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Gamenight condottieres Ahoy!

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I'm really liking the atmosphere of AWE, the banter is good (though I don't generally participate, but that's just because my spoken english is a bit rusty) and the community has been welcoming. So thanks for that.

To the point:

I've been browsing the events, I for one would wholeheartedly welcome a gamenight, where the blufor would be mercenaries instead of, say, US or UK troops. There is a shit-ton of cool gear to rock in the arsenal, and I personally fancy caps and such instead of helmets. So basically this is just a way to circumnavigate the army-helmet-and-uniform standardized normal gameplay. :D Which I do enjoy, don't get me wrong. I also see the point in wearing a helmet, oddly enough. But there is a certain charm in not having all the best possible armor and equipment at your disposal, making situations just a bit more intense.

But, as I don't have any experience in making missions, I'm not capable of constructing such a scenario myself. So pretty please? :D If you guys feel that this kind of a scenario could be fun, I'm willing to roll up my sleeves, put my my non-existent money where my mouth is and try to learn making the mission, given that someone who actually knows what he's doing is willing to be at the drivers seat.

Have a picture of a Michael Bay-movie as a bonus. Tata!


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@Tim O'Kill I will certainly take a look at making something like this, and if you would like to talk latter I will be on for a while this weekend. Also I along with many other people in the community like @SkullCollector and @Ryko and our events manager @Copey are always willing to help. Also here is a link to the gamenight request thread for future use down the road when you are ready. 


Again thanks for the suggestion and I can help you make it happen if you are on later in the week,



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Cool! I'm planning on wading knee deep in tutorials how to do this stuff, should be fun. I'm sure I have time some to drop by and have a chat, though the weekend is looking to be pretty busy for a change. 

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2 minutes ago, Ryko said:

The problem I have with a game night that focuses on 6 players, is what to do with the other 20 signups

Why shouldn´t it be possible to still use normal squads? I think it is possible to basically scale the PMC missions up to bigger squad sizes.:)

And maybe he also comes out with a whole new mission design that perfectly fits for 30 people.;):)

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6 hours ago, Ryko said:

I could swear the original post said he wanted it for 6 players.

I commented first and when I did the post didn´t :lol:

But when he actually wanted it for just 6 players then I am totally on your side that it is not enough for a gamenight:lol::o

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7 hours ago, Ryko said:

I could swear the original post said he wanted it for 6 players.


1 hour ago, Noah_Hero said:

I commented first and when I did the post didn´t :lol:

But when he actually wanted it for just 6 players then I am totally on your side that it is not enough for a gamenight:lol::o

I'd have to agree that 6 wouldn't be enough, that's why I never suggested such a thing. :) 

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