemia Interactive Forums.
  9. Just have Client Query and TFAR plugni enabled, unless you really need other (which I think you dont).
  10. May I ask why do you have all plugins enabled? EDIT: quick Google search pointed that error towards phonetic names, try removing yours if you have one set.
  11. Download it manually, save the ZIP file somewhere on your hard drive. Where to place it? Depends how are you starting up your game. If you wish to use Arma3Sync, place is where your mods are saved downloaded through that. Create a new profile in Arma3Sync, name it Exile. In Addon Groups tab, create group, call it Exile. Drag Exile mod from the left window into the right one. Tick your Addon group called Exile. You can also use Arma 3`s own Launcher. Paste the @Exile mod in the main Arma directory and use Arma launcher to launch the game with the mod.
  12. Ye, move to the latest stable version. In the latest ones, only heli pilots are able to fly.
  13. Are you asking this question referring to the Invade&Annex or are you creating a new mission?
  14. As far as I know, some blacklisting is done, but there is a massive issue with Arsenal then, sometimes it does not allow you to load the saved stuff.
  15. I think that answers your question then.
  16. Ask Grenadiers to use HuntIR 203 grenades and use a HuntIR monitor. What it does, it shoots a camera in the sky on a parachute that slowly decends. You control the camera with the monitor. Really useful and easy to use.
  17. Updated topic tile to reflect your name
  18. Welcome! As for EU3 mods, I would strongly suggest using Arma3Sync, you get full speed (most of the times), plus you are always in sync with all of us.
  19. PERO


    Creating this on behalf of mr. Bird. Ingame Name*: Bird Why do you think you were banned?: TK Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?*: I killed a guy at base who walked on my path. I was trying to overturn a tank with an armoured car. He accused me of TK, respawned and run to me again and again. I tried to avoid killing but he simply walked into my vehicle blocking my path for no reason (than to prove 'I'm a TK'). I've spend 10000 hours on this server and I have a clean file. I like to play another 10000 hours without being banned because of some contriver. Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)?: mykeyrm, but he was not online at ahoyworld, I doubt he was in the game. When were you banned?*: [AhoyWorld.co.uk] EU#1 CO-OP Dedicated AW Invade ... 25 august 2015, around 14:20. Thanks!
  20. Did you update your CBA by any chance? If so, we don`t support the version 2.0 yet.
  21. Nah, you could have used newer mods that we have on our repository. Usually when a mod is updated, it receives a new bikey due to changes in the files.
  22. Your ban has been removed, but it future please do not spam Zeus key. I would suggest rebinding (changing) that key to something you never use.
  23. PERO


    Mason, if this still hasn`t been sorted out, can please PM me your TS ID (found under Settings, Identities, select the one you were using, Unique ID - copy and past that). Thanks
  24. I`ve contacted the admin responsible for this, he will be in contact soon.
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