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Patrol Ops Modded and PvP



What i was hoping for and what i would realy enjoy, would be a Patrol Ops based map, that includes PvP.

So missions would be like:
for Opfor: deliver Suplyes to xyz
for bluefor: Supplyes are going to be brought to xyz. get them for us.

and other missions where both sides are includet.

all that still while using the modded server Repo, so finding a oposit radio has effect....

i know it would be hard to get positions  for the missions and bases, to be fair. but i would sill love to see that happen.
if someone is willing to build a mission setting like that, i would be glad to help as much as i can.

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Conceptually, this would be great! And from a developing standpoint, this would make things (atleast that's what I think) easier. You don't need to spawn in ai, give them waypoints, etc. You just need to create a task at a location and tell the player what to do.


The problem right now is that we just don't have enough players to offer an enjoyable experience to everyone. 5vs5 on a map like Altis isn't (imho) very enjoyable. I asked Josh about PvP and he told me this was the exact reason why we don't have such a thing right now.


Another thing that might give problems is team balancing. Because you're playing against players who (most of the time) can think intelligent, one team can be way better than the other one. This will cause players switching teams, making the balance even worse. 


So yeah, for gamenights this could be fun, but for normal play during the week, give me those stupid A.I soldiers. ;)

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How busy is the modded server currently (week/day perspective)?

I am currently drowning in stuff I need to do for my study,which is why I've been on so sparingly in the last weeks :(, managed to catch a glimpse of Luetin's livestream, which seemed to be on the modded / regular AW server :).

I'll take it that only with ''events'' like that the server is filled up?

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How busy is the modded server currently (week/day perspective)?

I am currently drowning in stuff I need to do for my study,which is why I've been on so sparingly in the last weeks :(, managed to catch a glimpse of Luetin's livestream, which seemed to be on the modded / regular AW server :).

I'll take it that only with ''events'' like that the server is filled up?

Average i'd say is 15-25 people weekdays

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I still stand behind my suggestion of adding five slots for opfor team in to the mix. So patrol ops continues normally, but once people show up, can start populating the opposition on the go, rather the reset the server and change scenario. For custom missions (example the convoy) zeus can intervene and make one.


If on average 15 people showup, it's enough for having 2 men sniper team / commandos for the opposition


- East & West bases / camps for the opfor

- Limited equipment & vehicle access

- Paradrop pole to spawn above center of AO (maybe)

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never said it was easy ;) 

as i programm about 8-10 hours a day , i know that ;)

but that doesn't mean i can't wish for, neither that it's impossible. 

the only real problem i see, is  Balancing the Positions, but ther might be a Map that is better for that.



I still stand behind my suggestion of adding five slots for opfor team in to the mix. So patrol ops continues normally, but once people show up, can start populating the opposition on the go, rather the reset the server and change scenario. For custom missions (example the convoy) zeus can intervene and make one.


If on average 15 people showup, it's enough for having 2 men sniper team / commandos for the opposition


- East & West bases / camps for the opfor

- Limited equipment & vehicle access

- Paradrop pole to spawn above center of AO (maybe)

that is a great idea to start, but it would mean, that the missions also need a spawnpoint each time for the opfor, or a fast way to travel there ;)

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never said it was easy ;) 

as i programm about 8-10 hours a day , i know that ;)

but that doesn't mean i can't wish for, neither that it's impossible. 

the only real problem i see, is  Balancing the Positions, but ther might be a Map that is better for that.



that is a great idea to start, but it would mean, that the missions also need a spawnpoint each time for the opfor, or a fast way to travel there ;)


The paradrop pole is 50/50 type deal, advantage of it is NATO players seeing them coming in, but they may also get annoying with endless stream of spetsnaz, but extented spawntimes for them may help. However using transports and rallypoints would be good enough to start with and place camps in the east and west, so the spetsnaz have shorter way to the AO, most of the time. Besides the AI will be slowing the NATO down at the AO and spetsnaz are able to ambush the route to the AO if they so choose. Think it's just easier and more balanced option then letting them spawn directly on the ground at the AO.

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The paradrop pole is 50/50 type deal, advantage of it is NATO players seeing them coming in, but they may also get annoying with endless stream of spetsnaz, but extented spawntimes for them may help. However using transports and rallypoints would be good enough to start with and place camps in the east and west, so the spetsnaz have shorter way to the AO, most of the time. Besides the AI will be slowing the NATO down at the AO and spetsnaz are able to ambush the route to the AO if they so choose. Think it's just easier and more balanced option then letting them spawn directly on the ground at the AO.

So if i get you right, you propose, giving the opfor a option to respawn near aktive AO right? seams like a legitimate way. but how to equip them with Vehicules for like a transport mission since the entire AI sits inside the cargotrucks and ifrit ...

and how to make sure they don't fun hop to the Active AO?

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So if i get you right, you propose, giving the opfor a option to respawn near aktive AO right? seams like a legitimate way. but how to equip them with Vehicules for like a transport mission since the entire AI sits inside the cargotrucks and ifrit ...

and how to make sure they don't fun hop to the Active AO?


You misunderstand me.


My suggestion has nothing to do with "transport & ambush", I simply suggest adding 5 man opfor team on patrol ops, which will function

the same way as NATO team does, but with less equipment and vehicles and their goal is to stop NATO from completing the objective.


If you really want a convoy mission then you need zeus to make you one.

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You misunderstand me.


My suggestion has nothing to do with "transport & ambush", I simply suggest adding 5 man opfor team on patrol ops, which will function

the same way as NATO team does, but with less equipment and vehicles and their goal is to stop NATO from completing the objective.


If you really want a convoy mission then you need zeus to make you one.

The transport mission was just an exsample. i would like to have the Opfor team of max 5 man (in regular basis it would be 2-3) to be able to soupport the AI, jsut as you said. i still want them to be able to get equiped and stuff

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The transport mission was just an exsample. i would like to have the Opfor team of max 5 man (in regular basis it would be 2-3) to be able to soupport the AI, jsut as you said. i still want them to be able to get equiped and stuff


I don't know if your trolling or just plain bad english.

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I don't know if your trolling or just plain bad english.

probably the bad english in combination with 14 hours of strait work at this point ;)

i'll try to review my posts this weekend, if i got time sorry for that

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