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Everything posted by PERO

  1. Check THIS, it contains the latest public release of the I&A (for you, the latest is 2.83I). Edit this file, fn_AOenemy.sqf found in: X:/youreditingmissiondirectory\co30_AW_Invade_Annex_2_83I-S.Stratis\functions/fn_AOenemy.sqf
  2. Can you tell us which version are you using? There should be a file in the main directory of the mission called fn_AOenemy.sqf #define INF_TYPE "OIA_InfSentry","OIA_InfSquad","OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfTeam","OIA_InfTeam_AA","OIA_InfTeam_AT","OI_reconPatrol","OI_reconSentry","OI_reconTeam"
  3. We already are supporting this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18963
  4. We should be fixing that today, there was an issue with keys due to various mod versions being thrown around.
  5. This has been discussed before and I think it`s not needed.
  6. Before you do that (re-do the mission), you can send me the mission.sqm file and I`ll help you look at it. If you decide to do that, you can PM me a link to it, either host it on DropBox or pastebin.com
  7. Can't find real path "a3\map_altis\data\roads\roads.shp": "No such file or directory" 20:44:44 Strange convex component145 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView 20:44:44 Strange convex component149 in a3\plants_f\tree\t_pinuss2s_b_f.p3d:geometryView Could it be that some files are missing from the server. Try validating the server through SteamCMD, see if it missed any files. Other errors are mostly connected to RHS stuff (guessing you swapped NATO units to RHS ones, a lot of errors start popping up due to RHS units not being up-to-date with the engine). As of Ubuntu, you are not the first person having issues, I`ve seen others have same random issues, no idea what is causing them.
  8. That message spam you are getting is done by the game engine. It can be stopped if the team leader selects all units and select Stop from the command menu. As for teamwork, you usually see situations you are describing, but sometimes there are squads that play tactical. Sometimes these guys are on TS (feel free to join them) or just random public guys starting a squad. When joining the server, ask if there is such group and try to join them.
  9. Alright, I remember you from the EU#1 server the other day. You are reffering to a public player asking if you were AFK because he wanted that sniper slot. That didn`t mean just because he wants it, I`ll kick you just so he can get it. If you remember, I asked you if you are AFK or not in Side channel, you did respond in Group channel, so I haven`t done anything. As Dingo already said, we don`t kick anyone so someone else gets the slot. The only exception for a kick is when you stand AFK (Away From Keyboard) at base for 5-10-15 minutes with a full server. You can expect Admins to remove those players so those who wanna join, can play. Having a microphone on our public server is NOT a rule, you don`t need it. I don`t remember any admins saying to you it was one. As of gear, we have limited VAS and Virtual Arsenal, but some peope have pre-saved loadouts with non-NATO/BLUFOR uniforms or they take the Virtual uniforms. We can`t tell people what to take, whoever does, that is his own opinion/suggestion. I don`t believe any admins say that.
  10. Yes, person in charge of ban appeals will contact you soon.
  11. Please follow this format: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/2656-ban-appeal-procedure-read-before-posting/
  12. The hit points for RHS units are wrong, Alganthe has done some testing, that is the issue.
  13. Server: EU#3 Modded Server Map: Altis Day/Date: Thursday 01/10/2015 Time: 18.00BST / 19.00CET / 17.00UTC I will be hosting a couple of Zeus mission on our modded server. I am planning to start around 18.00BST / 19.00CET, depending on AO status on Gauntlet (meaning I`ll wait for people to complete the AO). Normal EU3 rules apply, no sign up needed, everyone should get a slot (46 available).
  14. PERO


    Helloooo and welcome! It`s great to hear you enjoy our EU3 modded server. Just a couple of topics I wanna give ye, to smoothen your gameplay on the server, please take some time and read through them (if you haven`t yet): http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3556-eu3-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/ http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3877-play-your-roles/ http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3669-how-to-eu3-the-basic-guides/ http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/4074-how-to-ace3-medic/
  15. A tip: When you see the Repo update, connect to it and press the button to check the mods. After that completes, find your mod location folder, rename it so it matches the one Repo is looking for. Recheck the addons (use the same button as in step 1) and then download/sync with the Repo. That should prevent you redownloading the mod again under/in a different folder.
  16. Please follow this format: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/2656-ban-appeal-procedure-read-before-posting/
  17. Double check if you are synced up with the repo, connect to it and check all the addons. You can also use this to launch directly with BattlEye (no game restarting needed): http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/4017-how-to-launch-arma-with-battleye-via-a3sync/
  18. It`s like Zeus on steroids and ye, you should get all the features of 2D editor, but it will be available only in Editor (not in MP like Zeus).
  19. This crash should be fixed by "new" memory allocators in the next A3 update (sometime this week). You could still use Fred`s custom allocators, but they don`t work well for all systems.
  20. I dont see point in adding vehicles when we get loads of them through RHS.
  21. This Tuesday September 22th, starting at 18:00 UTC, Bohemia Interactive will be hosting a special sneak preview live stream for the upcoming brand new Eden 3D Editor for Arma 3. The session is expected to be about one hour and will be streamed to the official Arma 3 channel on Twitch.
  22. That errors sometimes a randomly appears when BE main server is down, happened to me the other day, 2-3 minutes later it was fixed.
  23. Now that sounds like a server issue for me.
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